Spark 的shuffle 服务是spark的核心,本文介绍了非ExternalShuffleClient的方式,看BlockService的整个架构。ShuffleClient是整个框架的基础,有init方法和fetchBlock两个方法。

/** Provides an interface for reading shuffle files, either from an Executor or external service. */
public abstract class ShuffleClient implements Closeable { /**
* Initializes the ShuffleClient, specifying this Executor's appId.
* Must be called before any other method on the ShuffleClient.
* 初始化ShuffleClient, 传入本执行器的程序ID,本方法必须在访问ShuffleClient的其它方法前调用。
public void init(String appId) { } /**
* Fetch a sequence of blocks from a remote node asynchronously,
* Note that this API takes a sequence so the implementation can batch requests, and does not
* return a future so the underlying implementation can invoke onBlockFetchSuccess as soon as
* the data of a block is fetched, rather than waiting for all blocks to be fetched.
* 异步的从远程结点取一系列的数据块,并且不返回future对象,所以当取到一个数据块的数据时,底层的实现可以调用onBlockFetchSuccess方法,
* 并不用等所有的数据块都取完。
public abstract void fetchBlocks(
String host,
int port,
String execId,
String[] blockIds,
BlockFetchingListener listener);

BlockFetchingListener接口,onBlockFetchSuccess方法:每次成功取得一个数据块时调用。当本方法返回时,数据必须被自动释放。 如果数据被传递给另一个线程,接收者必须自己调用retain()和release(),或者拷贝数据到一个新的缓冲区。onBlockFetchFailure方法,数据块获取失败时,至少被调用一次。

public interface BlockFetchingListener extends EventListener {
* Called once per successfully fetched block. After this call returns, data will be released
* automatically. If the data will be passed to another thread, the receiver should retain()
* and release() the buffer on their own, or copy the data to a new buffer.
void onBlockFetchSuccess(String blockId, ManagedBuffer data); /**
* Called at least once per block upon failures.
void onBlockFetchFailure(String blockId, Throwable exception);


abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging { /**
* Initialize the transfer service by giving it the BlockDataManager that can be used to fetch
* local blocks or put local blocks.
* 通过传递给他BlockDataManager对象来初始化传输服务,BlockDataManager可以用来存取本地数据块。
def init(blockDataManager: BlockDataManager): Unit /**
* Tear down the transfer service.
* 关闭传输服务。
def close(): Unit /**
* Port number the service is listening on, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 传输服务所在的端口号,在调用init方法后可用。
def port: Int /**
* Host name the service is listening on, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 传输服务所在的主机名,在调用init方法后可用。
def hostName: String /**
* Fetch a sequence of blocks from a remote node asynchronously,
* available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* Note that this API takes a sequence so the implementation can batch requests, and does not
* return a future so the underlying implementation can invoke onBlockFetchSuccess as soon as
* the data of a block is fetched, rather than waiting for all blocks to be fetched.
* 异步的从远程结点取一系列的数据块,,仅在调用init方法后可用。
* 注意本API用一个序列,所以实现可以使用批量请求,并且不返回future对象,所以当取到一个数据块的数据时,底层的实现可以调用onBlockFetchSuccess方法,
* 并不用等所有的数据块都取完。
*/ override def fetchBlocks( host: String, port: Int, execId: String, blockIds: Array[String], listener: BlockFetchingListener): Unit /**
  * Upload a single block to a remote node, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* 上传一个数据块到远程结点,仅在调用init方法后可用。
def uploadBlock(
hostname: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockId: BlockId,
blockData: ManagedBuffer,
level: StorageLevel,
classTag: ClassTag[_]): Future[Unit] /**
* A special case of [[fetchBlocks]], as it fetches only one block and is blocking.
* It is also only available after [[init]] is invoked.
* fetchBlocks的一个特别方法,他只取一个数据块并且阻塞,仅在调用init方法后可用。

def fetchBlockSync(host: String, port: Int, execId: String, blockId: String): ManagedBuffer = {
// A monitor for the thread to wait on.
val result = Promise[ManagedBuffer]()
fetchBlocks(host, port, execId, Array(blockId),
new BlockFetchingListener {
override def onBlockFetchFailure(blockId: String, exception: Throwable): Unit = {
override def onBlockFetchSuccess(blockId: String, data: ManagedBuffer): Unit = {
val ret = ByteBuffer.allocate(data.size.toInt)
result.success(new NioManagedBuffer(ret))
ThreadUtils.awaitResult(result.future, Duration.Inf)
} /**
* Upload a single block to a remote node, available only after [[init]] is invoked.
* This method is similar to [[uploadBlock]], except this one blocks the thread
* until the upload finishes.
* 上传一个数据块到远程结点,仅在调用init方法后可用。
* 这个方法和uploadBlock方法类似,除了直到上传结点,本方法会一直阻塞。
def uploadBlockSync(
hostname: String,
port: Int,
execId: String,
blockId: BlockId,
blockData: ManagedBuffer,
level: StorageLevel,
classTag: ClassTag[_]): Unit = {
val future = uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level, classTag)
ThreadUtils.awaitResult(future, Duration.Inf)


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