
翻译 2017年08月29日 20:13:35

最近需要使用slim模块,先把slim的github readme放在这里,后续会一点一点翻译



TF-Slim is a lightweight
library for defining, training and evaluating complexmodels in
TensorFlow. Components of tf-slim can be freely mixed with
nativetensorflow, as well as other frameworks, such as tf.contrib.learn.



  1. import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim

Why TF-Slim?

TF-Slim is a library that makes building, training and evaluation neuralnetworks simple:

  • Allows the user to define models much more compactly by eliminatingboilerplate code. This is accomplished through the use ofargument
    and numerous high levellayersandvariables.These
    tools increase readability and maintainability, reduce the likelihoodof
    an error from copy-and-pasting hyperparameter values and
    simplifieshyperparameter tuning.
  • Makes developing models simple by providing commonly usedregularizers.
  • Several widely used computer vision models (e.g., VGG, AlexNet) have beendeveloped in slim, and areavailableto
    These can either be used as black boxes, or can be extended in
    variousways, e.g., by adding "multiple heads" to different internal
  • Slim makes it easy to extend complex
    models, and to warm start trainingalgorithms by using pieces of
    pre-existing model checkpoints.

What are the various components of TF-Slim?

TF-Slim is composed of several
parts which were design to exist independently.These include the
following main pieces (explained in detail below).

  • arg_scope:provides a new scope namedarg_scope that allows a user to define defaultarguments
    for specific operations within that scope.
  • data:contains TF-slim'sdatasetdefinition,data
  • evaluation:contains routines for evaluating models.
  • layers:contains high level layers for building models using tensorflow.
  • learning:contains routines for training models.
  • losses:contains commonly used loss functions.
  • metrics:contains popular evaluation metrics.
  • nets:contains popular network definitions such asVGGandAlexNetmodels.
  • queues:provides a context manager for easily and safely starting and closingQueueRunners.
  • regularizers:contains weight regularizers.
  • variables:provides convenience wrappers for variable creation and manipulation.

Defining Models

Models can be succinctly
defined using TF-Slim by combining its variables, layers and scopes.
Each of these elements are defined below.

利用TF-Slim通过合并variables, layers and scopes,模型可以简洁地进行定义。各元素定义如下。


Creating Variables in native tensorflow requires either a
predefined value or an initialization mechanism (e.g. randomly sampled
from a Gaussian). Furthermore, if a variable needs to be created on a
specific device, such as a GPU, the specification
must be made explicit.To alleviate the code required for variable creation, TF-Slim provides a set of thin wrapper functions invariables.py
which allow callers to easily define variables.


For example, to create a weight variable, initialize it using a truncated_normal distribution, regularize it with an l2_loss and place it on the CPU, one need only declare the following:


  1. weights = slim.variable('weights',
  2. shape=[10, 10, 3 , 3],
  3. initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1),
  4. regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.05),
  5. device='/CPU:0')

Note that in native TensorFlow,
there are two types of variables: regular variables and local
(transient) variables. The vast majority of variables are regular
variables: once created, they can be saved to disk using
asaver. Local variables are those variables that only exist for the duration of a session and are not saved to disk.


TF-Slim further differentiates variables by definingmodel variables,
which are variables that represent parameters of a model. Model
variables are trained or fine-tuned during learning and are loaded from a
checkpoint during evaluation or inference. Examples include the
variables created by aslim.fully_connected orslim.conv2d layer. Non-model variables are all other variables that are used during learning or evaluation but are not required
for actually performing inference. For example, theglobal_step
is a variable using during learning and evaluation but it is not
actually part of the model. Similarly, moving average variables might
mirror model variables,but the moving averages
are not themselves model variables.

