JS字典 Dictionary类
字典 Dictionary类
/*字典 Dictionary类*/
function Dictionary() {
this.add = add;
this.datastore = new Array();
this.find = find;
this.remove = remove;
this.showAll = showAll;
this.count = count;
this.clear = clear;
} function add(key, value) {
this.datastore[key] = value;
} function find(key) {
return this.datastore[key];
} function remove(key) {
delete this.datastore[key];
} function showAll() {
var str = "";
for(var key in this.datastore) {
str += key + " -> " + this.datastore[key] + "; "
} function count() {
/*var ss = Object.keys(this.datastore).length;
console.log("ssss "+ss);
return Object.keys(this.datastore).length;*/
var n = 0;
for(var key in Object.keys(this.datastore)) {
return n;
} function clear() {
for(var key in this.datastore) {
delete this.datastore[key];
} var pbook = new Dictionary();
pbook.add("Mike", "723");
pbook.add("Jennifer", "987");
pbook.add("Jonathan", "666");
pbook.showAll();//Mike -> 723; Jennifer -> 987; Jonathan -> 666;
pbook.showAll();//Mike -> 723; Jonathan -> 666;
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