

Tests the Detours disassembler tables.


DetourEnumerateExports, DetourEnumerateModules, DetourGetEntryPoint, DetourGetModuleSize.


Detours the Win32 Sleep function and a private function. The private function is first detoured, then detoured recursively 3 times using the DetourAttach API.


DetourAttach, DetourTransactionBegin, DetourTransactionCommit, DetourUpdateThread.


detour to modify the Windows Sleep API.

withdll load一个dll到指定进程

The withdll.exe program include in the Detours package uses the DetourCreateProcessWithDlls API to start a new process with a named DLL.

example of withdll



F:\codes\Detours-4.0.1\bin.X86>tracebld.exe /o:1.txt notepad
TRACEBLD: Ready for clients. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
TRACEBLD: Starting: `notepad'
TRACEBLD: with `F:\codes\Detours-4.0.1\bin.X86\trcbld32.dll'
TRACEBLD: 1 processes.

output file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<t:Process xmlns:t="" exe="notepad" par="" id="::0.::">



<t:Line>%SYSDIR%\notepad.exe </t:Line>



<t:File write="true" read="true">\\.\NvAdminDevice</t:File>

<t:File read="true">C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs\nvdrssel.bin</t:File>

<t:File read="true">C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs\nvdrsdb1.bin</t:File>

<t:File read="true">C:\Windows\Fonts\staticcache.dat</t:File>


<t:Vars> </t:Vars>


My Instrumentation tool:

配置文件 input.txt

dll=kernel32.dll fun=OpenFile
dll=user32.dll fun=MessageBoxA
dll=user32.dll fun=MessageBoxW
dll=user32.dll fun=OffsetRect
dll=kernel32.dll fun=WaitForSingleObject
dll=kernel32.dll fun=CloseHandle


F:\codes\Detours-4.0.1\bin.X86>withdll.exe /d:C:\Users\cutep\source\repos\ConsoleApplication1\Debug\dll1.dll notepad
Press any key to continue . . .
withdll.exe: Starting: `notepad'
withdll.exe: with `C:\Users\cutep\source\repos\ConsoleApplication1\Debug\dll1.dll'
Resume Thread...
Press any key to continue . . .


'notepad.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\syswow64\notepad.exe'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'notepad.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\cutep\source\repos\ConsoleApplication1\Debug\Dll1.dll'. Symbols loaded.
processing line: dll=kernel32.dll fun=OpenFile
processing line: dll=user32.dll fun=MessageBoxA
processing line: dll=user32.dll fun=MessageBoxW
processing line: dll=user32.dll fun=OffsetRect
processing line: dll=kernel32.dll fun=WaitForSingleObject
processing line: dll=kernel32.dll fun=CloseHandle
processing line: >>dll=kernel32.dll fun=WaitForSingleObject >>dll=kernel32.dll fun=CloseHandle .....
>>dll=user32.dll fun=OffsetRect >>dll=user32.dll fun=OffsetRect
... >>dll=kernel32.dll fun=CloseHandle Exception thrown at 0x0FF81BCC (ucrtbased.dll) in notepad.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFEEEFEEE. The program '[0x1DE0] notepad.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).




// dllmain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <detours.h>
#include "../Injector.h" Injector gInj;
static int (WINAPI * TrueEntryPoint)(VOID) = NULL;
static int (WINAPI * RawEntryPoint)(VOID) = NULL; static void DebugStr(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list l;
va_start(l, fmt); char s[100];
vsnprintf(s, 100, fmt, l);
} int WINAPI TimedEntryPoint(VOID)
FILE *fp = fopen("input.txt", "r");
if (!fp)
DebugStr("Open file fails");
return -1;
} char s[300];
while (fgets(s, 300, fp))
DebugStr("processing line: %s", s); char dll[100];
char fun[100];
if (2 != sscanf(s, "dll=%s fun=%s", dll, fun))
DebugStr("Error scanf from line: %s", s);
PVOID pFun = DetourFindFunction(dll, fun);
if (!pFun)
DebugStr("Error DetourFindFunction from line: %s %s", dll, fun);
} gInj.Inject(pFun, s);
} return TrueEntryPoint();
} BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID reserved)
LONG error;
(void)reserved; if (DetourIsHelperProcess()) {
return TRUE;
} if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
DetourRestoreAfterWith(); // NB: DllMain can't call LoadLibrary, so we hook the app entry point.
TrueEntryPoint = (int (WINAPI *)(VOID))DetourGetEntryPoint(NULL);
RawEntryPoint = TrueEntryPoint; DetourTransactionBegin();
DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)TrueEntryPoint, TimedEntryPoint);
error = DetourTransactionCommit(); if (error == NO_ERROR) {
printf("dslept" DETOURS_STRINGIFY(DETOURS_BITS) ".dll: "
" Detoured EntryPoint().\n");
else {
printf("dslept" DETOURS_STRINGIFY(DETOURS_BITS) ".dll: "
" Error detouring EntryPoint(): %d\n", error);
else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { }
return TRUE;
// injector.cpp

