SudokuSolver 2.2 程序实现

根据 用C++实现的数独解题程序 SudokuSolver 2.1 及实例分析 里分析,对 2.1 版做了一些改进和尝试。

CQuizDealer 类声明部分的修改

  1. class CQuizDealer
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. ...
    void run(ulong tilsteps = 0);
  5. void setOnlyGrpMode() {m_onlyGrp = true;}
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. CQuizDealer() : m_state(STA_UNLOADED), ..., m_onlyGrp(false) {};
  9. inline void incSteps() {++m_steps;}
  10. inline bool IsDone(u8 ret) {return (ret == RET_OK || ret == RET_WRONG);}...
  11. u8 filterOneGroup(u8* pGrp);
  12. bool completeShrinkByGrp(u8* pGrp, u8* pTimes);
  13. u8 incompleteShrinkByGrp(u8 valSum, u8* pCelSumExs, u8* pGrp);
  14. bool sameCandidates(u8 cel1, u8 cel2);
  15. ...
    ulong m_steps;
  16. bool m_onlyGrp;
  17. ...
  18. };

新增的 setOnlyGrpMode 接口用于控制只采用第一类收缩算法求解。

filterCandidates 接口实现修改

  1. u8 CQuizDealer::filterCandidates()
  2. {
  3. incSteps();
  4. u8 ret = RET_PENDING;
  5. for (u8 row = 0; row < 9; ++row)
  6. if (ret = filterRowGroup(row))
  7. return ret;
  8. for (u8 col = 0; col < 9; ++col)
  9. if (ret = filterColGroup(col))
  10. return ret;
  11. for (u8 blk = 0; blk < 9; ++blk)
  12. if (ret = filterBlkGroup(blk))
  13. return ret;
  14. if (!m_onlyGrp) {
  15. for (u8 row = 0; row < 9; ++row) {
  16. ret = filterRowCandidatesEx(row);
  17. if (IsDone(ret))
  18. return ret;
  19. }
  20. for (u8 col = 0; col < 9; ++col) {
  21. ret = filterColCandidatesEx(col);
  22. if (IsDone(ret))
  23. return ret;
  24. }
  25. }
  26. if (ret == RET_SHRUNKEN) {
  27. printf("incomplete shrink met, filter again\n");
  28. return filterCandidates();
  29. }
  30. return ret;
  31. }

增加了 onlyGrp 控制,即上面所说的是否只采用第一类收缩算法求解。末尾增加的条件递归调用,源自上一篇的实例分析。

filterRowGroup 接口实现修改

  1. u8 CQuizDealer::filterRowGroup(u8 row)
  2. {
  3. u8 celIdxs[10] = {0}; // first item denotes sum of zeros
  4. u8 base = row * 9;
  5. for (u8 col = 0; col < 9; ++col) {
  6. if (m_seqCell[base + col].val == 0) {
  7. celIdxs[0] += 1;
  8. celIdxs[celIdxs[0]] = base + col;
  9. }
  10. }
  11. if (celIdxs[0] == 0)
  12. return RET_PENDING;
  13. u8 ret = filterOneGroup(celIdxs);
  14. if (ret == RET_OK)
  15. printf("%u) row %d complete shrunken by group\n", m_steps, (int)row + 1);
  16. else if (ret == RET_WRONG)
  17. printf("%u) row %d shrink by group went WRONG\n", m_steps, (int)row + 1);
  18. else if (ret == RET_SHRUNKEN)
  19. printf("%u) row %d incomplete shrunken by group\n", m_steps, (int)row + 1);
  20. return ret;
  21. }