TF-Slim通过定义model variables可以进一步区分变量,这种变量代表一个模型的参数。模型变量在学习阶段被训练或微调,在评估和预测阶段从checkpoint中加载。比如通过slim.fully_connected orslim.conv2d进行创建的变量。非模型变量是在学习或评估阶段使用,但不会在预测阶段起作用的变量。例如global_step,它在学习和评估阶段使用,但不是模型的一部分。类似地,移动均值可以mirror模型参数,但是它们本身不是模型变量。

Both model variables and regular variables can be easily created and retrieved via TF-Slim:


  1. # Model Variables
  2. weights = slim.model_variable('weights',
  3. shape=[10, 10, 3 , 3],
  4. initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1),
  5. regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.05),
  6. device='/CPU:0')
  7. model_variables = slim.get_model_variables()
  8. # Regular variables
  9. my_var = slim.variable('my_var',
  10. shape=[20, 1],
  11. initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
  12. regular_variables_and_model_variables = slim.get_variables()

How does this work? When you create a model variable via TF-Slim's layers or directly via theslim.model_variable function, TF-Slim adds the variable to thetf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES
What if you have your own custom layers or variable creation routine
but still want TF-Slim to manage or be aware of your model variables?
TF-Slim provides a convenience function for adding the model variable to
its collection:

这玩意是怎么起作用的呢?当你通过TF-Slim's layers或者直接通过slim.model_variable函数创建一个模型变量,TF-Slim会把这个变量添加到tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES这个集合中。那我们自己的网络层变量怎么让TF-Slim管理呢?TF-Slim提供了一个很方便的函数可以将模型的变量添加到集合中:

  1. my_model_variable = CreateViaCustomCode()
  2. # Letting TF-Slim know about the additional variable.
  3. slim.add_model_variable(my_model_variable)


While the set of TensorFlow
operations is quite extensive, developers of neural networks typically
think of models in terms of higher level concepts like "layers",
"losses", "metrics", and "networks". A layer,such as
a Convolutional Layer, a Fully Connected Layer or a BatchNorm Layer are
more abstract than a single TensorFlow operation and typically involve
several operations. Furthermore, a layer usually (but not always) has
variables (tunable parameters) associated with
it, unlike more primitive operations. For example, a Convolutional
Layer in a neural networkis composed of several low level operations:

"losses", "metrics", and

  1. Creating the weight and bias variables
  2. Convolving the weights with the input from the previous layer
  3. Adding the biases to the result of the convolution.
  4. Applying an activation function.
1. 创建权重、偏置变量
2. 将来自上一层的数据和权值进行卷积
3. 在卷积结果上加上偏置
4. 应用激活函数

Using only plain TensorFlow code, this can be rather laborious:


  1. input = ...
  2. with tf.name_scope('conv1_1') as scope:
  3. kernel = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([3, 3, 64, 128], dtype=tf.float32,
  4. stddev=1e-1), name='weights')
  5. conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input, kernel, [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
  6. biases = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[128], dtype=tf.float32),
  7. trainable=True, name='biases')
  8. bias = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases)
  9. conv1 = tf.nn.relu(bias, name=scope)

To alleviate the need to duplicate this code repeatedly, TF-Slim provides a number of convenient operations defined at the more abstract level of neural network layers. For example, compare the code above to an invocation of the corresponding TF-Slim code:


  1. input = ...
  2. net = slim.conv2d(input, 128, [3, 3], scope='conv1_1')

TF-Slim provides standard implementations for numerous components for building neural networks. These include:


Layer TF-Slim
BiasAdd slim.bias_add
BatchNorm slim.batch_norm
Conv2d slim.conv2d
Conv2dInPlane slim.conv2d_in_plane
Conv2dTranspose (Deconv) slim.conv2d_transpose
FullyConnected slim.fully_connected
AvgPool2D slim.avg_pool2d
Dropout slim.dropout
Flatten slim.flatten
MaxPool2D slim.max_pool2d
OneHotEncoding slim.one_hot_encoding
SeparableConv2 slim.separable_conv2d
UnitNorm slim.unit_norm

TF-Slim also provides two meta-operations called repeat andstack that allow users to repeatedly perform the same operation. For example, consider the following snippet from theVGG network whose layers perform several convolutions in a row between pooling layers:


  1. net = ...
  2. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], scope='conv3_1')
  3. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], scope='conv3_2')
  4. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], scope='conv3_3')
  5. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool2')

One way to reduce this code duplication would be via a for loop:


  1. net = ...
  2. for i in range(3):
  3. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [3, 3], scope='conv3_' % (i+1))
  4. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool2')

This can be made even cleaner by using TF-Slim's repeat operation:


  1. net = slim.repeat(net, 3, slim.conv2d, 256, [3, 3], scope='conv3')
  2. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool2')

Notice that the slim.repeat not only applies the same argument in-line, it also is smart enough to unroll the scopes such that the scopes assigned to each subsequent call of slim.conv2d are appended with an underscore and iterationnumber. More concretely, the scopes in the example above would be named 'conv3/conv3_1', 'conv3/conv3_2' and 'conv3/conv3_3'.

slim.repeat不但可以在一行中使用相同的参数,而且还能智能地展开scope,即每个后续的slim.conv2d调用所对应的scope都会追加下划线及迭代数字。更具体地讲,上面代码的scope分别为 'conv3/conv3_1', 'conv3/conv3_2' and 'conv3/conv3_3'.