#include <Windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <detours.h>
#include "Injector.h" void GenCode(char *&p, int n, const char *data)
//std::copy(data, data + n, p);
memcpy(p, data, n);
p += n;
} void GenAddEsp4(char *&p)
char data[3] = { 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04 };
GenCode(p, 3, data);
} void GenPushPtr(char *&p, void const *pData)
char *pcoffset = (char *)&pData;
char data[5] = { 0x68, pcoffset[0], pcoffset[1], pcoffset[2], pcoffset[3] };
GenCode(p, 5, data);
} void GenCall(char *&p, void const *pFn)
DWORD offset = (DWORD)pFn - ((DWORD)p + 5);
char *pcoffset = (char *)&offset;
char data[5] = { 0xe8, pcoffset[0], pcoffset[1], pcoffset[2], pcoffset[3] };
GenCode(p, 5, data);
} void GenJump(char *&p, void const *pFn)
DWORD offset = (DWORD)pFn - ((DWORD)p + 5);
char *pcoffset = (char *)&offset;
char data[5] = { 0xe9, pcoffset[0], pcoffset[1], pcoffset[2], pcoffset[3] };
GenCode(p, 5, data);
} class InjectorImpl
struct Code {
char* adr;
char* codeOfJump;
Code() :adr(0), codeOfJump(0)
}; struct Item {
std::string desc;
void const *fOriginal;
void *fTramper; // the original function is changed to tramper after inject
Code code;
char *codeOfJump; // ptr pointer to jump. It shoulod be updated after Submit Item():fOriginal(0), fTramper(0), codeOfJump(0)
}; std::vector<Item> mvItems; static void MyInstrument(Item *item)
char s[100];
_snprintf_s(s, 100, ">>%s\n", item->desc.c_str());
} static Code GenInjectCodePart1(Item const *item)
int size = 100;
char *adr = (char*)VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); Code code;
code.adr = adr;
// write code to the region
char *p = adr; // Call Instrument("hello")
GenPushPtr(p, item);
GenCall(p, MyInstrument);
GenAddEsp4(p); // call test()
//GenCall(p, Test); // Jump to Add()
code.codeOfJump = p; return code;
} static void GenInjectCodePart2(Item const *item)
int size = 100;
assert(item->fTramper != item->fOriginal); char *p = item->code.codeOfJump;
GenJump(p, item->fTramper); // Set as executable
DWORD oldProtection;
BOOL ok = VirtualProtect(item->code.adr, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &oldProtection);
assert(ok); FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), item->code.adr, size);
void FreeInjectCode(char* adr)
VirtualFree(adr, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
{} void Inject(void const *f, char const *desc)
assert(mvItems.size() < mvItems.capacity()); mvItems.push_back(Item());
Item &item = mvItems.back();
item.fOriginal = item.fTramper = (void*)f;
item.desc = desc; Code code = GenInjectCodePart1(&item);
item.code = code; DetourTransactionBegin();
DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)item.fTramper, item.code.adr);
DetourTransactionCommit(); GenInjectCodePart2(&item);
} //void Test()
// Item item;
// item.fOriginal = item.fTramper = (void*)Add;
// item.desc = "desc";
// Code code = GenInjectCodePart1(&item);
// item.code = code;
// GenInjectCodePart2(&item); // int(*pAdd)(int a, int b) = (int(*)(int a, int b))item.code.adr;
// assert(pAdd(1, 2) == 3);
private: }; // Injector
///////////////////// Injector::Injector():impl(new InjectorImpl)
Injector::~Injector(){} void Injector::Inject(void const *f, char const *desc)
impl->Inject(f, desc);


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