LeetCode OJ-- Letter Combinations of a Phone Number ***
使用递归,深搜,使用 map 保存已经处理过的结果
- class Solution {
- public:
- unordered_map<string, vector<string> > memory;
- vector<string> letterCombinations(string digits) {
- vector<string> ans;
- if(digits.size() == )
- {
- ans.push_back("");
- return ans;
- }
- memory.clear();
- // initialize
- vector<string> piece;
- piece.push_back("a");
- piece.push_back("b");
- piece.push_back("c");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece));
- vector<string> piece3;
- piece3.push_back("d");
- piece3.push_back("e");
- piece3.push_back("f");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece3));
- vector<string> piece4;
- piece4.push_back("g");
- piece4.push_back("h");
- piece4.push_back("i");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece4));
- vector<string> piece5;
- piece5.push_back("j");
- piece5.push_back("k");
- piece5.push_back("l");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece5));
- vector<string> piece6;
- piece6.push_back("m");
- piece6.push_back("n");
- piece6.push_back("o");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece6));
- vector<string> piece7;
- piece7.push_back("p");
- piece7.push_back("q");
- piece7.push_back("r");
- piece7.push_back("s");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece7));
- vector<string> piece8;
- piece8.push_back("t");
- piece8.push_back("u");
- piece8.push_back("v");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece8));
- vector<string> piece9;
- piece9.push_back("w");
- piece9.push_back("x");
- piece9.push_back("y");
- piece9.push_back("z");
- memory.insert(make_pair("",piece9));
- subLetter(digits, ans);
- return ans;
- }
- void subLetter(string &digits, vector<string> &ans)
- {
- // already in
- if(memory.find(digits) != memory.end())
- {
- ans = memory[digits];
- return;
- }
- // split digits
- int mid = digits.size()/;
- string former = digits.substr(,mid);
- string latter = digits.substr(mid,digits.size() - mid);
- vector<string> strsFormer;
- vector<string> strsLatter;
- if(memory.find(former) != memory.end())
- strsFormer = memory[former];
- else
- subLetter(former, strsFormer);
- if(memory.find(latter) != memory.end())
- strsLatter = memory[latter];
- else
- subLetter(latter,strsLatter);
- for(int i = ; i < strsFormer.size(); i++)
- for(int j = ; j < strsLatter.size(); j++)
- {
- string temp = strsFormer[i] + strsLatter[j];
- ans.push_back(temp);
- }
- memory.insert(make_pair(digits,ans));
- return;
- }
- };
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