关于STL中的排序和检索,排序一般用sort函数即可,今天来整理一下检索中常用的函数——lower_bound , upper_bound 和 binary_search 。

STL中关于二分查找的函数有三个lower_bound 、upper_bound 、binary_search 。这三个函数都运用于有序区间(当然这也是运用二分查找的前提)。


        2.使用以上函数时必须包含头文件:#include < algorithm >     

一、lower_bound() 函数





    pos = lower_bound( number, number + 8, 3) - number,pos = 0.即number数组的下标为0的位置。

    pos = lower_bound( number, number + 8, 9) - number, pos = 1,即number数组的下标为1的位置(即10所在的位置)。

    pos = lower_bound( number, number + 8, 111) - number, pos = 8,即number数组的下标为8的位置(但下标上限为7,所以返回最后一个元素的下一个素)。




 #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector> using namespace std; int main()
const int VECTOR_SIZE = ; // Define a template class vector of int
typedef vector<int > IntVector ; //Define an iterator for template class vector of strings
typedef IntVector::iterator IntVectorIt ; IntVector Numbers(VECTOR_SIZE) ; IntVectorIt start, end, it, location ; // Initialize vector Numbers
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ; start = Numbers.begin() ; // location of first
// element of Numbers end = Numbers.end() ; // one past the location
// last element of Numbers // print content of Numbers
cout << "Numbers { " ;
for(it = start; it != end; it++)
cout << *it << " " ;
cout << " }\n" << endl ; // return the first location at which 10 can be inserted
// in Numbers
location = lower_bound(start, end, ) ; cout << "First location element 10 can be inserted in Numbers is: "
<< location - start<< endl ;






 #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; void main()
const int VECTOR_SIZE = ; // Define a template class vector of int
typedef vector<int, allocator<int> > IntVector ; //Define an iterator for template class vector of strings
typedef IntVector::iterator IntVectorIt ; IntVector Numbers(VECTOR_SIZE) ; IntVectorIt start, end, it, location, location1; // Initialize vector Numbers
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ;
Numbers[] = ; start = Numbers.begin() ; // location of first
// element of Numbers end = Numbers.end() ; // one past the location
// last element of Numbers // print content of Numbers
cout << "Numbers { " ;
for(it = start; it != end; it++)
cout << *it << " " ;
cout << " }\n" << endl ; //return the last location at which 10 can be inserted
// in Numbers
location = lower_bound(start, end, ) ;
location1 = upper_bound(start, end, ) ; cout << "Element 10 can be inserted at index "
<< location - start<< endl ;
cout << "Element 10 can be inserted at index "
<< location1 - start<< endl ;


  template<typename T>
  int  binary_search (T arr[],  int size,  T target) ;

  T: 模版参数
  arr :  数组首地址
  size: 数组元素个数
  T target : 需要查找的值
  返回值: 如果数组中找到target, 返回其下标,否则返回 -1



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