filterColGroup 和 filterBlkGroup 接口修改类似。

filterOneGroup 接口新实现

  1. 1 u8 CQuizDealer::filterOneGroup(u8* pGrp)
  2. 2 {
  3. 3 u8 times[20] = {0};
  4. 4 if (completeShrinkByGrp(pGrp, times))
  5. 5 return RET_OK;
  6. 6
  7. 7 u8 size = pGrp[0];
  8. 8 u8 celSumExs[100] = {0};
  9. 9 for (u8 idx = 1; idx <= size; ++idx) {
  10. 10 u8 valSum = m_seqCell[pGrp[idx]].candidates[0];
  11. 11 u8 base = valSum * 10;
  12. 12 celSumExs[base] += 1;
  13. 13 u8 pos = base + celSumExs[base];
  14. 14 celSumExs[pos] = pGrp[idx];
  15. 15 }
  16. 16
  17. 17 for (u8 idx = 2; idx <= 6; ++idx) {
  18. 18 u8 ret = incompleteShrinkByGrp(idx, celSumExs, pGrp);
  19. 19 if (ret != RET_PENDING)
  20. 20 return ret;
  21. 21 }
  22. 22 return RET_PENDING;
  23. 23 }

filterOneGroup 接口的原有实现只支持完全收缩,现在放到了新增 completeShrinkByGrp 接口里:

  1. bool CQuizDealer::completeShrinkByGrp(u8* pGrp, u8* pTimes)
  2. {
  3. u8 size = pGrp[0];
  4. for (u8 idx = 1; idx <= size; ++idx) {
  5. u8 sum = m_seqCell[pGrp[idx]].candidates[0];
  6. for (u8 inn = 1; inn <= sum; ++inn) {
  7. u8 val = m_seqCell[pGrp[idx]].candidates[inn];
  8. pTimes[val] += 1;
  9. pTimes[val + 9] = pGrp[idx];
  10. }
  11. }
  12. bool ret = false;
  13. for (u8 val = 1; val <= 9; ++val) {
  14. if (pTimes[val] == 1) {
  15. ret = true;
  16. u8 celIdx = pTimes[val + 9];
  17. m_seqCell[celIdx].candidates[0] = 1;
  18. m_seqCell[celIdx].candidates[1] = val;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. return ret;
  22. }

新增 incompleteShrinkByGrp 接口实现

  1. 1 u8 CQuizDealer::incompleteShrinkByGrp(u8 valSum, u8* pCelSumExs, u8* pGrp)
  2. 2 {
  3. 3 u8 base = valSum * 10;
  4. 4 if (pCelSumExs[base] < valSum)
  5. 5 return RET_PENDING;
  6. 6 u8 itemSum = 0;
  7. 7 Item items[9];
  8. 8 for (u8 pos = 1; pos <= pCelSumExs[base]; ++pos) {
  9. 9 u8 idx = 0;
  10. 10 for (; idx < itemSum; ++idx)
  11. 11 if (sameCandidates(pCelSumExs[base + pos], items[idx].celIdxs[0])) {
  12. 12 items[idx].celIdxs[items[idx].sameSum] = pCelSumExs[base + pos];
  13. 13 items[idx].sameSum++;
  14. 14 break;
  15. 15 }
  16. 16 if (idx == itemSum) {
  17. 17 items[itemSum].sameSum = 1;
  18. 18 items[itemSum].celIdxs[0] = pCelSumExs[base + pos];
  19. 19 ++itemSum;
  20. 20 }
  21. 21 }
  22. 22 for (u8 idx = 0; idx < itemSum; ++idx) {
  23. 23 if (items[idx].sameSum > valSum)
  24. 24 return RET_WRONG;
  25. 25 }
  26. 26 bool shrunken = false;
  27. 27 for (u8 idx = 0; idx < itemSum; ++idx) {
  28. 28 if (items[idx].sameSum < valSum)
  29. 29 continue;
  30. 30 for (u8 pos = 1; pos <= pGrp[0]; ++pos) {
  31. 31 if (inSet(pGrp[pos], (u8*)&(items[idx])))
  32. 32 continue;
  33. 33 u8 isVals[10] = {0};
  34. 34 u8 cel1 = items[idx].celIdxs[0];
  35. 35 u8 cel2 = pGrp[pos];
  36. 36 intersection(m_seqCell[cel1].candidates, m_seqCell[cel2].candidates, isVals);
  37. 37 if (isVals[0] == 0)
  38. 38 continue;
  39. 39 shrunken = true;
  40. 40 for (u8 valIdx = 1; valIdx <= isVals[0]; ++valIdx)
  41. 41 if (!removeVal(m_seqCell[cel2].candidates, isVals[valIdx]))
  42. 42 return RET_WRONG;
  43. 43 }
  44. 44 }
  45. 45 return (shrunken ? RET_SHRUNKEN : RET_PENDING);
  46. 46 }