Furthermore, TF-Slim's slim.stack operator allows a caller to repeatedly apply the same operation with different arguments to create a stack or tower of layers. slim.stack also creates a new tf.variable_scope for each operation created. For example, a simple way to create a Multi-Layer Perceptron(MLP):


  1. # Verbose way:
  2. x = slim.fully_connected(x, 32, scope='fc/fc_1')
  3. x = slim.fully_connected(x, 64, scope='fc/fc_2')
  4. x = slim.fully_connected(x, 128, scope='fc/fc_3')
  5. # Equivalent, TF-Slim way using slim.stack:
  6. slim.stack(x, slim.fully_connected, [32, 64, 128], scope='fc')

In this example, slim.stack calls slim.fully_connected three times passing the output of one invocation of the function to the next. However, the number of hidden units in each invocation changes from 32 to 64 to 128. Similarly, one can use stack to simplify a tower of multiple convolutions:

在这个例子中,slim.stack调用slim.fully_connected 三次,前一个层的输出是下一层的输入。而每个网络层的输出通道数从32变到64,再到128. 同样,我们可以用stack简化一个多卷积层塔:

  1. # Verbose way:
  2. x = slim.conv2d(x, 32, [3, 3], scope='core/core_1')
  3. x = slim.conv2d(x, 32, [1, 1], scope='core/core_2')
  4. x = slim.conv2d(x, 64, [3, 3], scope='core/core_3')
  5. x = slim.conv2d(x, 64, [1, 1], scope='core/core_4')
  6. # Using stack:
  7. slim.stack(x, slim.conv2d, [(32, [3, 3]), (32, [1, 1]), (64, [3, 3]), (64, [1, 1])], scope='core')


In addition to the types of scope mechanisms in TensorFlow(name_scope,variable_scope ),TF-Slim adds a new scoping mechanism calledarg_scope, This new scope allows a user to specify one or more operations and a set of arguments which will be passed to each of the operations defined in the arg_scope. This functionality is best illustrated by example. Consider the following code:

除了tensorflow中自带的scope机制类型(name_scope, variable_scope)外, TF-Slim添加了一种叫做arg_scope的scope机制。这种scope允许用户在arg_scope中指定若干操作符以及一批参数,这些参数会传给前面所有的操作符中。参见以下代码

  1. net = slim.conv2d(inputs, 64, [11, 11], 4, padding='SAME',
  2. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01),
  3. weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005), scope='conv1')
  4. net = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [11, 11], padding='VALID',
  5. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01),
  6. weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005), scope='conv2')
  7. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [11, 11], padding='SAME',
  8. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01),
  9. weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005), scope='conv3')

It should be clear that these three convolution layers share many of
the same hyper parameters. Two have the same padding, all three have the
same weights_initializer and weight_regularizer. This code is hard to
read and contains a lot of repeated values
that should be factored out. One solution would be to specify default
values using variables:


  1. padding = 'SAME'
  2. initializer = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)
  3. regularizer = slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005)
  4. net = slim.conv2d(inputs, 64, [11, 11], 4,
  5. padding=padding,
  6. weights_initializer=initializer,
  7. weights_regularizer=regularizer,
  8. scope='conv1')
  9. net = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [11, 11],
  10. padding='VALID',
  11. weights_initializer=initializer,
  12. weights_regularizer=regularizer,
  13. scope='conv2')
  14. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [11, 11],
  15. padding=padding,
  16. weights_initializer=initializer,
  17. weights_regularizer=regularizer,
  18. scope='conv3')

This solution ensures that all
three convolutions share the exact same parameter values but doesn't
reduce completely the code clutter. By using anarg_scope,we can both ensure that each layer uses the same
values and simplify the code:


