c# BlowFish 高速 对称加密
BlowFish 高速 对称加密
- string key = "this is my key";
- BlowFish algo = new BlowFish(key);
- string encryptedTxt = algo.Encrypt_CBC("this is my test string");
- string decryptedTxt = algo.Decrypt_CBC(encryptedTxt);
- algo = new BlowFish(key);
- byte[] encryptedTxt1 = algo.Encrypt_ECB(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
- byte[] decryptedTxt1 = algo.Decrypt_ECB(encryptedTxt1);
- string gg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedTxt1);
- //Blowfish encryption (ECB, CBC and CTR mode) as defined by Bruce Schneier here: http://www.schneier.com/paper-blowfish-fse.html
- //Complies with test vectors found here: http://www.schneier.com/code/vectors.txt
- //non-standard mode provided to be usable with the javascript crypto library found here: http://etherhack.co.uk/symmetric/blowfish/blowfish.html
- //By Taylor Hornby, 1/7/1010,
- //Code is partly adopted from the javascript crypto library by Daniel Rench
- /*USAGE:
- Provide the key when creating the object. The key can be any size up to 448 bits.
- The key can be given as a hex string or an array of bytes.
- BlowFish b = new BlowFish("04B915BA43FEB5B6");
- The plainText can be either a string or byte array.
- string plainText = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
- Use the Encypt_* methods to encrypt the plaintext in the mode that you want.
- To Encrypt or decrypt a byte array using CBC or CTR mode, an array of bytes, you must provide an initialization vector.
- A random IV can be created by calling SetRandomIV, then accessed with the IV property as it will be required to decrypt the data.
- It is safe for the IV to be known by an attacker, as long as it is NEVER reused. IVs are handled automatically when encrypting and decrypting strings.
- string cipherText = b.Encrypt_CBC(plainText);
- MessageBox.Show(cipherText);
- Use the same mode of operation for decryption.
- plainText = b.Decrypt_CBC(cipherText);
- MessageBox.Show(plainText);
- */
- /*Which mode should I use?
- *---ECB---
- * ECB mode encrypts each block of data with the same key, so patterns in a large set of data will be visible.
- * Encrypting the same data with the same key will result in the same ciphertext. This mode should NOT be used unless neccessary.
- *
- *---CBC---
- * CBC mode encrypts each block of data in succession so that any changes in the data will result in a completly different ciphertext.
- * Also, an IV is used so that encrypting the same data with the same key will result in a different ciphertext.
- * CBC mode is the most popular mode of operation.
- *
- *---CTR---
- * CTR mode uses an IV and a counter to encrypt each block individually.
- * Like ECB mode, with the added protection of an IV to make sure the same plaintext encrypted with the same key yeilds a different result.
- * The counter ensures that no patterns will be visible. CTR mode is secure and can be optimized for multi-threaded applications.
- *
- * For more information on cipher modes of operation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation
- */
- /*Things to remember
- * -Always use unique initialization vectors when using CBC and CTR mode. SetRandomIV will do the job for you.
- * -Blowfish is only as secure as the key you provide. When derriving a key from a password, use a secure hash function such as SHA-256 to create the key.
- * -Read "Which mode should I use?" and choose the best mode for your application
- * -Use a MAC to ensure that the ciphertext and IV have not been modified.
- * -Do not use the compatibility mode unless neccessary.
- */
- using System;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Security.Cryptography;
- namespace 测试
- {
- class BlowFish
- {
- #region "Global variables and constants"
- const int ROUNDS = 16; //standard is 16, to increase the number of rounds, bf_P needs to be equal to the number of rouds. Use digits of PI.
- //Random number generator for creating IVs
- RNGCryptoServiceProvider randomSource;
- private uint[] bf_s0;
- private uint[] bf_s1;
- private uint[] bf_s2;
- private uint[] bf_s3;
- private uint[] bf_P;
- //KEY
- private byte[] key;
- private uint xl_par;
- private uint xr_par;
- //Initialization Vector for CBC and CTR mode
- private byte[] InitVector;
- private bool IVSet;
- //For compatibility with the javascript crypto library:
- // http://etherhack.co.uk/symmetric/blowfish/blowfish.html
- private bool nonStandardMethod;
- #endregion
- #region "Constructors"
- /// <summary>
- /// Constructor for hex key
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="hexKey">Cipher key as a hex string</param>
- public BlowFish(string hexKey)
- {
- randomSource = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
- SetupKey(HexToByte(hexKey));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Constructor for byte key
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="cipherKey">Cipher key as a byte array</param>
- public BlowFish(byte[] cipherKey)
- {
- randomSource = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
- SetupKey(cipherKey);
- }
- #endregion
- #region "Public methods"
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts a string in CBC mode
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="pt">Plaintext data to encrypt</param>
- /// <returns>Ciphertext with IV appended to front</returns>
- public string Encrypt_CBC(string pt)
- {
- if (!IVSet)
- SetRandomIV();
- return ByteToHex(InitVector) + ByteToHex(Encrypt_CBC(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pt)));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Decrypts a string in CBC mode
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="ct">Ciphertext with IV appended to front</param>
- /// <returns>Plaintext</returns>
- public string Decrypt_CBC(string ct)
- {
- IV = HexToByte(ct.Substring(0, 16));
- return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Decrypt_CBC(HexToByte(ct.Substring(16)))).Replace("\0", "");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Decrypts a byte array in CBC mode.
- /// IV must be created and saved manually.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="ct">Ciphertext data to decrypt</param>
- /// <returns>Plaintext</returns>
- public byte[] Decrypt_CBC(byte[] ct)
- {
- return Crypt_CBC(ct, true);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts a byte array in CBC mode.
