Sharepoint学习笔记—习题系列--70-576习题解析 -(Q13-Q15)
Question 13
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 site. You need to design the site to meet all the following requirements:
.Your business requires a consistent structure to manage sales proposal documents across all account teams.
.The sales director must ensure that all sales documents conform to the same template.
.All sales proposals must be reviewed and approved by the sales manager.
.Every site must be created with a document library, a list of the account team members, and the account status.
Which approach should you recommend?
A. Design a site template with a standard list of account team members and a shared document library to hold the proposal documents.
B. Design a proposal content type to store proposal document metadata and a shared document library to hold the proposal documents.
C. Design a proposal content type to include required metadata information about the proposal documents. Also design a site template with a standard document library and account team members list for consistency across all account teams.
D. Design a content type that uses a Microsoft Word template for proposal documents. The content type includes required metadata. Also design a site template with a customized document library and list for consistency across all account teams.
本题需要你设计一个Sharepoint2010 网站,此网站需要满足如下要求:
要求1. 为整个会计工作组提供管理销售计划书的一致性结构。
要求2. 销售部门的负责人要求所有的销售文档都必须基于同一个文档模板。
要求3. 所有的销售计划书都必须经过销售经理的检查和批准。
要求4. 所有的网站在创建时都必须包括一个文档库,一个会计工作组成员列表以及反应账目状态。
根据上面的描述,我们至少可以看到,要求1的实质就是要通过各类模板或定义来提供一致性结构。要求2 就更进一步提到所有文档都需要基于一个文档模板,那么这个文档模板就需要我们在解决方法中创建。要求3 貌似一个工作流,它可以基于内容类型或文档库来创建。也可指文档的必备元数据项(标识是否经过检查和批准)。要求4则需要一个网站模板或网站定义,这样就能保证在创建网站时自动包含了指定的内容结构。
选项A. 解决了要求4,但却没有解决要求2,即文档模板的问题。
选项B. 解决了要求1,3,但却没有解决要求2(文档模板)和要求4(网站在创建时必须包含指定的内容结构)
选项C. 没有解决要求2(文档模板)问题
Design a content type that uses a Microsoft Word template for proposal documents. The content type includes required metadata. 解决了要求1,2,3。通过创建内容类型,指定内容类型基于的文档模板,以及文档必备的元数据项。
design a site template with a customized document library and list for consistency across all account teams. 解决了要求4,通过网站模板来定义了新创建网站必备的内容结构。
因此本题答案应该选 D
Question 14
You are designing a solution that includes a custom list on a SharePoint 2010 site. You need to design the solution to meet the following requirements:
.The solution needs to add customized files to the site as part of the list provisioning.
.The list should only be provisioned in the sites of the site collection where it is specifically needed.
.The files must no longer remain provisioned in the site if the custom list is removed.
Which approach should you take?
A. Design a custom list. Implement list event receivers to add the custom files to the bin directory of the Web application.
B. Design a custom feature solution. Implement feature event receivers on the Activate action to add files to the site.
C. Design a custom feature solution. Implement feature event receivers on these two actions:
•Install action to add files
•Uninstall action to delete the files that were added during installation of the feature
D. Design a custom feature solution. Implement feature event receivers on these two actions:
•Activate action to add the files
•Deactivate action to delete the files that were added during activation of the feature
要求1. 可以自动添加一个或若干个定制的文件到客户列表中
要求2. 客户列表的位置是根据需要确定的
要求3. 当删除客户列表时,在要求1中添加的那些文件也必须被一并删除。
选项A. Design a custom list. Implement list event receivers to add the custom files to the bin directory of the Web application. 解决了添加文件到列表,但却没有解决如何删除它们。也没有解决在指定的位置放置此列表的问题,而是把它放到了Web Application的Bin目录下。
选项B. Design a custom feature solution. Implement feature event receivers on the Activate action to add files to the site. 解决了添加文件到列表,但却没有解决如何删除它们。
选项C. Design a custom feature solution. Implement feature event receivers on these two actions:
•Install action to add files
•Uninstall action to delete the files that were added during installation of the feature
首先,Feature的event Receiver有如下4种:
• A feature is installed.