  1. with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], padding='SAME',
  2. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01)
  3. weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005)):
  4. net = slim.conv2d(inputs, 64, [11, 11], scope='conv1')
  5. net = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [11, 11], padding='VALID', scope='conv2')
  6. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [11, 11], scope='conv3')

As the example illustrates, the use of arg_scope makes the code cleaner,
simpler and easier to maintain. Notice that while argument values are
specified in the arg_scope, they can be overwritten locally. In
particular, while the padding argument has been set
to 'SAME', the second convolution overrides it with the value of

如例所示,arg_scope使代码更简洁且易于维护。注意,在arg_scope中被指定的参数值,也可以在局部位置进行覆盖。比如,padding参数设置为'SAME', 而第二个卷积层仍然可以通过把它设为'VALID'而覆盖掉arg_scope中的默认设置。

One can also nest arg_scopes and use multiple operations in the same scope.For example:

我们可以嵌套arg_scope, 也可以在一个scope中指定多个操作符,例如

  1. with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.fully_connected],
  2. activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,
  3. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01),
  4. weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005)):
  5. with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], stride=1, padding='SAME'):
  6. net = slim.conv2d(inputs, 64, [11, 11], 4, padding='VALID', scope='conv1')
  7. net = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [5, 5],
  8. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.03),
  9. scope='conv2')
  10. net = slim.fully_connected(net, 1000, activation_fn=None, scope='fc')

In this example, the firstarg_scope applies the sameweights_initializer andweights_regularizer arguments to theconv2d and fully_connected layers in its scope. In the secondarg_scope,
additional default arguments to conv2d only are specified.

在这个例子中,第一个arg_scope对处于它的scope中的conv2d和fully_connected操作层应用相同的weights_initializer andweights_regularizer参数。在第二个arg_scope中,默认参数只是在conv2d中指定。

Working Example: Specifying the VGG16 Layers

By combining TF-Slim Variables,
Operations and scopes, we can write a normally very complex network
with very few lines of code. For example, the entire VGG
architecture can bedefined with just the following snippet:


  1. def vgg16(inputs):
  2. with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.fully_connected],
  3. activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,
  4. weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0.0, 0.01),
  5. weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(0.0005)):
  6. net = slim.repeat(inputs, 2, slim.conv2d, 64, [3, 3], scope='conv1')
  7. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool1')
  8. net = slim.repeat(net, 2, slim.conv2d, 128, [3, 3], scope='conv2')
  9. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool2')
  10. net = slim.repeat(net, 3, slim.conv2d, 256, [3, 3], scope='conv3')
  11. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool3')
  12. net = slim.repeat(net, 3, slim.conv2d, 512, [3, 3], scope='conv4')
  13. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool4')
  14. net = slim.repeat(net, 3, slim.conv2d, 512, [3, 3], scope='conv5')
  15. net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], scope='pool5')
  16. net = slim.fully_connected(net, 4096, scope='fc6')
  17. net = slim.dropout(net, 0.5, scope='dropout6')
  18. net = slim.fully_connected(net, 4096, scope='fc7')
  19. net = slim.dropout(net, 0.5, scope='dropout7')
  20. net = slim.fully_connected(net, 1000, activation_fn=None, scope='fc8')
  21. return net

Training Models

Training Tensorflow models requires a model, a loss function, the gradient computation and a training routine that iteratively computes the gradients of the model weights relative to the loss and updates the weights accordingly.TF-Slim provides both common loss functions and a set of helper functions that run the training and evaluation routines.



The loss function defines a quantity that we want to minimize. For classification problems, this is typically the cross entropy between the true distribution and the predicted probability distribution across classes. For regression problems, this is often the sum-of-squares differences between the predicted and true values.


Certain models, such as multi-task learning models, require the use of multiple loss functions simultaneously. In other words, the loss function ultimately being minimized is the sum of various other loss functions. For example, consider a model that predicts both the type of scene in an image as well as the depth from the camera of each pixel. This model's loss function would be the sum of the classification loss and depth prediction loss.