- /// IV must be created and saved manually.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="pt">Plaintext data to encrypt</param>
- /// <returns>Ciphertext</returns>
- public byte[] Encrypt_CBC(byte[] pt)
- {
- return Crypt_CBC(pt, false);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypt a string in ECB mode
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="pt">Plaintext to encrypt as ascii string</param>
- /// <returns>hex value of encrypted data</returns>
- public string Encrypt_ECB(string pt)
- {
- return ByteToHex(Encrypt_ECB(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pt)));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Decrypts a string (ECB)
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="ct">hHex string of the ciphertext</param>
- /// <returns>Plaintext ascii string</returns>
- public string Decrypt_ECB(string ct)
- {
- return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Decrypt_ECB(HexToByte(ct))).Replace("\0", "");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts a byte array in ECB mode
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="pt">Plaintext data</param>
- /// <returns>Ciphertext bytes</returns>
- public byte[] Encrypt_ECB(byte[] pt)
- {
- return Crypt_ECB(pt, false);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Decrypts a byte array (ECB)
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="ct">Ciphertext byte array</param>
- /// <returns>Plaintext</returns>
- public byte[] Decrypt_ECB(byte[] ct)
- {
- return Crypt_ECB(ct, true);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts a string (CTR)
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="pt">The plaintext to encrypt</param>
- /// <returns>The ciphertext</returns>
- public string Encrypt_CTR(string pt)
- {
- if (!IVSet)
- SetRandomIV();
- return ByteToHex(InitVector) + ByteToHex(Crypt_CTR(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pt), 2));
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Decrypt a string (CTR)
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="ct">The ciphertext to decrypt</param>
- /// <returns>The plaintext</returns>
- public string Decrypt_CTR(string ct)
- {
- IV = HexToByte(ct.Substring(0, 16));
- return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Crypt_CTR(HexToByte(ct.Substring(16)), 2)).Replace("\0", "");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Initialization vector for CBC mode.
- /// </summary>
- public byte[] IV
- {
- get { return InitVector; }
- set
- {
- if (value.Length == 8)
- {
- InitVector = value;
- IVSet = true;
- }
- else
- {
- throw new Exception("Invalid IV size.");
- }
- }
- }
- public bool NonStandard
- {
- get { return nonStandardMethod; }
- set { nonStandardMethod = value; }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Creates and sets a random initialization vector.
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>The random IV</returns>
- public byte[] SetRandomIV()
- {
- InitVector = new byte[8];
- randomSource.GetBytes(InitVector);
- IVSet = true;
- return InitVector;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Cryptography
- /// <summary>
- /// Sets up the S-blocks and the key
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="cipherKey">Block cipher key (1-448 bits)</param>
- private void SetupKey(byte[] cipherKey)
- {
- bf_P = SetupP();
- //set up the S blocks
- bf_s0 = SetupS0();
- bf_s1 = SetupS1();
- bf_s2 = SetupS2();
- bf_s3 = SetupS3();
- key = new byte[cipherKey.Length]; // 448 bits
- if (cipherKey.Length > 56)
- {
- throw new Exception("Key too long. 56 bytes required.");
- }
- Buffer.BlockCopy(cipherKey, 0, key, 0, cipherKey.Length);
- int j = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
- {
- uint d = (uint)(((key[j % cipherKey.Length] * 256 + key[(j + 1) % cipherKey.Length]) * 256 + key[(j + 2) % cipherKey.Length]) * 256 + key[(j + 3) % cipherKey.Length]);
- bf_P[i] ^= d;
- j = (j + 4) % cipherKey.Length;
- }
- xl_par = 0;