• A feature is activated.
• A feature is deactivated.
• A feature is removed.
所以很明显,没有什么Install action 与Uninstall action。再者,对于Installed和removed这样的事件,也仅仅用在安装和移除Feature本身的过程中,Feature对列表的动作应该处于后续步骤,即在Feature激活与停止的步骤中实施的。
选项D. 如上所述,在Feature的激活与停止操作中实施。
因此本题答案应该选 D
Question 15
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 solution for a large sales force. You have the following requirements:
.Each sales region must have its own site within the solution with lists to track the current sales data of the sales executives.
.These lists must contain information about the status of sales opportunities, the estimated price, the expected close date, and contact information for the potential sale.
.The welcome page for the root site must display a current summary for all regions, including the percentage of sales expected to close within the next month and total expected revenue over time. You need to design the solution to meet all these requirements. What approach should you recommend?
A. Create site columns from the Managed Metadata Services feature within Central Administration to specify and display the sales information on the root site.
B. Create an event receiver for each list to copy the list data when an item is inserted into a list on the root site. Create a List View Web Part to display the sales information on the root site.
C. Create a content type for the metadata to be tracked. Use a Content Query Web Part to display the sales information on the root site.
D. Create a custom workflow to manage the list item data and update properties on the Web Part to display the sales information on the root site.
要求1. 每个销售地区拥有自己的网站和相应的列表以记录当前的销售数据
要求2. 列表必须包含诸如:潜在销售机会的状态,估计的销售价格,可能的完成销售的时间以及其它与此潜在销售机会相关的信息。
要求3. 在总站的欢迎页面上显示所有地区的销售汇总,下个月的任务完成率以及估计的总收入等等信息,总之就是要有汇总各分区信息的能力。
选项A. Create site columns from the Managed Metadata Services feature within Central Administration to specify and display the sales information on the root site. 我们知道Managed Metadata Service 应用程序用于共享多个网站集中的多个术语库和内容类型,本选项试图通过创建Managed Metadata Site Columns似乎解决不了信息汇总的问题,因为在本题Managed Metadata Site Columns只是共享利用了Central Administration层面的术语库,且仅此而已。它并不有做任何把各分区的销售信息进行汇总的处理。
选项B. Create an event receiver for each list to copy the list data when an item is inserted into a list on the root site. Create a List View Web Part to display the sales information on the root site. 本选项首先在数据管理上似乎是在总网上录入数据再分发到各地区网站,这点与要求不合。题目的要求是各地区分管自己的数据,只是在总站汇总。其次,使用List View Web Part并不能解决信息汇总问题,因为它主要是影响列表的显示格式,你可以依靠它对列表数据进行过滤,排序或者显示特定字段的数据。
选项C. Create a content type for the metadata to be tracked. Use a Content Query Web Part to display the sales information on the root site.
我们知道,Sharepoin可以使用内容查询 Web 部件创建从多个源查询到的数据的自定义视图,并在一个位置集中显示所有数据。将内容查询 Web 部件添加到网页后,您可以通过设置自定义属性来自定义该 Web 部件的查询行为、自定义列表和内容类型。所以使用内容查询 Web 部件明显是解决本题需求的手段。再则,通过定义通用的内容类型,然后再在各地区网站的列表中引用此通用的内容类型从而使销售信息的管理与使用达到了规范化,一致性要求,以便于在总网汇总这些信息。所以本选项应该能满足本题的要求。
选项D. Create a custom workflow to manage the list item data and update properties on the Web Part to display the sales information on the root site. 本选项好像是想要通过用户自定义工作流去管理各地区列表的销售数据,我的理解是它想实现:当各地区列表插入新的销售数据时,就通过工作流把数据汇集到总网站的列表中,这样做似乎应该问题不大。个人理解,主要问题是想通过修改WebPart的属性去影响Webpart内部显示的数据,就显然是各顾各的事,Webpart内部显示的列表的数据是无法通过WebPart本身的属性去实现汇总的,它们各自的分工不同。所以,使用内容查询 Web 部件应该是正道。
因此本题答案应该选 C
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