【Python + Selenium】Mock Testing 是啥?一个so上的高票答案。
There are many kinds of testing which really made me confused.
To be honest, I've never heard of something like Mock testing, stub testing. I had to learn a lot before I can know little about testing.
Whenever I saw something which was written by some foreign guys in several years ago, I felt so bad as I fell behind for lots of knowlege and it's even impossible for me to catch up with. Anyhow, just start!
I'm going to build a framework for our daily testing website. It's a longlong journey.
维基对python 测试工具的分类。得一个个研究呀!
- Mock Testing:
Prologue: If you look up the noun mock in the dictionary you will find that one of the definitions of the word is something made as an imitation.
Mocking is primarily used in unit testing. An object under test may have dependencies on other (complex) objects. To isolate the behaviour of the object you want to test you replace the other objects by mocks that simulate the behavior of the real objects. This is useful if the real objects are impractical to incorporate into the unit test.
In short, mocking is creating objects that simulate the behaviour of real objects.
Mocking在单元测试里用的多,(单元测试 多用白盒,集成测试多用灰盒,系统测试黑盒,嗯复习一下)。你测试的对象很可能会依赖一些其他复杂的对象。把其他的对象都用Mocks替代,这样可以隔离出你想测的对象的行为。当真实对象很难被在包含在单元测试中的时候,mock很有用。
At times you may want to distinguish between mocking as opposed to stubbing. There may be some disagreement about this subject but my definition of a stub is a "minimal" simulated object. The stub implements just enough behaviour to allow the object under test to execute the test.
A mock is like a stub but the test will also verify that the object under test calls the mock as expected. Part of the test is verifying that the mock was used correctly.
To give an example: You can stub a database by implementing a simple in-memory structure for storing records. The object under test can then read and write records to the database stub to allow it to execute the test. This could test some behaviour of the object not related to the database and the database stub would be included just to let the test run.
If you instead want to verify that the object under test writes some specific data to the database you will have to mock the database. Your test would then incorporate assertions about what was written to the database mock.
mock虽然跟stub像,但是除此之外,温饱之外的小康,mock一会验证你的这臆造出来的对象是意料之中的,验证这对象是不是你想模拟的对象。mock 测试中会验证这mock 用对了地方。
【Python + Selenium】Mock Testing 是啥?一个so上的高票答案。的更多相关文章
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