- xr_par = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 18; i += 2)
- {
- encipher();
- bf_P[i] = xl_par;
- bf_P[i + 1] = xr_par;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 2)
- {
- encipher();
- bf_s0[i] = xl_par;
- bf_s0[i + 1] = xr_par;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 2)
- {
- encipher();
- bf_s1[i] = xl_par;
- bf_s1[i + 1] = xr_par;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 2)
- {
- encipher();
- bf_s2[i] = xl_par;
- bf_s2[i + 1] = xr_par;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i += 2)
- {
- encipher();
- bf_s3[i] = xl_par;
- bf_s3[i + 1] = xr_par;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts or decrypts data in ECB mode
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="text">plain/ciphertext</param>
- /// <param name="decrypt">true to decrypt, false to encrypt</param>
- /// <returns>(En/De)crypted data</returns>
- private byte[] Crypt_ECB(byte[] text, bool decrypt)
- {
- int paddedLen = (text.Length % 8 == 0 ? text.Length : text.Length + 8 - (text.Length % 8));
- byte[] plainText = new byte[paddedLen];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(text, 0, plainText, 0, text.Length);
- byte[] block = new byte[8];
- for (int i = 0; i < plainText.Length; i += 8)
- {
- Buffer.BlockCopy(plainText, i, block, 0, 8);
- if (decrypt)
- {
- BlockDecrypt(ref block);
- }
- else
- {
- BlockEncrypt(ref block);
- }
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, plainText, i, 8);
- }
- return plainText;
- }
- public byte[] Crypt_CTR(byte[] text, int numThreads)
- {
- if (!IVSet)
- {
- throw new Exception("IV not set.");
- }
- byte[] input = new byte[8];
- byte[] counter = new byte[8];
- int paddedLen = (text.Length % 8 == 0 ? text.Length : text.Length + 8 - (text.Length % 8));
- byte[] plainText = new byte[paddedLen];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(text, 0, plainText, 0, text.Length);
- byte[] block = new byte[8];
- for (int i = 0; i < plainText.Length; i += 8)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
- {
- input[x] = (byte)(counter[x] ^ InitVector[x]);
- }
- Buffer.BlockCopy(plainText, i, block, 0, 8);
- BlockEncrypt(ref input);
- XorBlock(ref block, input);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, plainText, i, 8);
- }
- return plainText;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts or decrypts data in CBC mode
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="text">plain/ciphertext</param>
- /// <param name="decrypt">true to decrypt, false to encrypt</param>
- /// <returns>(En/De)crypted data</returns>
- private byte[] Crypt_CBC(byte[] text, bool decrypt)
- {
- if (!IVSet)
- {
- throw new Exception("IV not set.");
- }
- int paddedLen = (text.Length % 8 == 0 ? text.Length : text.Length + 8 - (text.Length % 8));
- byte[] plainText = new byte[paddedLen];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(text, 0, plainText, 0, text.Length);
- byte[] block = new byte[8];
- byte[] preblock = new byte[8];
- byte[] iv = new byte[8];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(InitVector, 0, iv, 0, 8);
- if (!decrypt)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < plainText.Length; i += 8)
- {
- Buffer.BlockCopy(plainText, i, block, 0, 8);
- XorBlock(ref block, iv);
- BlockEncrypt(ref block);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, iv, 0, 8);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, plainText, i, 8);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < plainText.Length; i += 8)
- {
- Buffer.BlockCopy(plainText, i, block, 0, 8);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, preblock, 0, 8);
- BlockDecrypt(ref block);
- XorBlock(ref block, iv);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(preblock, 0, iv, 0, 8);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, plainText, i, 8);
- }
- }
- return plainText;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// XoR encrypts two 8 bit blocks
