public class Solution {
public int TrailingZeroes(int n) {
if (n == )
return ;
var x = n / ;
var y = TrailingZeroes(x);
return x + y;

令n! = (*K) * (*(K-)) * (*(K-)) * ... * * A,其中A就是不含5因子的数相乘结果,n = *K + r(<= r <= )。假设f(n!)是计算阶乘n!尾数0的个数,而g(n!)是计算n!中5因子的个数,那么就会有如下公式:
f(n!) = g(n!) = g(^K * K! * A) = K + g(K!) = K + f(K!),其中K=n / (取整数)。
很显然,当0 <= n <= 4时,f(n!)=。结合这两个公式,就搞定了这个问题了。举几个例子来说: f(!) = + f(!) =
f(!) = + f(!) =
f(!) = + f(!) =
f(!) = + f(!) = + + f(!) =
f(!) = + f(!) = + + f(!) = + + f(!) = + + f() =



 class Solution:
def trailingZeroes(self, n: int) -> int:
count =
while (n > ):
count += n //
n = n //
return count


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