IOR and mdtest - measure parallel file system I/O performance at both the POSIX and MPI-IO level.
This parallel program performs writes and reads to/from files under several sets of conditions and reports the resulting throughput rates.
IOR 设计用于测量POSIX和MPI-IO级别的并行文件系统的I/O的性能;mdtest 被设计用于测试文件系统的元数据性能并生成测试报告;
官方网站: 官方文档
mdtest 工具已经变成了ior 工具的一部分了。我们可以安装ior套件,并使用 其中mdtest命令来进行测试文件系统元数据的性能;该工具由美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)开发并开源,具有较高的权威性;
is missing from the top level directory, you probably retrieved this code directly from the repository. Run./bootstrap
to generate the configure script. Alternatively, download an official IOR release which includes the configure script.Run
. For a full list of configuration options, use./configure --help
Optionally, run
make install
. The installation prefix can be changed via./configure --prefix=...
- fedora 系统 需要安装 openmpi 和 openmpi-devel rpm 包来进行配置环境并记得在 .bash_profile 中进行配置环境变量;具体环境变量配置如下列截图所示:
mdtest 使用教程借鉴:
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