TF-Slim provides an easy-to-use mechanism for defining and keeping track of loss functions via the losses module. Consider the simple case where we want to train the VGG network:


  1. import tensorflow as tf
  2. vgg = tf.contrib.slim.nets.vgg
  3. # Load the images and labels.
  4. images, labels = ...
  5. # Create the model.
  6. predictions, _ = vgg.vgg_16(images)
  7. # Define the loss functions and get the total loss.
  8. loss = slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(predictions, labels)

In this example, we start by creating the model (using TF-Slim's VGG implementation), and add the standard classification loss. Now, lets turn to the case where we have a multi-task model that produces multiple outputs:


  1. # Load the images and labels.
  2. images, scene_labels, depth_labels = ...
  3. # Create the model.
  4. scene_predictions, depth_predictions = CreateMultiTaskModel(images)
  5. # Define the loss functions and get the total loss.
  6. classification_loss = slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(scene_predictions, scene_labels)
  7. sum_of_squares_loss = slim.losses.sum_of_squares(depth_predictions, depth_labels)
  8. # The following two lines have the same effect:
  9. total_loss = classification_loss + sum_of_squares_loss
  10. total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss(add_regularization_losses=False)

In this example, we have two losses which we add by calling slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy and slim.losses.sum_of_squares. We can obtain the total loss by adding them together (total_loss) or by calling slim.losses.get_total_loss(). How did this work? When you create a loss function via TF-Slim, TF-Slim adds the loss to a special TensorFlow collection of loss functions. This enables you to either manage the total loss manually, or allow TF-Slim to manage them for you.

在这个例子中,我们有两个损失,分别是通过slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy和 slim.losses.sum_of_squares得到的。我们既可以通过相加得到total_loss,也可以通过slim.losses.get_total_loss()得到total_loss。这是怎么做到的呢?当你通过TF-Slim创建一个损失函数时,TF-Slim会把损失加入到一个特殊的Tensorflow的损失函数集合中。这样你既可以手动管理损失函数,也可以托管给TF-Slim。

What if you want to let TF-Slim manage the losses for you but have a custom loss function?loss_ops.py also has a function that adds this loss to TF-Slims collection. For example:


  1. # Load the images and labels.
  2. images, scene_labels, depth_labels, pose_labels = ...
  3. # Create the model.
  4. scene_predictions, depth_predictions, pose_predictions = CreateMultiTaskModel(images)
  5. # Define the loss functions and get the total loss.
  6. classification_loss = slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(scene_predictions, scene_labels)
  7. sum_of_squares_loss = slim.losses.sum_of_squares(depth_predictions, depth_labels)
  8. pose_loss = MyCustomLossFunction(pose_predictions, pose_labels)
  9. slim.losses.add_loss(pose_loss) # Letting TF-Slim know about the additional loss.
  10. # The following two ways to compute the total loss are equivalent:
  11. regularization_loss = tf.add_n(slim.losses.get_regularization_losses())
  12. total_loss1 = classification_loss + sum_of_squares_loss + pose_loss + regularization_loss
  13. # (Regularization Loss is included in the total loss by default).
  14. total_loss2 = slim.losses.get_total_loss()

In this example, we can again either produce the total loss function manually or let TF-Slim know about the additional loss and let TF-Slim handle the losses.


Training Loop

TF-Slim provides a simple but powerful set of tools for training models found inlearning.py. These include a Train function that repeatedly measures the loss, computes gradients and saves the model to disk, as well as several convenience functions for manipulating gradients. For example, once we've specified the model, the loss function and the optimization scheme, we can call slim.learning.create_train_op andslim.learning.train to perform the optimization:

在learning.py中,TF-Slim提供了简单却非常强大的训练模型的工具集。包括Train函数,可以重复地测量损失,计算梯度以及保存模型到磁盘中,还有一些方便的函数用于操作梯度。例如,当我们定义好了模型、损失函数以及优化方式,我们就可以调用slim.learning.create_train_op andslim.learning.train 去执行优化:

  1. g = tf.Graph()
  2. # Create the model and specify the losses...
  3. ...
  4. total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss()
  5. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
  6. # create_train_op ensures that each time we ask for the loss, the update_ops
  7. # are run and the gradients being computed are applied too.
  8. train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(total_loss, optimizer)
  9. logdir = ... # Where checkpoints are stored.
  10. slim.learning.train(
  11. train_op,
  12. logdir,
  13. number_of_steps=1000,
  14. save_summaries_secs=300,
  15. save_interval_secs=600):

In this example, slim.learning.train is provided with thetrain_op which is used to (a) compute the loss and (b) apply the gradient step.logdir specifies the directory where the checkpoints and event files are stored. We can limit the number of gradient steps taken to any number. In this case, we've asked for1000 steps to be taken. Finally, save_summaries_secs=300 indicates that we'll compute summaries every 5 minutes and save_interval_secs=600 indicates that we'll save a model checkpoint every 10 minutes.