里面用到的 Item 结构以及 sameCandidates 接口为:

  1. struct Item {
  2. u8 sameSum;
  3. u8 celIdxs[9];
  4. Item() {sameSum = 0;}
  5. };

bool CQuizDealer::sameCandidates(u8 cel1, u8 cel2)
      u8 sum = m_seqCell[cel1].candidates[0];
      if (sum != m_seqCell[cel2].candidates[0])
          return false;
      for (u8 idx = 1; idx <= sum; ++idx)
          if (m_seqCell[cel1].candidates[idx] != m_seqCell[cel2].candidates[idx])
              return false;
      return true;

filterRowCandidatesEx 接口实现小修改

  1. u8 CQuizDealer::filterRowCandidatesEx(u8 row)
  2. {
  3. ...
    for (u8 idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
  4. ret = filterRowByPolicy1(row, idx, vals, blkTakens);
  5. if (IsDone(ret))
  6. return ret;
  7. }
  8. for (u8 idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) {
  9. ret = filterRowByPolicy2(row, idx, vals, blkTakens);
  10. if (IsDone(ret))
  11. return ret;
  12. }
  13. return ret;
  14. }

filterColCandidatesEx 接口的修改类似。

shrinkRowCandidatesP1 接口实现小修改

  1. u8 CQuizDealer::shrinkRowCandidatesP1(u8* pBlk, u8* pRow, u8 zeroSum, u8 row, u8 colBase)
  2. {
  3. ...
  4. u8 shrunken = 0;
  5. for (u8 col = colBase; col < colBase + 3; ++col) {
  6. ...
    if (ret != RET_PENDING) {
  7. printf(" worked by row-ply1.\n");
  8. if (ret == RET_OK)
  9. shrunken = 1; // complete
  10. else if (ret == RET_SHRUNKEN && shrunken == 0)
  11. shrunken = 2; // incomplete
  12. }
  13. }
  14. if (shrunken == 1) {
  15. ret = RET_OK;
  16. printf("%u) row %d shrunken ply-1 by blk %d\n", m_steps, (u8)row + 1, (u8)colBase / 3 + 1);
  17. }
  18. else if (shrunken == 2)
  19. ret = RET_SHRUNKEN;
  20. return ret;
  21. }

shrinkRowCandidatesP2 接口以及 shrinkColCandidatesP1 和 shrinkColCandidatesP2 接口的修改类似。


  1. // 1.0 2021/9/20
  2. // 2.0 2021/10/2
  3. // 2.1 2021/10/4
  4. #define STR_VER "Sudoku Solver 2.2 2021/10/10 by readalps\n\n"
  6. void showOrderList()
  7. {
  8. ...
  9. printf("onlygrp: only using group shrink\n");
  10. printf("step: step forward\n");
  11. ...
  12. }
  14. void dealOrder(std::string& strOrder)
  15. {
  16. ...
    else if ("onlygrp" == strOrder)
  17. CQuizDealer::instance()->setOnlyGrpMode();
  18. else if ("step" == strOrder)


继续以 SudokuSolver 1.0:用C++实现的数独解题程序 【二】 里试验过的“最难”数独题为例做分析。在第一次 run 命令的输出中有如下信息:

  1. 506) Forward guess [1,4] level 11 at 2 out of 2
  2. [2,1]: 1 4 5 9 shrunken to 5 9 worked by row-ply2.
  3. [2,8]: 4 5 9 shrunken to 5 9 worked by row-ply2.
  4. 509) Guess [1,3] level 12 at 1 out of 2

第 2 行有两个空位发生了不完全收缩,走的不是第一类收缩算法(by grp),而是第二类收缩算法(by ply)。重新用 runtil 506 命令进到当时的上下文做深入分析:

