Data Analysis with EMR.

Video demo: Run Spark Application(Scala) on Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) cluster【EMR 5.3.1】



步骤 1:设置示例集群的先决条件

创建 Amazon S3 存储桶

创建 Amazon EC2 密钥对

步骤 2:启动示例 Amazon EMR 集群

Goto: Create Cluster - Quick Options

关于服务器型号的选择,参见:[AWS] EC2 & GPU


Spark 2.4.3 on Hadoop 2.8.5

YARN with Ganglia 3.7.2 and Zeppelin 0.8.1

    • Ganglia 是UC Berkeley发起的一个开源集群监视项目,设计用于测量数以千计的节点。
    • Zeppelin 是一个Web笔记形式的交互式数据查询分析工具,可以在线用scala和SQL对数据进行查询分析并生成报表。

Cluster 控制台

/* 需要找个教程全面学习下 */

在 Network and hardware (网络和硬件) 下,查找 Master (主) 和 Core (核心) 实例状态。

集群创建过程中,状态将经历 Provisioning (正在预置) 到 Bootstrapping (正在引导启动) 到 Waiting (正在等待) 三个阶段。

一旦您看到 Security groups for Master (主节点的安全组) 和 Security Groups for Core & Task (核心与任务节点的安全组) 对应的链接,即可转至下一步,但您可能需要一直等到集群成功启动且处于 Waiting (正在等待) 状态。

步骤 3:允许从客户端到集群的 SSH 连接


记得在 Security Group 中修改配置,支持ssh。

步骤 4:通过以步骤形式运行 Hive 脚本来处理数据

关于准备数据集,参见:[AWS] S3 Bucket

步骤 5:清理资源

需终止集群并删除 Amazon S3 存储桶以免产生额外费用。


一、Medicaid Dataset


Ref: Preprocessing data with Scalding and Amazon EMR

传统方案的弊端 - Local Pandas

the possiblity of building a model to predict the probability of chronic disease given the claim codes for a patient. Pandas over IPython was okay for doing analysis with a subset (single file) of data, but got a bit irritating with the full dataset because of frequent hangs and subsequent IPython server restarts.



代码展示:Medicaid Dataset - Basic Data Analysis of Benefit Summary Data


大数据方案 - AWS EMR

This post describes a mixture of Python and Scala/Scalding code that I hooked up to convert the raw Benefits and Inpatient Claims data from the Medicare/Medicaid dataset into data for an X matrix and multiple y vectors, each y corresponding to a single chronic condition. Scalding purists would probably find this somewhat inelegant and prefer a complete Scalding end-to-end solution, but my Scalding-fu extends only so far - hopefully it will improve with practice.


From: Data Processing and Text Mining Technologies on Electronic Medical Records: A Review


应用之潜力:Currently, medical institutes generally use EMR to record patient’s condition, including diagnostic information, procedures performed, and treatment results. EMR has been recognized as a valuable resource for large-scale analysis.

存在的问题:However, EMR has the characteristics of diversity, incompleteness, redundancy, and privacy, which make it difficult to carry out data mining and analysis directly.

预处理魔力:Therefore, it is necessary to preprocess the source data in order to improve data quality and improve the data mining results.

Different types of data require different processing technologies.

结构化数据:Most structured data commonly needs classic preprocessing technologies, including data cleansing, data integration, data transformation, and data reduction.

非结构化化:For semistructured or unstructured data, such as medical text, containing more health information, it requires more complex and challenging processing methods.

The task of information extraction for medical texts mainly includes NER (named-entity recognition) and RE (relation extraction).

This paper focuses on the process of EMR processing and emphatically analyzes the key techniques. In addition, we make an in-depth study on the applications developed based on text mining together with the open challenges and research issues for future work.




一、AWS Big Data Blog

一些新技术阐述:AWS Big Data Blog


一个经典的案例:Nasdaq’s Architecture using Amazon EMR and Amazon S3 for Ad Hoc Access to a Massive Data Set


The Nasdaq Group has been a user of Amazon Redshift since it was released and we are extremely happy with it. We’ve discussed our usage of that system at re:Inventseveral times, the most recent of which was FIN401 Seismic Shift: Nasdaq’s Migration to Amazon Redshift. Currently, our system is moving an average of 5.5 billion rows into Amazon Redshift every day (14 billion on a peak day in October of 2014).


Why Amazon S3 and Amazon EMR?

We can avoid these problems by using Amazon S3 and Amazon EMR, allowing us to separate compute and storage for our data warehouse and scale each independently.

Data Ingest Workflow

/* 略,没啥意思 */

二、Glue + Athena

From: 使用 AWS Glue 和 Amazon Athena 实现无服务器的自主型机器学习


使用 AWS Glue 提取位于 Amazon S3 上有关出租车行驶情况的数据集,

并使用 K-means 根据行车坐标将数据分成 100 个不同的集群。

然后,我会使用 Amazon Athena 查询行驶次数和每个集群的大概区域。

最后,我会使用 Amazon Athena 来计算行驶次数最多的四个区域的坐标。

使用 AWS Glue 和 Amazon Athena 都可以执行这些任务,无需预置或管理服务器。


该脚本使用 Spark 机器学习 K-means 集群库,基于坐标划分数据集。


该脚本采用 parquet 格式将表保存到 Amazon s3 存储桶 (目标文件)。

可以使用 Amazon Athena 查询存储桶。

执行 AWS Glue 作业



问题来了:pySpark.kmean是否 base on EMR。




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