Unit 9 Food
In the world today, there is a problem with food production. As a result, some people do not have enough to eat. Suggest some ways that farmers can solve this problem.
Model 1
One way to increase food production is for people to eat grain such as barley, oatsor maize instead of feeding it to animals. More food is produced when farmers grow crops instead of animals on their land. While animals constantly need a lot of grass or grain, water, and space in which to move, crops need only water and fertilizer. Also, it costs money to turn the grain into meat, by feeding it to animals and then killing the animals. Therefore, the food yield per unit of land is far greater with crops than with animals. Another way to increase food production is by improving the technology that farmers use. Firstly, better methods for irrigating land need to be developed. In country which have little or no rain, such as parts of Africa, improved irrigation could lead to a big increase in food production. Secondly, if better seeds are developed, this could lead to stronger and healthier plants, which would provide more food yield per unit of land.
1) Model2题目及范文讲解
In some developed countries, people eat a lot of processed food which is bad for their health. Suggest some ways that governments and food companies can encourage people to eat a healthy diet.
Model 2
One way to promote a healthy diet is by educating people about the dangers of unhealthy eating. If people are taught that processed foods are high in salt, fat and sugar, they might choose healthier meals and snacks. Educating people about the problems of eating too much processed food could lead to better eating habits. While it is important to educate adults, schoolchildren should be the main target for education because they are young and their bodies are still growing. Another way is by promoting healthy food. Firstly, the packaging on healthy foods should be marked to show that it is friendly, with a tick or a smiley face, and the ingredients of foods could be shown very clearly on the packaging. This would help people to choose healthy options when they are buying their daily food. Secondly, the government could help by making healthy food cheaper, so people could afford to buy the food which is good for them.
2) Model2大纲分析
One way: educating people
processed food--high fat, sugar, salt
better eating habits
school children--main target--bodies still growing
Another way: promoting healthy food
mark packaging--smiley face or tick for healthy foods
show ingredients on packaging
government--make healthy food cheaper
3) Writing practice分析
Writing Practice
Use the models to help you write two solution paragraphs for this topic:
In some developed countries people become fat because they eat too much junk food and processed food. Suggest some ways that governments and food companies can encourage people to stay fit and eat a healthy diet.
4) Model1及model2词、词组和句型讲解
Model 1
One way to increase food production is for people to eat grain such as barley, oats or maize instead of feeding it to animals. More food is produced when farmers grow crops instead of animals on their land. While animals constantly need a lot of grass or grain, water, and space in which to move, crops need only water and fertilizer. Also, it costs money to turn the grain into meat, by feeding it to animals and then killing the animals. Therefore, the food yield per unit of land is far greater with crops than with animals. Another way to increase food production is by improving the technology that farmers use. Firstly, better methods for irrigating land need to be developed. In countries which have little or no rain, such as parts of Africa, improved irrigation could lead to a big increase in food production. Secondly, if better seeds are developed, this could lead to stronger and healthier plants, which would provide more food yield per unit of land.
Model 2
One way to promote a healthy diet is by educating people about the dangers of unhealthy eating. If people are taught that processed foods are high in salt, fat and sugar, they might choose healthier meals and snacks. Educating people about the problems of eating too much processed food could lead to better eating habits. While it is important to educate adults, schoolchildren should be the main target for education because they are young and their bodies are still growing. Another way is by promoting healthy food. Firstly, the packaging on healthy foods should be marked to show that it is friendly, with a tick or a smiley face, and the ingredients of foods could be shown very clearly on the packaging. This would help people to choose healthy options when they are buying their daily food. Secondly, the government could help by making healthy food cheaper, so people could afford to buy the food which is good for them.
5) Unit9课后练习讲解
Choose the correct word forms for the paragraph below.
World population has increased significantly over the last century. As a result, there is a (short/shortage) of food throughout the world. One way of (solve/solving) this problem is by (increase/increasing) food (production/producing). Techniques .such as (irrigating/irrigation) and the development of (improved/improving) seeds will help solve these problems. Another (solving/solution) is to (grow/growing) crops on land instead of animals. This will greatly (increase/increasing) the yield of food (produced/producing) per hectare, and will help to feed hungry (person/people).
Insert the correct form of the verb 'be" and the past participle (to make passive verbs) into the sentences below.
a. More food ___________ (produce) when farmers grow crops rather than raise animals.
b. Irrigation is a way of ensuring that plants ___________ (give) enough water.
c. Fertilizer _____________ (use) to improve the soil for the growing of crops.
d. Productivity _______often ________ (increase) by the use of new farm equipment.
e. Yields are greater when farming techniques ___________ (improve).
Look at this paragraph. Decide if the verbs should be active or passive, and then write in the correct form of the verb.
There are many ways in which food production can ___________ (improve) throughout the world. Firstly, productivity can __________ (increase) by developing new techniques such as irrigation. Farmers can _________ (provide) more water for their land if irrigation systems ___________ (supply) to the local area. Secondly, countries can ____________ (change) their farming style so that they _____________ (grow) crops rather than animals. If crops _________ (grow) instead of animals this greatly ___________ (increase) yield per hectare.
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