
14.5. Upgrading the System Off-line with ISO and Yum

  1. Create a target directory to mount your ISO image. This directory is not automatically created when mounting, so create it before proceeding to the next step, as root, type:
    mkdir mount_dir
    Replace mount_dir with a path to the mount directory. Typicaly, users create it as a subdirectory in the /media/ directory.
  2. Mount the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 installation ISO image to the previously created target directory. As root, type:
    mount -o loop iso_name mount_dir
    Replace iso_name with a path to your ISO image and mount_dir with a path to the target directory. Here, the -o loop option is required to mount the file as a block device.
  3. Check the numeric value found on the first line of the .discinfo file from the mount directory:
    head -n1 mount_dir/.discinfo
    The output of this command is an identification number of the ISO image, you need to know it to perform the following step.
  4. Create a new file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory, named for instance new.repo, and add a content in the following form. Note that configuration files in this directory must have the .repo extension to function properly.
    Replace media_id with the numeric value found in mount_dir/.discinfo. Set the repository name instead ofrepository_name, replace repository_url with a path to a repository directory in the mount point and gpg_key with a path to the GPG key.
    For example, the repository settings for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Server ISO can look as follows:
  5. Update all yum repositories including /etc/yum.repos.d/new.repo created in previous steps. As root, type:
    yum update


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