客户端: 用来发送请求, 并处理返回结果. 涉及到的方法和结构有:

http.Client // 结构体, 包含的方法有Get Post PostForm Head 这些方法通http.NewRequest创建请求的, Client中还有一个很重要的方法Do, 他时请求的正真执行者. 
http.Get  http.Post  http.Head  http.PostForm 这些方法都是对http.Client方法的包装

const (

    StatusContinue           = 

    StatusSwitchingProtocols = 

    StatusOK                   = 

    StatusCreated              = 

    StatusAccepted             = 

    StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo = 

    StatusNoContent            = 

    StatusResetContent         = 

    StatusPartialContent       = 

    StatusMultipleChoices   = 

    StatusMovedPermanently  = 

    StatusFound             = 

    StatusSeeOther          = 

    StatusNotModified       = 

    StatusUseProxy          = 

    StatusTemporaryRedirect = 

    StatusBadRequest                   = 

    StatusUnauthorized                 = 

    StatusPaymentRequired              = 

    StatusForbidden                    = 

    StatusNotFound                     = 

    StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 

    StatusNotAcceptable                = 

    StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 

    StatusRequestTimeout               = 

    StatusConflict                     = 

    StatusGone                         = 

    StatusLengthRequired               = 

    StatusPreconditionFailed           = 

    StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 

    StatusRequestURITooLong            = 

    StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 

    StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 

    StatusExpectationFailed            = 

    StatusTeapot                       = 

    StatusInternalServerError     = 

    StatusNotImplemented          = 

    StatusBadGateway              = 

    StatusServiceUnavailable      = 

    StatusGatewayTimeout          = 

    StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported = 


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