Huffman Implementation with Python


Token Frequency
a 10
e 15
i 12
s 3
t 4
space 13
n 1

生成 Huffman 编码

根据上面的码表,先生成 Huffman 树,然后生成 Huffman 编码。代码如下:

def binary_tree(val=None):
return [val, [], []] def insert_left(root, branch):
root[1] = branch def insert_right(root, branch):
root[2] = branch def get_root_val(root):
return root[0] def set_root_val(root, val):
root[0] = val def get_left_child(root):
return root[1] def get_right_child(root):
return root[2] def is_leaf(root):
if len(get_left_child(root)) == 0 and len(get_right_child(root)) == 0:
return True
return False def huffman(data):
while len(data) > 1:
data = sorted(data, key=lambda e: e[1]) root = binary_tree()
left = data.pop(0)
right = data.pop(0) insert_left(root, left[0])
insert_right(root, right[0]) data.append((root, left[1] + right[1]))
return data[0][0] def tree2code(root, code, plan):
if is_leaf(root):
plan[get_root_val(root)] = code
tree2code(get_left_child(root), code+'0', plan)
tree2code(get_right_child(root), code+'1', plan) def build_data(d):
l = list()
for pair in d.items():
root = binary_tree(pair[0])
l.append((root, pair[1]))
return l if __name__ == '__main__':
d = {'a':10, 'e':15, 'i':12, 's':3, 't':4, 'space':13, 'n':1} l = build_data(d)
tree = huffman(l) plan = dict()
tree2code(tree, str(), plan)


{'i': '00', 'space': '01', 'e': '10', 't': '1100', 'n': '11010', 's': '11011', 'a': '111'}




[1] 《数据结构与算法分析——C语言描述》 机械工业出版社

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