Please indicate the source if you need to repost.

Client jQuery could initialize a cross-domain request. Certainly, jQuery could initialize a NetSuite request.

jQuery code (client):

        function clickMe() {
try {
var myUrl = your_http_url;
url: myUrl,
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: { "myName1": 2345 },
jsonp: 'callback',
jsonpCallback: "asyncButton",
success: function (result) {
for (var i in result) {
alert(i + " : " + result[i]); //Print response result
error: function (result1) { alert(2) },
timeout: 3000
catch (ex) {

Client jQuery

Suitelet code (server):

function asyncButton(request, response) {
var x = request.getParameter('myName1');
var y = request.getParameter('myName2');
nlapiLogExecution('debug','test',x+', '+y);

NetSuite Suietlet

Note: Suitelet MUST check the 'Available without login' option.

Howerver, this kind of request doesn't have any credentials, which means it's an insecure request.

Restlet seems an optiop. I tried with Restlet, it didn't work out.

I guess the reason why it failed:

Cross-domain request MUST set 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' in the server headers.

And Restlet doesn't allow coder to set the headers, so doesn't Suitelet.

I think the 'Available without login' option set the headers for us. :)

That's why Suitelet works for client jQuery

// Allow all the other parties to access.
// Response type
// Response headers

PHP Server

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