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="block">8 bit block 1</param>
- /// <param name="iv">8 bit block 2</param>
- private void XorBlock(ref byte[] block, byte[] iv)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++)
- {
- block[i] ^= iv[i];
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Encrypts a 64 bit block
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="block">The 64 bit block to encrypt</param>
- private void BlockEncrypt(ref byte[] block)
- {
- SetBlock(block);
- encipher();
- GetBlock(ref block);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Decrypts a 64 bit block
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="block">The 64 bit block to decrypt</param>
- private void BlockDecrypt(ref byte[] block)
- {
- SetBlock(block);
- decipher();
- GetBlock(ref block);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Splits the block into the two uint values
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="block">the 64 bit block to setup</param>
- private void SetBlock(byte[] block)
- {
- byte[] block1 = new byte[4];
- byte[] block2 = new byte[4];
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 0, block1, 0, 4);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block, 4, block2, 0, 4);
- //split the block
- if (nonStandardMethod)
- {
- xr_par = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block1, 0);
- xl_par = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block2, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- //ToUInt32 requires the bytes in reverse order
- Array.Reverse(block1);
- Array.Reverse(block2);
- xl_par = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block1, 0);
- xr_par = BitConverter.ToUInt32(block2, 0);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Converts the two uint values into a 64 bit block
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="block">64 bit buffer to receive the block</param>
- private void GetBlock(ref byte[] block)
- {
- byte[] block1 = new byte[4];
- byte[] block2 = new byte[4];
- if (nonStandardMethod)
- {
- block1 = BitConverter.GetBytes(xr_par);
- block2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(xl_par);
- }
- else
- {
- block1 = BitConverter.GetBytes(xl_par);
- block2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(xr_par);
- //GetBytes returns the bytes in reverse order
- Array.Reverse(block1);
- Array.Reverse(block2);
- }
- //join the block
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block1, 0, block, 0, 4);
- Buffer.BlockCopy(block2, 0, block, 4, 4);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Runs the blowfish algorithm (standard 16 rounds)
- /// </summary>
- private void encipher()
- {
- xl_par ^= bf_P[0];
- for (uint i = 0; i < ROUNDS; i += 2)
- {
- xr_par = round(xr_par, xl_par, i + 1);
- xl_par = round(xl_par, xr_par, i + 2);
- }
- xr_par = xr_par ^ bf_P[17];
- //swap the blocks
- uint swap = xl_par;
- xl_par = xr_par;
- xr_par = swap;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Runs the blowfish algorithm in reverse (standard 16 rounds)
- /// </summary>
- private void decipher()
- {
- xl_par ^= bf_P[17];
- for (uint i = 16; i > 0; i -= 2)
- {
- xr_par = round(xr_par, xl_par, i);
- xl_par = round(xl_par, xr_par, i - 1);
- }
- xr_par = xr_par ^ bf_P[0];
- //swap the blocks
- uint swap = xl_par;
- xl_par = xr_par;
- xr_par = swap;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// one round of the blowfish algorithm
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="a">See spec</param>
- /// <param name="b">See spec</param>
- /// <param name="n">See spec</param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- private uint round(uint a, uint b, uint n)
- {
- uint x1 = (bf_s0[wordByte0(b)] + bf_s1[wordByte1(b)]) ^ bf_s2[wordByte2(b)];
- uint x2 = x1 + bf_s3[this.wordByte3(b)];
- uint x3 = x2 ^ bf_P[n];
- return x3 ^ a;
- }
- #endregion
- #region SBLOCKS
- //The amount of hex digits can be increased if you want to experiment with more rounds and longer key lengths
