练习1-16:修改打印最长文本行的程序的主程序main,使之可以打印任意长度的输入行的长度,并尽可能多地打印文本(C程序设计语言 第2版)
Answer to Exercise -, page
Revise the main routine of the longest-line program so it will correctly print the length of arbitrarily long input lines, and as much as possible of the text. /* This is the first program exercise where the spec isn't entirely
* clear. The spec says, 'Revise the main routine', but the true
* length of an input line can only be determined by modifying
* getline. So that's what we'll do. getline will now return the
* actual length of the line rather than the number of characters
* read into the array passed to it.
*/ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXLINE 1000 /* maximum input line size */ int getline(char line[], int maxline);
void copy(char to[], char from[]); /* print longest input line */
int main(void)
int len; /* current line length */
int max; /* maximum length seen so far */
char line[MAXLINE]; /* current input line */
char longest[MAXLINE]; /* longest line saved here */ max = ; while((len = getline(line, MAXLINE)) > )
printf("%d: %s", len, line); if(len > max)
max = len;
copy(longest, line);
if(max > )
printf("Longest is %d characters:\n%s", max, longest);
return ;
} /* getline: read a line into s, return length */
int getline(char s[], int lim)
int c, i, j; for(i = , j = ; (c = getchar())!=EOF && c != '\n'; ++i)
if(i < lim - )
s[j++] = c;
if(c == '\n')
if(i <= lim - )
s[j++] = c;
s[j] = '\0';
return i;
} /* copy: copy 'from' into 'to'; assume 'to' is big enough */
void copy(char to[], char from[])
int i; i = ;
while((to[i] = from[i]) != '\0')
练习1-16:修改打印最长文本行的程序的主程序main,使之可以打印任意长度的输入行的长度,并尽可能多地打印文本(C程序设计语言 第2版)的更多相关文章
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