Seller Distributed Inventory Placement Inventory Placement Service
Thank you for writing to us.
I understand that you would like to send inventory to our warehouse but do not want to send it to multiple warehouses.
I believe the answer to your question is the Inventory Placement
Service instead of the default setting, Distributed Inventory Placement.
Kindly refer to the screen shot, 'Placement' attached to enable this service.
With the Inventory Placement Service, all quantities of a single
Merchant SKU are assigned to a single fulfillment center determined by
Amazon during the shipment creation process.
You are not able to choose the fulfillment center.
This process is completed by an automated system that takes many
factors into consideration, such as category, capacity, and item size.
You can change your Inventory Placement option back to Distributed
Inventory Placement if you prefer to send your single MSKUs to multiple
fulfillment centers.
Note: With the Inventory Placement Service, some products may still
be directed to different fulfillment centers based on size, product
type, or prep requirements.
To learn more about Inventory Placement options, go to this help page:
I hope I’ve been able to provide some clarity on this matter and I’m glad to be of assistance.
Dear Seller,
You have been very patient while dealing with this situation. I apologize that this issue took longer so long to get resolved.
I have received a response from our team. As provided by the team,
I've attached the fee structure charged for the shipment: FBA22Q**** in
an excel sheet.
I would like to explain the charges to you:
ASIN: B00L8F****
Based on the weights and dimensions of this product, the inventory storage fee charged for this ASIN is $0.50 per unit.
As there were a total of 20 units in this shipment, you were charged $10.
ASIN: B00NM0××××
Based on the weight and dimensions of this product, the inventory storage fee charged for this ASIN is $0.30 per unit.
As there were a total of 180 units in this shipment, you were charged $54.
Hence, the total fee charged for this shipment is $10 +$54 = $64.
I hope you have understood how the fees for this shipment were
charged. Please reach out to us if you have any further concerns. We
assure you to provide our best possible assistance.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you.
I really hope this message finds you in the best of your health and I wish you all the luck for your future endeavors.
We love our sellers! Let us know how we did:
Were you satisfied with the support provided?
Dear Seller,
You have been very patient while dealing with this situation. I apologize that this issue took longer so long to get resolved.
I have received a response from our team. As provided by the team,
I've attached the fee structure charged for the shipment: FBA22QYX62 in
an excel sheet.
I would like to explain the charges to you:
Based on the weights and dimensions of this product, the inventory storage fee charged for this ASIN is $0.50 per unit.
As there were a total of 20 units in this shipment, you were charged $10.
Based on the weight and dimensions of this product, the inventory storage fee charged for this ASIN is $0.30 per unit.
As there were a total of 180 units in this shipment, you were charged $54.
Hence, the total fee charged for this shipment is $10 +$54 = $64.
I hope you have understood how the fees for this shipment were
charged. Please reach out to us if you have any further concerns. We
assure you to provide our best possible assistance.
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you.
I really hope this message finds you in the best of your health and I wish you all the luck for your future endeavors.
We love our sellers! Let us know how we did:
Were you satisfied with the support provided?
I understand that you do not want to pay $0.3 per unit to avail the Inventory Placement Service.
*It is with great hesitation, that I must inform you that we
currently do not have the functionality to provide our sellers with the
option to choose the warehouse of their choice.
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you and your business.
We are always there to serve you, in case you were not satisfied
with the response or if we missed addressing any of your concerns, I
would request you to contact us through phone or email and we shall be
glad to serve you and resolve the issue for you.
If you have any further queries or information in regard to this case, feel free to write back to us.
Alternatively, you can speak to one of our representatives to
discuss this policy by initiating phone calls from the
website, using the click-to-call feature:
1. Click the "By phone" button in the "Contact Us" box found on the right side of seller Help pages:
2. If you are not yet signed in, please sign in at this point. This
will provide us with your account information and allow us to assist you
as quickly as possible.
3. If the "Request call back" form does not pop up, click the "Call me" button.
4. Fill out the short "Request call back" form, and click Submit.
We'll call you and assist with your questions and concerns.
We love our sellers! Let us know how we did:
Were you satisfied with the support provided? Seller Distributed Inventory Placement Inventory Placement Service的更多相关文章
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