- //Increase the size of this array when increasing the number of rounds
- private uint[] SetupP()
- {
- return new uint[] {
- 0x243f6a88,0x85a308d3,0x13198a2e,0x03707344,0xa4093822,0x299f31d0,
- 0x082efa98,0xec4e6c89,0x452821e6,0x38d01377,0xbe5466cf,0x34e90c6c,
- 0xc0ac29b7,0xc97c50dd,0x3f84d5b5,0xb5470917,0x9216d5d9,0x8979fb1b
- };
- }
- private uint[] SetupS0()
- {
- return new uint[] {
- 0xd1310ba6,0x98dfb5ac,0x2ffd72db,0xd01adfb7,0xb8e1afed,0x6a267e96,
- 0xba7c9045,0xf12c7f99,0x24a19947,0xb3916cf7,0x0801f2e2,0x858efc16,
- 0x636920d8,0x71574e69,0xa458fea3,0xf4933d7e,0x0d95748f,0x728eb658,
- 0x718bcd58,0x82154aee,0x7b54a41d,0xc25a59b5,0x9c30d539,0x2af26013,
- 0xc5d1b023,0x286085f0,0xca417918,0xb8db38ef,0x8e79dcb0,0x603a180e,
- 0x6c9e0e8b,0xb01e8a3e,0xd71577c1,0xbd314b27,0x78af2fda,0x55605c60,
- 0xe65525f3,0xaa55ab94,0x57489862,0x63e81440,0x55ca396a,0x2aab10b6,
- 0xb4cc5c34,0x1141e8ce,0xa15486af,0x7c72e993,0xb3ee1411,0x636fbc2a,
- 0x2ba9c55d,0x741831f6,0xce5c3e16,0x9b87931e,0xafd6ba33,0x6c24cf5c,
- 0x7a325381,0x28958677,0x3b8f4898,0x6b4bb9af,0xc4bfe81b,0x66282193,
- 0x61d809cc,0xfb21a991,0x487cac60,0x5dec8032,0xef845d5d,0xe98575b1,
- 0xdc262302,0xeb651b88,0x23893e81,0xd396acc5,0x0f6d6ff3,0x83f44239,
- 0x2e0b4482,0xa4842004,0x69c8f04a,0x9e1f9b5e,0x21c66842,0xf6e96c9a,
- 0x670c9c61,0xabd388f0,0x6a51a0d2,0xd8542f68,0x960fa728,0xab5133a3,
- 0x6eef0b6c,0x137a3be4,0xba3bf050,0x7efb2a98,0xa1f1651d,0x39af0176,
- 0x66ca593e,0x82430e88,0x8cee8619,0x456f9fb4,0x7d84a5c3,0x3b8b5ebe,
- 0xe06f75d8,0x85c12073,0x401a449f,0x56c16aa6,0x4ed3aa62,0x363f7706,
- 0x1bfedf72,0x429b023d,0x37d0d724,0xd00a1248,0xdb0fead3,0x49f1c09b,
- 0x075372c9,0x80991b7b,0x25d479d8,0xf6e8def7,0xe3fe501a,0xb6794c3b,
- 0x976ce0bd,0x04c006ba,0xc1a94fb6,0x409f60c4,0x5e5c9ec2,0x196a2463,
- 0x68fb6faf,0x3e6c53b5,0x1339b2eb,0x3b52ec6f,0x6dfc511f,0x9b30952c,
- 0xcc814544,0xaf5ebd09,0xbee3d004,0xde334afd,0x660f2807,0x192e4bb3,
- 0xc0cba857,0x45c8740f,0xd20b5f39,0xb9d3fbdb,0x5579c0bd,0x1a60320a,
- 0xd6a100c6,0x402c7279,0x679f25fe,0xfb1fa3cc,0x8ea5e9f8,0xdb3222f8,
- 0x3c7516df,0xfd616b15,0x2f501ec8,0xad0552ab,0x323db5fa,0xfd238760,
- 0x53317b48,0x3e00df82,0x9e5c57bb,0xca6f8ca0,0x1a87562e,0xdf1769db,
- 0xd542a8f6,0x287effc3,0xac6732c6,0x8c4f5573,0x695b27b0,0xbbca58c8,
- 0xe1ffa35d,0xb8f011a0,0x10fa3d98,0xfd2183b8,0x4afcb56c,0x2dd1d35b,
- 0x9a53e479,0xb6f84565,0xd28e49bc,0x4bfb9790,0xe1ddf2da,0xa4cb7e33,
- 0x62fb1341,0xcee4c6e8,0xef20cada,0x36774c01,0xd07e9efe,0x2bf11fb4,
- 0x95dbda4d,0xae909198,0xeaad8e71,0x6b93d5a0,0xd08ed1d0,0xafc725e0,
- 0x8e3c5b2f,0x8e7594b7,0x8ff6e2fb,0xf2122b64,0x8888b812,0x900df01c,
- 0x4fad5ea0,0x688fc31c,0xd1cff191,0xb3a8c1ad,0x2f2f2218,0xbe0e1777,
- 0xea752dfe,0x8b021fa1,0xe5a0cc0f,0xb56f74e8,0x18acf3d6,0xce89e299,
- 0xb4a84fe0,0xfd13e0b7,0x7cc43b81,0xd2ada8d9,0x165fa266,0x80957705,
- 0x93cc7314,0x211a1477,0xe6ad2065,0x77b5fa86,0xc75442f5,0xfb9d35cf,
- 0xebcdaf0c,0x7b3e89a0,0xd6411bd3,0xae1e7e49,0x00250e2d,0x2071b35e,
- 0x226800bb,0x57b8e0af,0x2464369b,0xf009b91e,0x5563911d,0x59dfa6aa,
- 0x78c14389,0xd95a537f,0x207d5ba2,0x02e5b9c5,0x83260376,0x6295cfa9,
- 0x11c81968,0x4e734a41,0xb3472dca,0x7b14a94a,0x1b510052,0x9a532915,
- 0xd60f573f,0xbc9bc6e4,0x2b60a476,0x81e67400,0x08ba6fb5,0x571be91f,
- 0xf296ec6b,0x2a0dd915,0xb6636521,0xe7b9f9b6,0xff34052e,0xc5855664,
- 0x53b02d5d,0xa99f8fa1,0x08ba4799,0x6e85076a
- };
- }
- private uint[] SetupS1()
- {
- return new uint[] {
- 0x4b7a70e9,0xb5b32944,0xdb75092e,0xc4192623,0xad6ea6b0,0x49a7df7d,
- 0x9cee60b8,0x8fedb266,0xecaa8c71,0x699a17ff,0x5664526c,0xc2b19ee1,
- 0x193602a5,0x75094c29,0xa0591340,0xe4183a3e,0x3f54989a,0x5b429d65,
- 0x6b8fe4d6,0x99f73fd6,0xa1d29c07,0xefe830f5,0x4d2d38e6,0xf0255dc1,
- 0x4cdd2086,0x8470eb26,0x6382e9c6,0x021ecc5e,0x09686b3f,0x3ebaefc9,
- 0x3c971814,0x6b6a70a1,0x687f3584,0x52a0e286,0xb79c5305,0xaa500737,
- 0x3e07841c,0x7fdeae5c,0x8e7d44ec,0x5716f2b8,0xb03ada37,0xf0500c0d,
- 0xf01c1f04,0x0200b3ff,0xae0cf51a,0x3cb574b2,0x25837a58,0xdc0921bd,
