

  • Formula

  • Bigger N
  • Smaller N
  • Bigger M
  • Smaller M



         Calculate stretegy
1. Force N to Nth power of 2
2. With Fs and Ft fixed, calculate M based on N
3. Force calculated M to the nearest prime number
4. Recalculate Fs based on the resulted M

Bigger N

         Calculate stretegy
1. Force nudN to (N+1)th power of 2
2. With N and Ft fixed, calculate M based on given Fs
3. Force calculated M to the nearest prime number
4. Recalculate Fs based on the calculated M

Smaller N

         Calculate stretegy
1. Force nudN to (N-1)th power of 2
2. With Fs and Ft fixed, calculate M based on N
3. Force calculated M to the nearest prime number
4. Recalculate Fs based on the calculated M

Bigger M

         Calculate stretegy
1. Force cbboxM to the bigger prime number
2. With Fs and Ft fixed, calculate the N with the resulted M;

Smaller M

         Calculate stretegy
1. Force cbboxM to the smaller prime number
2. With Fs and Ft fixed, calculate the N with the resulted M;

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