first step, only aim to work.

it works, but i have not seen the necessaty to use class yet.

my question, why use class?


#include <iostream>

#include <iostream>

#include "operation.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

// insert code here...

std::cout << "Hello!\n";

string numberA,numberB,operateType;

std::cout<<"please input numberA:\n";

std::cin >>numberA;

std::cout<<"operate type";


std::cout<<"please input numberB:\n";



//why use class to

return 0;



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int Operation(string number1, string number2, string operateType);


#include "operation.h"

int Operation(string number1, string number2, string operateType){

int result=0;


result = atoi(number1.c_str())+atoi(number2.c_str());


else if(operateType=="-"){

result = atoi(number1.c_str())-atoi(number2.c_str());


else if(operateType=="*"){

result = atoi(number1.c_str())*atoi(number2.c_str());


else if(operateType=="/"){

result = atoi(number1.c_str())/atoi(number2.c_str());



result =0;


return result;


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