- 0xd19113f9,0x7ca92ff6,0x94324773,0x22f54701,0x3ae5e581,0x37c2dadc,
- 0xc8b57634,0x9af3dda7,0xa9446146,0x0fd0030e,0xecc8c73e,0xa4751e41,
- 0xe238cd99,0x3bea0e2f,0x3280bba1,0x183eb331,0x4e548b38,0x4f6db908,
- 0x6f420d03,0xf60a04bf,0x2cb81290,0x24977c79,0x5679b072,0xbcaf89af,
- 0xde9a771f,0xd9930810,0xb38bae12,0xdccf3f2e,0x5512721f,0x2e6b7124,
- 0x501adde6,0x9f84cd87,0x7a584718,0x7408da17,0xbc9f9abc,0xe94b7d8c,
- 0xec7aec3a,0xdb851dfa,0x63094366,0xc464c3d2,0xef1c1847,0x3215d908,
- 0xdd433b37,0x24c2ba16,0x12a14d43,0x2a65c451,0x50940002,0x133ae4dd,
- 0x71dff89e,0x10314e55,0x81ac77d6,0x5f11199b,0x043556f1,0xd7a3c76b,
- 0x3c11183b,0x5924a509,0xf28fe6ed,0x97f1fbfa,0x9ebabf2c,0x1e153c6e,
- 0x86e34570,0xeae96fb1,0x860e5e0a,0x5a3e2ab3,0x771fe71c,0x4e3d06fa,
- 0x2965dcb9,0x99e71d0f,0x803e89d6,0x5266c825,0x2e4cc978,0x9c10b36a,
- 0xc6150eba,0x94e2ea78,0xa5fc3c53,0x1e0a2df4,0xf2f74ea7,0x361d2b3d,
- 0x1939260f,0x19c27960,0x5223a708,0xf71312b6,0xebadfe6e,0xeac31f66,
- 0xe3bc4595,0xa67bc883,0xb17f37d1,0x018cff28,0xc332ddef,0xbe6c5aa5,
- 0x65582185,0x68ab9802,0xeecea50f,0xdb2f953b,0x2aef7dad,0x5b6e2f84,
- 0x1521b628,0x29076170,0xecdd4775,0x619f1510,0x13cca830,0xeb61bd96,
- 0x0334fe1e,0xaa0363cf,0xb5735c90,0x4c70a239,0xd59e9e0b,0xcbaade14,
- 0xeecc86bc,0x60622ca7,0x9cab5cab,0xb2f3846e,0x648b1eaf,0x19bdf0ca,
- 0xa02369b9,0x655abb50,0x40685a32,0x3c2ab4b3,0x319ee9d5,0xc021b8f7,
- 0x9b540b19,0x875fa099,0x95f7997e,0x623d7da8,0xf837889a,0x97e32d77,
- 0x11ed935f,0x16681281,0x0e358829,0xc7e61fd6,0x96dedfa1,0x7858ba99,
- 0x57f584a5,0x1b227263,0x9b83c3ff,0x1ac24696,0xcdb30aeb,0x532e3054,
- 0x8fd948e4,0x6dbc3128,0x58ebf2ef,0x34c6ffea,0xfe28ed61,0xee7c3c73,
- 0x5d4a14d9,0xe864b7e3,0x42105d14,0x203e13e0,0x45eee2b6,0xa3aaabea,
- 0xdb6c4f15,0xfacb4fd0,0xc742f442,0xef6abbb5,0x654f3b1d,0x41cd2105,
- 0xd81e799e,0x86854dc7,0xe44b476a,0x3d816250,0xcf62a1f2,0x5b8d2646,
- 0xfc8883a0,0xc1c7b6a3,0x7f1524c3,0x69cb7492,0x47848a0b,0x5692b285,
- 0x095bbf00,0xad19489d,0x1462b174,0x23820e00,0x58428d2a,0x0c55f5ea,
- 0x1dadf43e,0x233f7061,0x3372f092,0x8d937e41,0xd65fecf1,0x6c223bdb,
- 0x7cde3759,0xcbee7460,0x4085f2a7,0xce77326e,0xa6078084,0x19f8509e,
- 0xe8efd855,0x61d99735,0xa969a7aa,0xc50c06c2,0x5a04abfc,0x800bcadc,
- 0x9e447a2e,0xc3453484,0xfdd56705,0x0e1e9ec9,0xdb73dbd3,0x105588cd,
- 0x675fda79,0xe3674340,0xc5c43465,0x713e38d8,0x3d28f89e,0xf16dff20,
- 0x153e21e7,0x8fb03d4a,0xe6e39f2b,0xdb83adf7
- };
- }
- private uint[] SetupS2()
- {
- return new uint[] {
- 0xe93d5a68,0x948140f7,0xf64c261c,0x94692934,0x411520f7,0x7602d4f7,
- 0xbcf46b2e,0xd4a20068,0xd4082471,0x3320f46a,0x43b7d4b7,0x500061af,
- 0x1e39f62e,0x97244546,0x14214f74,0xbf8b8840,0x4d95fc1d,0x96b591af,
- 0x70f4ddd3,0x66a02f45,0xbfbc09ec,0x03bd9785,0x7fac6dd0,0x31cb8504,
- 0x96eb27b3,0x55fd3941,0xda2547e6,0xabca0a9a,0x28507825,0x530429f4,
- 0x0a2c86da,0xe9b66dfb,0x68dc1462,0xd7486900,0x680ec0a4,0x27a18dee,
- 0x4f3ffea2,0xe887ad8c,0xb58ce006,0x7af4d6b6,0xaace1e7c,0xd3375fec,
- 0xce78a399,0x406b2a42,0x20fe9e35,0xd9f385b9,0xee39d7ab,0x3b124e8b,
- 0x1dc9faf7,0x4b6d1856,0x26a36631,0xeae397b2,0x3a6efa74,0xdd5b4332,
- 0x6841e7f7,0xca7820fb,0xfb0af54e,0xd8feb397,0x454056ac,0xba489527,
- 0x55533a3a,0x20838d87,0xfe6ba9b7,0xd096954b,0x55a867bc,0xa1159a58,
- 0xcca92963,0x99e1db33,0xa62a4a56,0x3f3125f9,0x5ef47e1c,0x9029317c,
- 0xfdf8e802,0x04272f70,0x80bb155c,0x05282ce3,0x95c11548,0xe4c66d22,
- 0x48c1133f,0xc70f86dc,0x07f9c9ee,0x41041f0f,0x404779a4,0x5d886e17,
- 0x325f51eb,0xd59bc0d1,0xf2bcc18f,0x41113564,0x257b7834,0x602a9c60,
- 0xdff8e8a3,0x1f636c1b,0x0e12b4c2,0x02e1329e,0xaf664fd1,0xcad18115,
- 0x6b2395e0,0x333e92e1,0x3b240b62,0xeebeb922,0x85b2a20e,0xe6ba0d99,
- 0xde720c8c,0x2da2f728,0xd0127845,0x95b794fd,0x647d0862,0xe7ccf5f0,
- 0x5449a36f,0x877d48fa,0xc39dfd27,0xf33e8d1e,0x0a476341,0x992eff74,
- 0x3a6f6eab,0xf4f8fd37,0xa812dc60,0xa1ebddf8,0x991be14c,0xdb6e6b0d,
- 0xc67b5510,0x6d672c37,0x2765d43b,0xdcd0e804,0xf1290dc7,0xcc00ffa3,
- 0xb5390f92,0x690fed0b,0x667b9ffb,0xcedb7d9c,0xa091cf0b,0xd9155ea3,
