In this lesson you will learn to talk about what happened.  谈论发生什么?


Nosy  好管闲事
Noise  噪声     # noise pollution [pə'luʃən] 噪音污染
Noisy  吵闹

# 表示闭嘴的几种说法

be quiet  保持安静

shut up  住口;关闭;妥藏起来

stop talking  别说话;住口;停止说话

zip it 闭嘴

# 表示我的观点或看法的表达方式

from my opinion  根据我的意见   # opinion  n. 意见;主张

I figare  我想;估计 有可能; 认为 料想

In my view  在我看来

I think 我认为

for myself/me  我觉得

I get used to it  我习惯了

# 形容词 adj.  后缀-ed 和 后缀-ing的区别

-ed: 用于修饰人本身


exciting  adj. 令人兴奋的;使人激动的     / excited  adj. 兴奋的;激动的;活跃的

boring / bored

All of which my granddaughter finds boring  所有这些都使我的小孙女感到无聊

She was bored throughout the film.   她从头到尾对这个电影都不感兴趣。

#   about environment  pollution  环境污染

plant tree  植树

limit the car  限制车辆

carry policy  实施策略

词汇(Key Word )

countdown  倒计时

reciprocal  adj. 互惠的;相互的;倒数的,彼此相反的

oops  int. 哎哟(表示惊讶,狼狈时所发的喊声)     #  opposites  反义词    synonym  近义词

in the public area  在公共场所

coffee shop  咖啡店(等于coffee house)

environment  n. 环境,外界  #  environment  pollution  环境污染

improve  [ɪm'pruv]  提高

plastic operation  整形手术,修补术

sugery 外科学,外科手术; 手术室; 诊所; 诊断时间

annoyed  adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的


Where were you ? 当时你在哪里?

I was at a party

What time was the party? 这个聚会之前在什么时间?

It was from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Who was with you?你和谁一起?

My co-worker

How was the party? 这个聚会怎么样?

It wasn't interesting 不好玩

Where was the writer? 作者在哪里?

When was at night?晚上什么时候?

Who was writer's frient? 谁是作家的朋友?

What was the end of story?故事的结尾是什么?

I am in the good mood  我心情很好

He was annoyed because I was late.    他迟到了,他很烦恼    # annoyed  烦恼

We were tired, so we weren't in the mood to go to the party. 我们很累,所以没心情去参加聚会。

I studied a lot , so  I wasn't worried about the exam.   # 我学了很多,所以我不担心考试。

They were happy after(介词) winning(动词) the football game.  这场足球赛胜利之后他们很高兴  # winner是名词,只能用于 I am winver(我是赢家)

We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room(我们的房间) was very small and it wasn't very clean.

George wasn't at work last week because he was ill.He's better now.(他现在好多了)

Yesterday was a public holiday so the shops were closed. They're open today.

"Where are my keys?" " I don't know.They were on the table,but they're not there now."

You weren't at home last night. Were were you?



Tenses  时态

The teacher says: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses.Now if I say"I am beautiful," which tense is it?

The student says:Obviously(b不发音) it's the paste tense

Extra Vocabulary

Present Tense:一般现在进行时

Past tense: 一般过去时

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