Table 2. Run configuration problems
Problem | Investigate |
During start you get error messages such as "One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved" or "java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found." |
Check that all required plug-ins are included in your run configuration. Make sure that your product defines dependencies to all required plug-ins or features. Bundles may also require a certain version of the Java virtual machine, e.g. a bundle may require Java 1.6 and will therefore not load in a Java 1.5 VM. Check the |
Strange behavior but no error message. | Check if your run configuration includes the -consoleLog parameter. This option allows you to see errors from Eclipse based application in theConsole view of the Eclipse IDE. |
Runtime configuration is frequently missing required plug-ins | Make sure that your product or your feature(s) includes all required dependencies. |
A change in the product Dependencies tab is not reflected in the run configuration (e.g. a new plug-in is added but is not included in the run configuration) | A product updates an existing run configuration if you start the product directly from the product definition file. If you select the run configuration directly, it will not be updated. |
Application model changes are not reflected in the Eclipse 4 application. |
Eclipse 4 persists user changes in the application in a delta file which is restored at startup. During development this might lead to situations where model changes are not correctly applied to the runtime model, e.g., you define a new menu entry and this entry is not displayed in your application. Either set the Clear flag on the Main tab in your run configuration or add the |
Services, e.g. key bindings or the selection service, are not working in an Eclipse 4 application. | Used to be problem in Eclipse 4.2 as in this release every part needed to implement a @Focus method which places the focus on an SWT control. Should work correctly in Eclipse 4.3, even without the @Focus method. |
Menu entries are disabled in an Eclipse 4.3 build. |
Eclipse 4.3 introduces a new model add-on which you need to register with your application model. The new application wizards adds that by default. When migrating from Eclipse 4.2, ensure that your application model has an entry pointing to the |
Application "org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner" could not be found in the registry or Application could not be found in the registry. | Ensure that you have pressed the New... button in the product configuration file and selected the E4Application as application to start. You can check the current setting in your plugin.xml file on the Extensionstab and in the details of the org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension. |
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