- 0xbb132f88,0x515bad24,0x7b9479bf,0x763bd6eb,0x37392eb3,0xcc115979,
- 0x8026e297,0xf42e312d,0x6842ada7,0xc66a2b3b,0x12754ccc,0x782ef11c,
- 0x6a124237,0xb79251e7,0x06a1bbe6,0x4bfb6350,0x1a6b1018,0x11caedfa,
- 0x3d25bdd8,0xe2e1c3c9,0x44421659,0x0a121386,0xd90cec6e,0xd5abea2a,
- 0x64af674e,0xda86a85f,0xbebfe988,0x64e4c3fe,0x9dbc8057,0xf0f7c086,
- 0x60787bf8,0x6003604d,0xd1fd8346,0xf6381fb0,0x7745ae04,0xd736fccc,
- 0x83426b33,0xf01eab71,0xb0804187,0x3c005e5f,0x77a057be,0xbde8ae24,
- 0x55464299,0xbf582e61,0x4e58f48f,0xf2ddfda2,0xf474ef38,0x8789bdc2,
- 0x5366f9c3,0xc8b38e74,0xb475f255,0x46fcd9b9,0x7aeb2661,0x8b1ddf84,
- 0x846a0e79,0x915f95e2,0x466e598e,0x20b45770,0x8cd55591,0xc902de4c,
- 0xb90bace1,0xbb8205d0,0x11a86248,0x7574a99e,0xb77f19b6,0xe0a9dc09,
- 0x662d09a1,0xc4324633,0xe85a1f02,0x09f0be8c,0x4a99a025,0x1d6efe10,
- 0x1ab93d1d,0x0ba5a4df,0xa186f20f,0x2868f169,0xdcb7da83,0x573906fe,
- 0xa1e2ce9b,0x4fcd7f52,0x50115e01,0xa70683fa,0xa002b5c4,0x0de6d027,
- 0x9af88c27,0x773f8641,0xc3604c06,0x61a806b5,0xf0177a28,0xc0f586e0,
- 0x006058aa,0x30dc7d62,0x11e69ed7,0x2338ea63,0x53c2dd94,0xc2c21634,
- 0xbbcbee56,0x90bcb6de,0xebfc7da1,0xce591d76,0x6f05e409,0x4b7c0188,
- 0x39720a3d,0x7c927c24,0x86e3725f,0x724d9db9,0x1ac15bb4,0xd39eb8fc,
- 0xed545578,0x08fca5b5,0xd83d7cd3,0x4dad0fc4,0x1e50ef5e,0xb161e6f8,
- 0xa28514d9,0x6c51133c,0x6fd5c7e7,0x56e14ec4,0x362abfce,0xddc6c837,
- 0xd79a3234,0x92638212,0x670efa8e,0x406000e0
- };
- }
- private uint[] SetupS3()
- {
- return new uint[] {
- 0x3a39ce37,0xd3faf5cf,0xabc27737,0x5ac52d1b,0x5cb0679e,0x4fa33742,
- 0xd3822740,0x99bc9bbe,0xd5118e9d,0xbf0f7315,0xd62d1c7e,0xc700c47b,
- 0xb78c1b6b,0x21a19045,0xb26eb1be,0x6a366eb4,0x5748ab2f,0xbc946e79,
- 0xc6a376d2,0x6549c2c8,0x530ff8ee,0x468dde7d,0xd5730a1d,0x4cd04dc6,
- 0x2939bbdb,0xa9ba4650,0xac9526e8,0xbe5ee304,0xa1fad5f0,0x6a2d519a,
- 0x63ef8ce2,0x9a86ee22,0xc089c2b8,0x43242ef6,0xa51e03aa,0x9cf2d0a4,
- 0x83c061ba,0x9be96a4d,0x8fe51550,0xba645bd6,0x2826a2f9,0xa73a3ae1,
- 0x4ba99586,0xef5562e9,0xc72fefd3,0xf752f7da,0x3f046f69,0x77fa0a59,
- 0x80e4a915,0x87b08601,0x9b09e6ad,0x3b3ee593,0xe990fd5a,0x9e34d797,
- 0x2cf0b7d9,0x022b8b51,0x96d5ac3a,0x017da67d,0xd1cf3ed6,0x7c7d2d28,
- 0x1f9f25cf,0xadf2b89b,0x5ad6b472,0x5a88f54c,0xe029ac71,0xe019a5e6,
- 0x47b0acfd,0xed93fa9b,0xe8d3c48d,0x283b57cc,0xf8d56629,0x79132e28,
- 0x785f0191,0xed756055,0xf7960e44,0xe3d35e8c,0x15056dd4,0x88f46dba,
- 0x03a16125,0x0564f0bd,0xc3eb9e15,0x3c9057a2,0x97271aec,0xa93a072a,
- 0x1b3f6d9b,0x1e6321f5,0xf59c66fb,0x26dcf319,0x7533d928,0xb155fdf5,
- 0x03563482,0x8aba3cbb,0x28517711,0xc20ad9f8,0xabcc5167,0xccad925f,
- 0x4de81751,0x3830dc8e,0x379d5862,0x9320f991,0xea7a90c2,0xfb3e7bce,
- 0x5121ce64,0x774fbe32,0xa8b6e37e,0xc3293d46,0x48de5369,0x6413e680,
- 0xa2ae0810,0xdd6db224,0x69852dfd,0x09072166,0xb39a460a,0x6445c0dd,
- 0x586cdecf,0x1c20c8ae,0x5bbef7dd,0x1b588d40,0xccd2017f,0x6bb4e3bb,
- 0xdda26a7e,0x3a59ff45,0x3e350a44,0xbcb4cdd5,0x72eacea8,0xfa6484bb,
- 0x8d6612ae,0xbf3c6f47,0xd29be463,0x542f5d9e,0xaec2771b,0xf64e6370,
- 0x740e0d8d,0xe75b1357,0xf8721671,0xaf537d5d,0x4040cb08,0x4eb4e2cc,
- 0x34d2466a,0x0115af84,0xe1b00428,0x95983a1d,0x06b89fb4,0xce6ea048,
- 0x6f3f3b82,0x3520ab82,0x011a1d4b,0x277227f8,0x611560b1,0xe7933fdc,
- 0xbb3a792b,0x344525bd,0xa08839e1,0x51ce794b,0x2f32c9b7,0xa01fbac9,
- 0xe01cc87e,0xbcc7d1f6,0xcf0111c3,0xa1e8aac7,0x1a908749,0xd44fbd9a,
- 0xd0dadecb,0xd50ada38,0x0339c32a,0xc6913667,0x8df9317c,0xe0b12b4f,
- 0xf79e59b7,0x43f5bb3a,0xf2d519ff,0x27d9459c,0xbf97222c,0x15e6fc2a,
- 0x0f91fc71,0x9b941525,0xfae59361,0xceb69ceb,0xc2a86459,0x12baa8d1,
- 0xb6c1075e,0xe3056a0c,0x10d25065,0xcb03a442,0xe0ec6e0e,0x1698db3b,
- 0x4c98a0be,0x3278e964,0x9f1f9532,0xe0d392df,0xd3a0342b,0x8971f21e,
- 0x1b0a7441,0x4ba3348c,0xc5be7120,0xc37632d8,0xdf359f8d,0x9b992f2e,
- 0xe60b6f47,0x0fe3f11d,0xe54cda54,0x1edad891,0xce6279cf,0xcd3e7e6f,
- 0x1618b166,0xfd2c1d05,0x848fd2c5,0xf6fb2299,0xf523f357,0xa6327623,
- 0x93a83531,0x56cccd02,0xacf08162,0x5a75ebb5,0x6e163697,0x88d273cc,
