Police raided his home in August and found more than 100g of marijuana. He faced a maximum sentence of three years.

His arrest came amid a drug use crackdown in China which saw several celebrities arrestedtravel industry research

In June 2014, President Xi Jinping ordered police to use strong measures to stop drug use.

This confession from the son of one of China's most famous actors underlines a key message from the Chinese government: no-o數學補習ne is immune from China's crackdown on illegal drugs, reports the BBC's Celia Hatton in Beijing.

Chan and Taiwanese movie star Kai Ko, 23, were both detained at his Beijing home in August, with police saying they tested positive for marijuana. Mr Ko was released after a 14-day administrative detention for drug use.

But Jaycee Chan was put under "criminal detention" for the additional and more serious crime of "providing a shelter for others to abuse drugs", Beijing police said at the time.

He told the court on Friday that when police came to his house "I just gave them information and I confessed because I didn't know how to deal with the marijuana".織髮

He faced a maximum sentence of three years.的更多相关文章

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