Getting Started


Welcome to Training for Android developers.


Here you’ll find sets of lessons within classes that describe how to accomplish a specific task with code samples you can re-use in your app.


Classes are organized into several groups you can see at the top-level of the left navigation.


This first group, Getting Started, teaches you the bare essentials for Android app development.

这是第一个组:“让我们开始吧!”,它将教给你关于Android app开发的最基本的东西。

If you’re a new Android app developer, you should complete each of these classes in order:

如果你是一个Android app开发入门人员,你应该按顺序完成所有这些课程。

1.Building Your First App


After you’ve installed the Android SDK, start with this class to learn the basics about Android app development.

在你安装好你的Android SDK后,你就可以开始和这节课一起开始学习关于Android app开发的基础啦。

2.Adding the Action Bar

增加一个Action Bar

The action bar is one of the most important design elements you can implement for your app’s activities. Although first introduced with API level 11, you can use the Support Library to include the action bar on devices running Android 2.1 or higher.

Action Bar是你能在你的app活动里实现的最重要的设计元素之一。尽管第一次引进的是API 11,但是你可以使用支持工程包来引进action bar以支持搭载Android 2.1甚至更高的设备。

3.Supporting Different Devices


How to build your app with alternative resources that provide an optimized user experience on multiple device form factors using a single APK.


4.Managing the Activity Lifecycle


How Android activities live and die and how to create a seamless user experience by implementing lifecycle callback methods.

Android activitys是何时出生和消亡的,如何通过实现生命周期的回调方法来完成对用户的无缝体验。

5.Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments


How to build a user interface for your app that is flexible enough to present multiple UI components on large screens and a more constrained set of UI components on smaller screens—essential for building a single APK for both phones and tablets.


6.Saving Data


How to save data on the device, whether it’s temporary files, downloaded app assets, user media, structured data, or something else.


7.Interacting with Other Apps


How to build a user experience that leverages other apps available on the device to perform advanced user tasks, such as capture a photo or view an address on a map.



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