A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.


It seems that this sentence comes from a movie named ' Little Miss Sunshine.'

In the movie, it goes as following:

What is a real loser?

A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.

That's true. If we don't try, we would have no chance to win. But if we try, even though we might fail times and times again, there's still some possibilty of success.

And even when we fail many times, we still can get something back from those previous failures, at least we know what doesn't work, by analying the reasons of failures, we may find out the right ones.

Remember, the edge of failure often has the shortcut that can help us access to success.

Don't lose hope, and never stop trying.

But, can someone let me know whether there is chance of success on my way? If I know, I would be more willing to try to reach some bigger goal even though I would fail many times before I get there.

The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually they are far less powerful.


From House of Cards.

The rational and the irrational, or the emotional, are quite different from each other, both in the ways of thinking and action.

For example, the rational thinking and action may be based on reason logic, while the irrational ones may be just based on our emotions, or momentary impulses.

For those who behave in rational ways, they would pay more attention to the factual basis, and analyze the possible outcomes of the situation and the corresponding responses, then they would take right and proper actions.

For those who behave in irrational ways, they would be overwhelmed by their emotions and make some decisions which have no logical basis, here I must point out that such decisions also can be helpful when tackling with some difficult situation.

Please behave in the combined ways. Because the irrational ones can inspire us, and the rational ones can make things feasible and more practical.

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