2012 If this is the end of the world how to do? I do not know how. But now scientists have found that some stars, who can live, but some people do not fit to live some of the planet. Now scientists want your help, is to determine what all of people can live in these planets.




  1. #include<stdio.h>
  2. #include<string.h>
  3. #include<math.h>
  4. #include<algorithm>
  5. using namespace std;
  7. const int maxn=;
  8. const int maxm=;
  9. int match[maxn][maxm],g[maxn][maxm],cnt[maxm],lim[maxn],n,m;
  10. bool vis[maxm];
  12. bool dfs(int s){
  13. for(int i=;i<m;++i){
  14. if(g[s][i]==||vis[i]==)continue;
  15. vis[i]=;
  16. if(cnt[i]<lim[i]){
  17. match[i][cnt[i]++]=s;
  18. return ;
  19. }
  20. else{
  21. for(int j=;j<lim[i];++j){
  22. if(dfs(match[i][j])==){
  23. match[i][j]=s;
  24. return ;
  25. }
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. return ;
  30. }
  31. bool hungary(int n){
  32. for(int i=;i<n;++i){
  33. memset(vis,,sizeof(vis));
  34. if(dfs(i)==)return ;
  35. }
  36. return ;
  37. }
  38. int main(){
  39. while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){
  40. memset(cnt,,sizeof(cnt));
  41. for(int i=;i<n;++i)
  42. for(int j=;j<m;++j)scanf("%d",&g[i][j]);
  43. for(int i=;i<m;++i)scanf("%d",&lim[i]);
  44. if(hungary(n))printf("YES\n");
  45. else printf("NO\n");
  46. }
  47. return ;
  48. }


  1. #pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:16777216")
  2. #include<stdio.h>
  3. #include<string.h>
  4. #include<vector>
  5. #include<queue>
  6. #include<algorithm>
  7. using namespace std;
  8. const int maxm=;
  9. const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
  11. struct edge{
  12. int from,to,c,f;
  13. edge(int a,int b,int m,int n):from(a),to(b),c(m),f(n){}
  14. };
  16. struct dinic{
  17. int s,t,m;
  18. vector<edge>e;
  19. vector<int>g[maxm];
  20. bool vis[maxm];
  21. int cur[maxm],d[maxm];
  23. void init(int n){
  24. for(int i=;i<=n;i++)g[i].clear();
  25. e.clear();
  26. }
  28. void add(int a,int b,int c){
  29. e.push_back(edge(a,b,c,));
  30. e.push_back(edge(b,a,,));
  31. m=e.size();
  32. g[a].push_back(m-);
  33. g[b].push_back(m-);
  34. }
  36. bool bfs(){
  37. memset(vis,,sizeof(vis));
  38. queue<int>q;
  39. q.push(s);
  40. vis[s]=;
  41. d[s]=;
  42. while(!q.empty()){
  43. int u=q.front();
  44. q.pop();
  45. for(int i=;i<g[u].size();i++){
  46. edge tmp=e[g[u][i]];
  47. if(!vis[tmp.to]&&tmp.c>tmp.f){
  48. d[tmp.to]=d[u]+;
  49. vis[tmp.to]=;
  50. q.push(tmp.to);
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }
  54. return vis[t];
  55. }
  57. int dfs(int x,int a){
  58. if(x==t||a==)return a;
  59. int flow=,f;
  60. for(int& i=cur[x];i<g[x].size();i++){
  61. edge& tmp=e[g[x][i]];
  62. if(d[tmp.to]==d[x]+&&(f=dfs(tmp.to,min(a,tmp.c-tmp.f)))>){
  63. tmp.f+=f;
  64. e[g[x][i]^].f-=f;
  65. flow+=f;
  66. a-=f;
  67. if(a==)break;
  68. }
  69. }
  70. if(!flow)d[x]=-;
  71. return flow;
  72. }
  74. int mf(int s,int t){
  75. this->s=s;
  76. this->t=t;
  77. int flow=;
  78. while(bfs()){
  79. memset(cur,,sizeof(cur));
  80. flow+=dfs(s,INF);
  81. }
  82. return flow;
  83. }
  84. };
  86. int num[];
  88. int main(){
  89. int n,m;
  90. while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){
  91. memset(num,,sizeof(num));
  92. dinic d;
  93. d.init(m+(<<m)+);
  94. int i,j;
  95. for(i=;i<=n;i++){
  96. int tmp=;
  97. for(j=;j<=m;j++){
  98. int a=;
  99. char c=getchar();
  100. while(c>''||c<'')c=getchar();
  101. a=c-'';
  102. tmp=tmp*+a;
  103. }
  104. num[tmp]++;
  105. }
  106. for(i=;i<=(<<m)-;i++){
  107. if(num[i]){
  108. d.add(,i,num[i]);
  109. int tmp=i;
  110. for(j=m;j>=;j--){
  111. if(tmp&){
  112. d.add(i,(<<m)+j,INF);
  113. }
  114. tmp>>=;
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. for(j=;j<=m;j++){
  119. int a=;
  120. char c=getchar();
  121. while(c>''||c<'')c=getchar();
  122. while(c>=''&&c<=''){
  123. a=a*+c-'';
  124. c=getchar();
  125. }
  126. d.add((<<m)+j,m+(<<m)+,a);
  127. }
  128. if(n==d.mf(,m+(<<m)+))printf("YES\n");
  129. else printf("NO\n");
  130. }
  131. return ;
  132. }


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