Working Example: Training the VGG16 Model

To illustrate this, lets examine the following sample of training the VGG network:


  1. import tensorflow as tf
  2. slim = tf.contrib.slim
  3. vgg = tf.contrib.slim.nets.vgg
  4. ...
  5. train_log_dir = ...
  6. if not tf.gfile.Exists(train_log_dir):
  7. tf.gfile.MakeDirs(train_log_dir)
  8. with tf.Graph().as_default():
  9. # Set up the data loading:
  10. images, labels = ...
  11. # Define the model:
  12. predictions = vgg.vgg16(images, is_training=True)
  13. # Specify the loss function:
  14. slim.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(predictions, labels)
  15. total_loss = slim.losses.get_total_loss()
  16. tf.summary.scalar('losses/total_loss', total_loss)
  17. # Specify the optimization scheme:
  18. optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=.001)
  19. # create_train_op that ensures that when we evaluate it to get the loss,
  20. # the update_ops are done and the gradient updates are computed.
  21. train_tensor = slim.learning.create_train_op(total_loss, optimizer)
  22. # Actually runs training.
  23. slim.learning.train(train_tensor, train_log_dir)

Fine-Tuning Existing Models

Brief Recap on Restoring Variables from a Checkpoint


After a model has been trained, it can be restored using tf.train.Saver() which restores Variables from a given checkpoint. For many cases,tf.train.Saver() provides a simple mechanism
to restore all or just a few variables.


  1. # Create some variables.
  2. v1 = tf.Variable(..., name="v1")
  3. v2 = tf.Variable(..., name="v2")
  4. ...
  5. # Add ops to restore all the variables.
  6. restorer = tf.train.Saver()
  7. # Add ops to restore some variables.
  8. restorer = tf.train.Saver([v1, v2])
  9. # Later, launch the model, use the saver to restore variables from disk, and
  10. # do some work with the model.
  11. with tf.Session() as sess:
  12. # Restore variables from disk.
  13. restorer.restore(sess, "/tmp/model.ckpt")
  14. print("Model restored.")
  15. # Do some work with the model
  16. ...

See Restoring Variables andChoosing which Variables to Save and Restore sections of theVariables page for more details.

参阅Variables章中Restoring VariablesChoosing which Variables to Save and Restore 相关部分,获取更多细节。

Partially Restoring Models

It is often desirable to
fine-tune a pre-trained model on an entirely new dataset or even a new
task. In these situations, one can use TF-Slim's helper functions to
select a subset of variables to restore:


  1. # Create some variables.
  2. v1 = slim.variable(name="v1", ...)
  3. v2 = slim.variable(name="nested/v2", ...)
  4. ...
  5. # Get list of variables to restore (which contains only 'v2'). These are all
  6. # equivalent methods:
  7. variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_by_name("v2")
  8. # or
  9. variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_by_suffix("2")
  10. # or
  11. variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables(scope="nested")
  12. # or
  13. variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore(include=["nested"])
  14. # or
  15. variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore(exclude=["v1"])
  16. # Create the saver which will be used to restore the variables.
  17. restorer = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)
  18. with tf.Session() as sess:
  19. # Restore variables from disk.
  20. restorer.restore(sess, "/tmp/model.ckpt")
  21. print("Model restored.")
  22. # Do some work with the model
  23. ...

