
On a two-dimensional plane, give you n integer points. Your task is to figure out how many different regular polygon these points can make.


The input file consists of several test cases. Each case the first line is a numbers N (N <= 500). The next N lines ,each line contain two number Xi and Yi(-100 <= xi,yi <= 100), means the points’ position.(the data assures no two points share the same position.)


For each case, output a number means how many different regular polygon these points can make.

Sample Input

Sample Output








#include<algorithm> #define MAX 2000 using namespace std; struct node
int x,y;
} p[MAX]; int vis[MAX][MAX]; int solve(int node1,int node2)
int x = p[node1].x - p[node2].x;
int y = p[node1].y - p[node2].y;
int ans=;
if(p[node1].x-y>= && p[node1].y+x>= && p[node2].x-y>= && p[node2].y+x>= )//判断成正方形的条件
if(vis[p[node1].x-y][p[node1].y+x] && vis[p[node2].x-y][p[node2].y+x])//判断两个点是否存在
if(p[node1].x+y>= && p[node1].y-x>= && p[node2].x+y>= && p[node2].y-x>= )
if( vis[p[node1].x+y][p[node1].y-x] && vis[p[node2].x+y][p[node2].y-x])
return ans;
} int main()
int n,x,y;
int ans = ;
for(int i=; i<n; i++)
vis[x+][y+] = ;//注意+200是为了将负数化为正数
p[i].x = x+;
p[i].y = y+;
for(int i=; i<n; i++)
for(int j=i+; j<n; j++)
ans += solve(i,j);
} ans /= ;//因为枚举的是边长,所以最后除以4 printf("%d\n",ans);
return ;

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