


Ember Data




许多Ember应用使用Ember Data来处理模型。Ember Data是一个与Ember.js紧密结合在一起的代码库,简化了客户端从服务器获取记录,在本地进行缓存以提高性能,保存修改到服务器,创建新的记录等一系列的操作。

Ember Data不需要进行任何配置,就可以实现通过服务端提供的RESTful JSON API加载和保存记录以及它们的管理关系,这些操作都遵从于特定的惯例。

目前,Ember Data还是一个独立于Ember.js的库。在Ember Data被作为标准发行版的一部分之前,你可以在builds.emberjs.com下载最新的版本。













  • 模型类型
  • 一个全局唯一的ID




例如,如果应用需要一个ID为1的person记录,那么Ember Data是如何加载这个对象的呢?是通过HTTP,还是Websocket?如果是通过HTTP,那么URL会是/person/1,还是/resources/people/1呢?






  • Route: A route is an object that tells the template which model it should display.

  • 流程

    • No matter how the URL gets set, the first thing that happens is that the Ember router maps the URL to a route handler.

    • The route handler then typically does two things:

      • It renders a template.
      • It loads a model that is then available to the template.
  • Components consist of two parts: a template written in Handlebars, and a source file written in JavaScript that defines the component's behavior.

  • When we call'rental'), Ember Data will make a GET request to /rentals.

  • In certain cases, you will want to pass arguments to _super() before or after overriding.

    One common example is when overriding the normalizeResponse() hook in one of Ember-Data's serializers.

    A handy shortcut for this is to use a "spread operator", like ...arguments:

    normalizeResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType)  {
    // Customize my JSON payload for Ember-Data
    return this._super(...arguments);

    The above example returns the original arguments (after your customizations) back to the parent class, so it can continue with its normal operations.

  • If you are subclassing a framework class, like Ember.Component, and you override the init() method, make sure you call this._super(...arguments)! If you don't, a parent class may not have an opportunity to do important setup work, and you'll see strange behavior in your application.

  • Observers :

    • Observers are especially useful when you need to perform some behavior after a binding has finished synchronizing.

    • If you never get() a computed property, its observers will not fire even if its dependent keys change. You can think of the value changing from one unknown value to another.

  • It's important that we include some information in the URL about not only which template to display, but also which model. In Ember, this is accomplished by defining routes with dynamic segments. 详情见:

Objects in Ember

  • JavaScript objects don't support the observation of property value changes. Consequently, if an object is going to participate in Ember's binding system you may see an Ember.Object instead of a plain object.Ember.Object also provides a class system, supporting features like mixins and constructor methods.

  • Ember also extends the JavaScript Array prototype with its Ember.Enumerable interface to provide change observation for arrays.

  • Finally, Ember extends the String prototype with a few formatting and localization methods.

Classes and Instances


Person = Ember.Object.extend({
say(thing) {
var name = this.get('name');
alert(`${name} says: ${thing}`);
}); Soldier = Person.extend({
say(thing) {
// this will call the method in the parent class (Person#say), appending
// the string ', sir!' to the variable `thing` passed in
this._super(`${thing}, sir!`);
}); var yehuda = Soldier.create({
name: 'Yehuda Katz'
}); yehuda.say('Yes'); // alerts "Yehuda Katz says: Yes, sir!"

Accessing Object Properties

When accessing the properties of an object, use the get() and set() accessor methods:

var person = Person.create();

var name = person.get('name');
person.set('name', 'Tobias Funke');

Make sure to use these accessor methods; otherwise, computed properties won't recalculate, observers won't fire, and templates won't update.

Reopening Classes and Instances


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