
这两天一直在用vs2008编写一个小项目,需要在c++代码中通过命令行的方式调用cl.exe和link.exe,也就是给编译器cl和链接器link传递参数,然后编译链接生成可执行文件exe.最终生成的result.exe运行时老出现Runtime Error R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.的错误,围绕这个问题,我查了两天的资料,最后终于解决了。。





  按照上面所说的方法,我在自己的项目中编写好自动生成exe 的代码生成一个exe。然后点击这个exe,就出现Runtime Error R6034 。


  An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library without using a manifest. This is an unsupported way to load Visual C++ DLLs. You need to modify your application to build with a manifest. For more information, see the "Visual C++ Libraries as Shared Side-by-Side Assemblies" topic in the product documentation.
  Applications must use a manifest to load the C runtime library. For more information, see Visual C++ Libraries as Shared Side-by-Side Assemblies and Manifest Generation in Visual Studio.
In release builds, the diagnostic message reads: "An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information."
  To correct this error
  Rebuild your application to include a manifest. Building an application with Visual Studio automatically puts the manifest into the resulting .exe or .dll file. If you are building at the command line, use the mt.exe tool to add the manifest as a resource. Use resource ID 1 if you build an .exe, and resource ID 2 if you build a .dll. For more information, see How to: Embed a Manifest Inside a C/C++ Application.

  重点是这一句:If you are building at the command line, use the mt.exe tool to add the manifest as a resource. Use resource ID 1 if you build an .exe, and resource ID 2 if you build a .dll. For more information, see How to: Embed a Manifest Inside a C/C++ Application.


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