
主要有两大网络协议栈uIPRime这两大协议栈(network stack):

The uIP TCP/IP stack, which provides us with IPv4 networking。

The uIPv6 stack, which provides IPv6 networking。

The Rime stack, which is a set of custom lightweight networking protocols designed for low-power wireless networks.


图1 网络协议栈示例(uIPv6


网络协议栈主要分四层(大):Network Layer,MAC Layer,RDC Layer,Radio Layer。

其中Network Layer可为uIP、uIPv6和Rime,可通过NETSTACK_NETWORK更改

#define NETSTACK_NETWORK rime_driver
/* NETSTACK_CONF_NETWORK specifies the network layer and can be either
sicslowpan_driver, for IPv6 networking, or rime_driver, for the
custom Rime network stack. */



图2 Rime和uIP协议栈关系


Having a functional TCP/IP stack and some applications running on top of it is good, but not enough. The uIP stack requires a lower layer (according to the OSI model) in order to communicate with peers. We'll distinguish two different types of peers:

nodes: communication between nodes is achieved with a wireless link. The uIP stack needs to be able to send and receive packets. Depending on the uIP version, Contiki follows different directions.
When it comes to IPv6, Contiki chose to follow a route-over configuration. Therefore, uIP6 uses a simple MAC layer called sicslowmac. Beside header compression provided by the 6loWPAN module, it just forwards the packet to/from the radio.
However, for IPv4, Contiki chose a mesh-under configuration. This is done with the Rime communication stack. Rime provide mesh routing and route discovery, therefore uIP uses it to forward packets on the network. From the IP point of view, all the nodes of the sensor network form a local subnetwork, even though multiple radio hops may be required.
gateways: to reach a network entity outside the wireless sensor network, a gateway is required. It's a system that will make the link between the wireless sensors network and another network. It will typically be a PC in most experiments, although it could be many embedded system. The connection between a PC and a mote is a serial link. IP packets are sent between these two using SLIP, which stands for Serial Line IP. On the computer side, a program must run to do the interface between the serial line and a network interface. Depending on the uIP stack version, the functionality is not the same.
With uIPv6, a node will be loaded with a very simple program that forwards every packet from the radio to the serial link and vice versa. It doesn't do any address comparison, there is no IP stack on it, besides the header compression/decompression mechanism (6loWPAN). This node will just be seen from the PC point of view as an ethernet network interface, thus that's the PC that does all the work.
With uIPv4 it works differently. The node connected to the PC will act as a gateway, with all the IP stack in it. Every time it has a packet to send, it will check its IP address: if it belongs to the wireless sensor network subnet range, then it will send it using its radio, otherwise it will send it to the PC using the serial link. The PC runs a program that create a IP network interface.



二、 uIP

有两个API:raw uIP和Protosocket

图3 uIPv6 运行在802.15.4、802.11和Ethernet(以太网)上


图4 CoAP运行于IPv6



CoAP: the Constrained Application Protocol(可理解为http)

RPL: IPv6 multi-hop routing protocol.

6LoWPAN: The Adaptation Layer provides IPv6 and UDP header compression and fragmentation to transport IPv6 packets with a maximum transmission (MTU) of 1280 bytes over IEEE 802.15.4 with a MTU of 127 byte.

RDC层:Radio Duty Cycling layer saves energy by allowing a node to keep its radio transceiver off most of the time.




图5 MAC、RDC、Framer层



Contiki provides two MAC drivers, CSMA and NullMAC.CSMA is the default mechanism.

The MAC layer receives incoming packets from the RDC layer and uses the RDC layer to transmit packets. If the RDC layer or the radio layer detects a radio collision, the MAC layer may retransmit the packet at a later point in time. The CSMA mechanism is currently the only MAC layer that retransmits packets if a collision is detected.

定义使用哪个MAC driver

#define NETSTACK_CONF_MAC nullmac_driver//定义MAC driver


Contiki has several RDC drivers.

The most commonly used are ContikiMAC, X-MAC, CX-MAC, LPP, and NullRDC.

ContikiMAC is the default mechanism that provides a very good power efficiency but is somewhat tailored for the 802.15.4 radio and the CC2420 radio transceiver.

X-MAC is an older mechanism that does not provide the same power-efficiency as ContikiMAC but has less stringent timing requirements.

CX-MAC (Compatibility X-MAC) is an implementation of X-MAC that has more relaxed timing than the default X-MAC and therefore works on a broader set of radios. LPP (Low-Power Probing) as a receiver-initiated RDC protocol.

sicslowmac is a RDC layer with no energy savings and that uses IEEE 8021.5.4 frames.

NullRDC is a "null" RDC layer that never switches the radio off and that therefore can be used for testing or for comparison with the other RDC drivers.

RDC drivers keep the radio off as much as possible and periodically check the radio medium for radio activity. When activity is detected, the radio is kept on to receive the packet. The channel check rate is given in Hz, specifying the number of channel checks per second, and the default channel check rate is 8 Hz. Channel check rates are given in powers of two and typical settings are 2, 4, 8, and 16 Hz.

定义RDC driver和检查频率:

#define NETSTACK_CONF_RDC nullrdc_driver//To specify what RDC driver Contiki should use
#define NETSTACK_CONF_RDC_CHANNEL_CHECK_RATE 16//specifies the channel check rate, in Hz


Framer layer is not a regular layer implementation; it is actually a collection of auxiliary functions that are called for creating a frame with data to be transmited and parsing of data being received.


struct framer {

  int (* create)(void);
int (* parse)(void); };

定义Framer driver:

#define NETSTACK_CONF_FRAMER  framer_802154


图6 Rime整体结构



图7 Rime和Chameleon的相互作用



The Chameleon architecture. Applications and network protocols run on top of the Rime stack. The output from Rime is transformed into different underlying

protocols by header transformation modules.

图9 两个节点通过rime通信


两个节点通过Rime层通信的示例如图9所示。Channel是逻辑信道。这两个应用,一个应用直接使用Rime协议栈;另一个应用,则使用在Rime之上的Mesh 路由协议。

图10 Rime通信单元分层结构



图11 另一个角度的Rime通信单元分层结构





Contiki 官网资源(基本是相关论文):http://contiki-os.org/support.html

USC 关于Contiki的资料:http://anrg.usc.edu/contiki/index.php/Contiki_tutorials

Contiki 学习笔记:http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-9112803-id-3263428.html

Contiki Wiki:https://github.com/contiki-os/contiki/wiki








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