Restoring models with different variable names


When restoring variables from a checkpoint, theSaverlocates
the variable names in a checkpoint file and maps them to variables in
the current graph. Above, we created a saver by passing to it a list of
In this case, the names of the variables to locate in the checkpoint
file were implicitly obtained from each provided variable's


This works well when the
variable names in the checkpoint file match those in the graph. However,
sometimes, we want to restore a model from a checkpoint whose variables
have different names those in the current graph.
In this case,we must provide the Saver a dictionary that
maps from each checkpoint variable name to each graph variable. Consider
the following example where the checkpoint variables names are obtained
via a simple function:


  1. # Assuming than 'conv1/weights' should be restored from 'vgg16/conv1/weights'
  2. def name_in_checkpoint(var):
  3. return 'vgg16/' + var.op.name
  4. # Assuming than 'conv1/weights' and 'conv1/bias' should be restored from 'conv1/params1' and 'conv1/params2'
  5. def name_in_checkpoint(var):
  6. if "weights" in var.op.name:
  7. return var.op.name.replace("weights", "params1")
  8. if "bias" in var.op.name:
  9. return var.op.name.replace("bias", "params2")
  10. variables_to_restore = slim.get_model_variables()
  11. variables_to_restore = {name_in_checkpoint(var):var for var in variables_to_restore}
  12. restorer = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)
  13. with tf.Session() as sess:
  14. # Restore variables from disk.
  15. restorer.restore(sess, "/tmp/model.ckpt")

Fine-Tuning a Model on a different task

Consider the case where we have a pre-trained VGG16 model. The model was trained on the ImageNet dataset, which has 1000 classes. However, we would like to apply it to the Pascal VOC dataset which has only 20 classes. To do so, we can initialize our new model using the values of the pre-trained model excluding the final layer:

假设我们有一个已经预训练好的VGG16的模型。这个模型是在拥有1000分类的ImageNet数据集上进行训练的。但是,现在我们想把它应用在只具有20个分类的Pascal VOC数据集上。为了能这样做,我们可以通过利用除最后一些全连接层的其他预训练模型值来初始化新模型的达到目的:

  1. # Load the Pascal VOC data
  2. image, label = MyPascalVocDataLoader(...)
  3. images, labels = tf.train.batch([image, label], batch_size=32)
  4. # Create the model
  5. predictions = vgg.vgg_16(images)
  6. train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(...)
  7. # Specify where the Model, trained on ImageNet, was saved.
  8. model_path = '/path/to/pre_trained_on_imagenet.checkpoint'
  9. <a target="_blank" href="https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/contrib/metrics/python/ops/metric_ops.py">metric_ops.py</a>
  10. # Specify where the new model will live:
  11. log_dir =
  12. from_checkpoint_
  13. '/path/to/my_pascal_model_dir/'
  14. # Restore only the convolutional layers:
  15. variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore(exclude=['fc6', 'fc7', 'fc8'])
  16. init_fn = assign_from_checkpoint_fn(model_path, variables_to_restore)
  17. # Start training.
  18. slim.learning.train(train_op, log_dir, init_fn=init_fn)

Evaluating Models.

Once we've trained a model (or even while the model is busy training) we'd like to see how well the model performs in practice. This is accomplished by picking a set of evaluation metrics, which will grade the models performance, and the evaluation code which actually loads the data, performs inference, compares the results to the ground truth and records the evaluation scores. This step may be performed once or repeated periodically.

一旦我们训练好了一个模型(或者模型还在训练中),我们想看一下模型在实际中性能如何。这可以通过获取一系列表征模型性能的评估指标来实现,评估代码一般会加载数据,执行前向传播,和ground truth进行比较并记录评估分数。这个步骤可能执行一次,也可能周期性地执行。


We define a metric to be a
performance measure that is not a loss function(losses are directly
optimized during training), but which we are still interested in for the
purpose of evaluating our model.For example, we
might want to minimize log loss, but our metrics of interest might be
F1 score (test accuracy), or Intersection Over Union score (which are
not differentiable, and therefore cannot be used as losses).


TF-Slim provides a set of
metric operations that makes evaluating models easy. Abstractly,
computing the value of a metric can be divided into three parts:

  1. Initialization: initialize the variables used to compute the metrics.
  2. Aggregation: perform operations (sums, etc) used to compute the metrics.
  3. Finalization: (optionally) perform any final operation to compute metric values. For example, computing means, mins, maxes, etc.