  1. ...
    506) Forward guess [1,4] level 11 at 2 out of 2
  2. 820 703 601
  3. 003 600 807
  4. 070 090 203
  6. 050 007 104
  7. 000 045 706
  8. 007 100 935
  10. 001 009 568
  11. 008 500 319
  12. 090 000 472
  14. Steps:506
  15. Candidates:
  16. [1,3]: 4 5 9 [1,5]: 5 [1,8]: 4 5 9
  17. [2,1]: 1 4 5 9 [2,2]: 1 4 [2,5]: 1 2 5
  18. [2,6]: 1 2 4 [2,8]: 4 5 9 [3,1]: 1 4 5 6
  19. [3,3]: 4 5 6 [3,4]: 4 8 [3,6]: 1 4 8
  20. [3,8]: 4 5 [4,1]: 2 3 6 9 [4,3]: 2 6 9
  21. [4,4]: 2 3 8 9 [4,5]: 2 3 6 8 [4,8]: 2 8
  22. [5,1]: 1 2 3 9 [5,2]: 1 3 8 [5,3]: 2 9
  23. [5,4]: 2 3 8 9 [5,8]: 2 8 [6,1]: 2 4 6
  24. [6,2]: 4 6 8 [6,5]: 2 6 8 [6,6]: 2 6 8
  25. [7,1]: 2 3 4 7 [7,2]: 3 4 [7,4]: 2 3 4
  26. [7,5]: 2 3 7 [8,1]: 2 4 6 7 [8,2]: 4 6
  27. [8,5]: 2 6 7 [8,6]: 2 4 6 [9,1]: 3 5 6
  28. [9,3]: 5 6 [9,4]: 3 8 [9,5]: 1 3 6 8
  29. [9,6]: 1 6 8
  30. The foremost cell with 1 candidate(s) at [1,5]
  32. At guess level 11 [1,4] 2
  33. Run time: 326 milliseconds; steps: 506, solution sum: 0.
  35. Order please:

由 The foremost cell with 1 candidate(s) at [1,5] 可知当时 [1,5] 位置可以直接填值。先走完这一步:

  1. Order please:
  2. step
  3. 820 753 601
  4. 003 600 807
  5. 070 090 203
  7. 050 007 104
  8. 000 045 706
  9. 007 100 935
  11. 001 009 568
  12. 008 500 319
  13. 090 000 472
  15. Steps:507
  16. Candidates:
  17. [1,3]: 4 9 [1,8]: 4 9 [2,1]: 1 4 5 9
  18. [2,2]: 1 4 [2,5]: 1 2 [2,6]: 1 2 4
  19. [2,8]: 4 5 9 [3,1]: 1 4 5 6 [3,3]: 4 5 6
  20. [3,4]: 4 8 [3,6]: 1 4 8 [3,8]: 4 5
  21. [4,1]: 2 3 6 9 [4,3]: 2 6 9 [4,4]: 2 3 8 9
  22. [4,5]: 2 3 6 8 [4,8]: 2 8 [5,1]: 1 2 3 9
  23. [5,2]: 1 3 8 [5,3]: 2 9 [5,4]: 2 3 8 9
  24. [5,8]: 2 8 [6,1]: 2 4 6 [6,2]: 4 6 8
  25. [6,5]: 2 6 8 [6,6]: 2 6 8 [7,1]: 2 3 4 7
  26. [7,2]: 3 4 [7,4]: 2 3 4 [7,5]: 2 3 7
  27. [8,1]: 2 4 6 7 [8,2]: 4 6 [8,5]: 2 6 7
  28. [8,6]: 2 4 6 [9,1]: 3 5 6 [9,3]: 5 6
  29. [9,4]: 3 8 [9,5]: 1 3 6 8 [9,6]: 1 6 8
  30. The foremost cell with 2 candidate(s) at [1,3]
  32. At guess level 11 [1,4] 2
  34. Order please:

走完 507 步时,第 2 行的空位候选值分布情况为:

  1. [2,1]: 1 4 5 9
  2. [2,2]: 1 4 [2,5]: 1 2 [2,6]: 1 2 4
  3. [2,8]: 4 5 9

这里,5 和 9 只能填入两个空位,即 [2,1] 和 [2,8] 中,因此,这两个空位只能是一个填 5 另一个填 9。于是,这两个空位里的除 5 和 9 之外的其他候选值都可以排除掉。这和上一篇的实例分析部分发现的 grp 算法可改进之处还不一样,这是新发现的一处可以改进 grp 算法的地方。

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