CVE-2019-0214: Apache Archiva arbitrary file write and delete on the server
CVE-2019-0214: Apache Archiva arbitrary file write and delete on the server
Severity: Medium
The Apache Software Foundation
Versions Affected:
Apache Archiva 2.0.0 - 2.2.3
The unsupported versions 1.x are also affected.
It is possible to write files to the archiva server at arbitrary locations by using the artifact upload mechanism.
Existing files can be overwritten, if the archiva run user has appropriate permission on the filesystem for the target file.
It is highly recommended to upgrade to Archiva 2.2.4 or higher, where
additional validations are implemented to prevent such malicious
parameter values.
As intermediate action you may reduce the number
of users that are allowed to upload to archiva and make sure, that the
archiva run user may have only
write permission to the directories needed.
The newest Archiva version can be downloaded from:
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