1. try to start SAP system but failed



    when i tried to start SAP system,

    using the command:

    sapcontrol -nr 60 -function InstanceStart PRDERPAS01 60

and I get the below failed information:

FAIL: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connecion refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen()


The issue you had was related to sapstartsrv, which was not running.
use following command to check sapstartsrv
ps -ef | grep sapstartsrv


Once it was started:

/usr/sap//<instance_nr>/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap//SYS/profile/<instance_nr> -D -u

/usr/sap/S4P/D61/exe/sapstartsrv pf=/usr/sap/S4P/SYS/profile/S4P_D61_PRDERPAP01 -D -u s4padm

You were able to use sapcontrol to start instance, and also monitor it with GetProcessList command.
SAP Startup Troubleshooting Guide for Netweaver Application Server: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/x/8IGuG
KBA 2652459 - [Best Practice] How to troubleshoot sapcontrol/sapstartsrv common issues - Guided Answers
  1. Diagnostics-relevance not set in solution manager


    Component: Agent Framework (SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-AGT)

Stop it and run the following command to connect it to SolMan?

smdsetup managingconf hostname:"sapms://<solman.full.qual.host.name>" port:"<81xx>"



no fqdn is set for your solman?

wiki page explaining how to synchronize hana DB to Solman


This one is about managed system configuration for HANA MDC


  1. register database HANA into diagnostics agent

    Component: Landscape Management Database (LMDB) (SV-SMG-LDB)

    Solution Summary:

    To register the HANA completely into the SLD, it's needed to run the following steps.

    1. RZ70 of the ABAP system.
    2. HDBLCM tool.

      3 after getting the complete HANA data in SLD, please wait for 10mins until background job SAP_LMDB_LDB* syncs the change to LMDB. Or you can run the job immediately.
    3. refresh the solman_setup page to get the update system info for managed system configuration.
  2. "destination SDCC_OSS not exist".

    Component: SAP HANA Database (HAN-DB)


5 service WEbgui does not exist"

The issue can be resolved by apply the following SAP note , please close this incident at you convenient time.

  2721354 - Activity "Activate Services" in Managed Systems Configuration


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