- 0xde966292,0x81b949d0,0x4c50901b,0x71c65614,0xe6c6c7bd,0x327a140a,
- 0x45e1d006,0xc3f27b9a,0xc9aa53fd,0x62a80f00,0xbb25bfe2,0x35bdd2f6,
- 0x71126905,0xb2040222,0xb6cbcf7c,0xcd769c2b,0x53113ec0,0x1640e3d3,
- 0x38abbd60,0x2547adf0,0xba38209c,0xf746ce76,0x77afa1c5,0x20756060,
- 0x85cbfe4e,0x8ae88dd8,0x7aaaf9b0,0x4cf9aa7e,0x1948c25c,0x02fb8a8c,
- 0x01c36ae4,0xd6ebe1f9,0x90d4f869,0xa65cdea0,0x3f09252d,0xc208e69f,
- 0xb74e6132,0xce77e25b,0x578fdfe3,0x3ac372e6
- };
- }
- #endregion
- #region Conversions
- //gets the first byte in a uint
- private byte wordByte0(uint w)
- {
- return (byte)(w / 256 / 256 / 256 % 256);
- }
- //gets the second byte in a uint
- private byte wordByte1(uint w)
- {
- return (byte)(w / 256 / 256 % 256);
- }
- //gets the third byte in a uint
- private byte wordByte2(uint w)
- {
- return (byte)(w / 256 % 256);
- }
- //gets the fourth byte in a uint
- private byte wordByte3(uint w)
- {
- return (byte)(w % 256);
- }
- //converts a byte array to a hex string
- private string ByteToHex(byte[] bytes)
- {
- StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
- foreach (byte b in bytes)
- s.Append(b.ToString("x2"));
- return s.ToString();
- }
- //converts a hex string to a byte array
- private byte[] HexToByte(string hex)
- {
- byte[] r = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
- for (int i = 0; i < hex.Length - 1; i += 2)
- {
- byte a = GetHex(hex[i]);
- byte b = GetHex(hex[i + 1]);
- r[i / 2] = (byte)(a * 16 + b);
- }
- return r;
- }
- //converts a single hex character to it's decimal value
- private byte GetHex(char x)
- {
- if (x <= '9' && x >= '0')
- {
- return (byte)(x - '0');
- }
- else if (x <= 'z' && x >= 'a')
- {
- return (byte)(x - 'a' + 10);
- }
- else if (x <= 'Z' && x >= 'A')
- {
- return (byte)(x - 'A' + 10);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
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password学.一向被人们觉得门槛非常高,特别高端...这也是实际,可是这决不意味着普通人无法了解它的精髓.对于喜欢画圆的人来讲,即便是理解了password技术背后的哪怕一点理论,也是激 ...
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加密 解密 Tweet 密码学最早可以追溯到古希腊罗马时代,那时的加密方法很简单:替换字母. 早期的密码学 古希腊人用一种叫 Scytale 的工具加密.更快的工具是 transposition ...
- java-信息安全(七)-基于非对称加密,对称加密等理解HTTPS
概述 java-信息安全(一)-BASE64,MD5,SHA,HMAC java-信息安全(二)-对称加密算法DES,3DES,AES,Blowfish,RC2,RC4 java-信息安全(四)-数据 ...
- openssl enc(对称加密)
openssl系列文章:http://www.cnblogs.com/f-ck-need-u/p/7048359.html 对称加密工具.了解对称加密的原理后就很简单了,原理部分见下文. openss ...
- 对称加密----AES和DES加密、解密
目前主流的加密方式有:(对称加密)AES.DES (非对称加密)RSA.DSA 调用AES/DES加密算法包最精要的就是下面两句话: Cipher cipher = Cipher.get ...
- Java常用的加密解密类(对称加密类)
Java常用的加密解密类 原文转载至:http://blog.csdn.net/wyc_cs/article/details/8793198 原创 2013年04月12日 14:33:35 1704 ...
- windows里面的批处理命令不停地处理同一条命令
最近在设置路由表的时候,为了方便,做了一个批处理 route.bat route delete delete ADD MAS ...
- oracle 读书笔记
1 动态sql即拼接字符串的sql,使用变量代替具体值,10万条语句可以被hash陈一个SQL_ID,可以只解析一次 for i in 1..100000 loop execute immediate ...
- vb小菜一枚--------早期绑定和后期绑定
早期绑定和后期绑定 Visual Studio 2005 其他版本 将对象分配给对象变量时,Visual Basic 编译器会执行一个名为 binding 的进程.如果将对象分配给声明为特定对 ...
- 20145301&20145321&20145335实验五
20145301&20145321&20145335实验五 这次实验我的组员为:20145301赵嘉鑫.20145321曾子誉.20145335郝昊 实验内容详见:实验五
- C++多态(一)
面试题目中关于多态的问题不少,例如重载.虚函数(覆盖).多态的概念等等,这里做一个梳理,包含如下内容: 一.多态的定义 (一)定义 能够呈现不同形态的特性或状态. (二)两种多态性 1.编译时的多态性 ...
- hdoj 1022 Train Problem I
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,i,j,k; ],]; ]; while(scanf("%d %s %s",&n,in ...
- Mysql创建新用户后无法登录,提示 Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
MySQL创建新用户后无法登录,提示 Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ,多半是因为存在匿名用户, ...
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上一篇在这 C++混合编程之idlcpp教程Python篇(4) 第一篇在这 C++混合编程之idlcpp教程(一) 与前面的工程相似,工程PythonTutorial3中,同样加入了三个文件:Py ...
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本篇目录 前言 SVN分支管理策略 VisualSVN Server TortoiseSVN客户端 Repository的创建 Check out trunk创建新项目MyProject trunk更 ...
- 可在广域网部署运行的QQ高仿版 -- GG叽叽V3.0,完善基础功能(源码)
(前段时间封闭式开发完了一个项目,最近才有时间继续更新GG的后续版本,对那些关注GG的朋友来说,真的是很抱歉.)GG的前面几个版本开发了一些比较高级的功能,像视频聊天.远程桌面.文件传送.远程磁盘等, ...