

Slacklining's expansion is still in process,but it already has a professional scene.Some of the largest slackline tricklining competitions take place in Japan,Spain and the U.S. The X Games included it for the first time just last year in Texas.At the same time,people everywhere are often breaking slacklining records.In June 2016,Stephan Siegrist walked a highline on Mount Kilimanjaro,the highest location yet.


Slacklining is not a common sight,and many people first witness it online.The short film Headway features a slackliner on a waterline and has millions of views.Louis Boniface,the athlete in the video,sees slacklining as more than a sport,however,"On the slackline,life is in balance.You're always recovering... It's a symbol of life in general,"he says.The point seems to be that slacklining,like life,requires work to get a reward.In this way,slackliners are some of the hardest workers you'll find.



There's not enough room for the expansion of the school building.

The expansion of a bussiness not only requires money but also capable staff.


The location of our new office is close to the MRT.

The museum is in a wonderful location overlooking a beautiful valley full of cherry trees.

The hospital is located next to city hall.

witness 目击 证人

Mike was one of the people who witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall.

An old lady in the neighborhood happened to witness the robbery.

The doctor will testify in court as a key witness.


Chelsea looks athletic. 看上去强壮

an athletic club


What can you do to make your life more balanced?

Do you have sth available?

D you carry any black leather jackets?  "carry"表示有卖,有出售


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