今天下午,测试环境清算的时候又出现了之前的一个异常,这次把错误信息全部打出来了,java.sql.SQLException: 无法从套接字读取更多的数据,是使用mycat连接oracle的,如下所示:

ORA-17410: No more data to read from socket

Your database connection has timed out, either due to network problems or due to Oracle reaching the IDLE_TIME profile limit.

Your application however tried to use the connection, but as the connection has closed, failed to do so. 
This error mostly happens when using connection pools. Normally, when a connection is timed out or gone, the application should automatically reconnect. 
Failure to do so results in this error.

经查,oracle后台以及alert.log没有任何异常,也不应该是oracle jdbc驱动的问题,trace文件也没有异常。









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