       1. 初始化:初始化用于计算指标的变量。

       2. 聚合:执行用于计算指标的运算流程(比如sum)。

       3. 收尾:(可选)执行其他用于计算指标值的操作。例如,计算mean、min、max等。

For example, to compute mean_absolute_error, two variables, a count and total variable are initialized to zero. During aggregation, we observed some set of predictions
and labels, compute their absolute differences and add the total to total. Each time we observe another value,count is incremented. Finally, duringfinalization,total is divided by
count to obtain the mean.



The following example
demonstrates the API for declaring metrics. Because metrics are often
evaluated on a test set which is different from the training set (upon
which the loss is computed), we'll assume we're using
test data:


  1. images, labels = LoadTestData(...)
  2. predictions = MyModel(images)
  3. mae_value_op, mae_update_op = slim.metrics.streaming_mean_absolute_error(predictions, labels)
  4. mre_value_op, mre_update_op = slim.metrics.streaming_mean_relative_error(predictions, labels)
  5. pl_value_op, pl_update_op = slim.metrics.percentage_less(mean_relative_errors, 0.3)

As the example illustrates, the creation of a metric returns two values:a value_op and anupdate_op. The value_op is an idempotent operation that returns the current value of the metric. The update_op is an operation that performs the aggregation step mentioned above as well as returning the value of the metric.


Keeping track of each value_op andupdate_op can be laborious. To deal with this, TF-Slim provides two convenience functions:


  1. # Aggregates the value and update ops in two lists:
  2. value_ops, update_ops = slim.metrics.aggregate_metrics(
  3. slim.metrics.streaming_mean_absolute_error(predictions, labels),
  4. slim.metrics.streaming_mean_squared_error(predictions, labels))
  5. # Aggregates the value and update ops in two dictionaries:
  6. names_to_values, names_to_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map({
  7. "eval/mean_absolute_error": slim.metrics.streaming_mean_absolute_error(predictions, labels),
  8. "eval/mean_squared_error": slim.metrics.streaming_mean_squared_error(predictions, labels),
  9. })

Working example: Tracking Multiple Metrics

Putting it all together:


  1. import tensorflow as tf
  2. slim = tf.contrib.slim
  3. vgg = tf.contrib.slim.nets.vgg
  4. # Load the data
  5. images, labels = load_data(...)
  6. # Define the network
  7. predictions = vgg.vgg_16(images)
  8. # Choose the metrics to compute:
  9. names_to_values, names_to_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map({
  10. "eval/mean_absolute_error": slim.metrics.streaming_mean_absolute_error(predictions, labels),
  11. "eval/mean_squared_error": slim.metrics.streaming_mean_squared_error(predictions, labels),
  12. })
  13. # Evaluate the model using 1000 batches of data:
  14. num_batches = 1000
  15. with tf.Session() as sess:
  16. sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
  17. sess.run(tf.local_variables_initializer())
  18. for batch_id in range(num_batches):
  19. sess.run(names_to_updates.values())
  20. metric_values = sess.run(names_to_values.values())
  21. for metric, value in zip(names_to_values.keys(), metric_values):
  22. print('Metric %s has value: %f' % (metric, value))

Note that metric_ops.pycan be used in isolation without using either layers.pyor loss_ops.py


Evaluation Loop

TF-Slim provides an evaluation module(evaluation.py),which contains helper functions for
writing model evaluation scripts using metrics from the metric_ops.pymodule. These include a function for periodically
running evaluations,evaluating metrics over batches of data and printing
and summarizing metric results. For example:


import tensorflow as tf

slim = tf.contrib.slim

# Load the data
images, labels = load_data(...) # Define the network
predictions = MyModel(images) # Choose the metrics to compute:
names_to_values, names_to_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map({
'accuracy': slim.metrics.accuracy(predictions, labels),
'precision': slim.metrics.precision(predictions, labels),
'recall': slim.metrics.recall(mean_relative_errors, 0.3),
}) # Create the summary ops such that they also print out to std output:
summary_ops = []
for metric_name, metric_value in names_to_values.iteritems():
op = tf.summary.scalar(metric_name, metric_value)
op = tf.Print(op, [metric_value], metric_name)
summary_ops.append(op) num_examples = 10000
batch_size = 32
num_batches = math.ceil(num_examples / float(batch_size)) # Setup the global step.
slim.get_or_create_global_step() output_dir = ... # Where the summaries are stored.
eval_interval_secs = ... # How often to run the evaluation.


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