.NET Core中如何对Url进行编码和解码
我们在.NET Core项目中,可以用WebUtility类对Url进行编码和解码,首先我们要确保项目中引入了nuget包:System.Runtime.Extensions
当然这个nuget包默认就是包含在.NET Core的核心库中的,所以正常情况下不用单独去引入。
- using System.IO;
- namespace System.Net
- {
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Provides methods for encoding and decoding URLs when processing Web requests.
- public static class WebUtility
- {
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a string that has been HTML-encoded for HTTP transmission into a decoded
- // string.
- //
- // 参数:
- // value:
- // The string to decode.
- //
- // 返回结果:
- // A decoded string.
- public static string HtmlDecode(string value);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a string that has been HTML-encoded into a decoded string, and sends
- // the decoded string to a System.IO.TextWriter output stream.
- //
- // 参数:
- // value:
- // The string to decode.
- //
- // output:
- // A System.IO.TextWriter stream of output.
- //
- // 异常:
- // T:System.ArgumentNullException:
- // The output parameter cannot be null if the value parameter is not null.
- public static void HtmlDecode(string value, TextWriter output);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a string to an HTML-encoded string.
- //
- // 参数:
- // value:
- // The string to encode.
- //
- // 返回结果:
- // An encoded string.
- public static string HtmlEncode(string value);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a string into an HTML-encoded string, and returns the output as a System.IO.TextWriter
- // stream of output.
- //
- // 参数:
- // value:
- // The string to encode.
- //
- // output:
- // A System.IO.TextWriter output stream.
- //
- // 异常:
- // T:System.ArgumentNullException:
- // The output parameter cannot be null if the value parameter is not null.
- public static void HtmlEncode(string value, TextWriter output);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a string that has been encoded for transmission in a URL into a decoded
- // string.
- //
- // 参数:
- // encodedValue:
- // A URL-encoded string to decode.
- //
- // 返回结果:
- // Returns System.String. A decoded string.
- public static string UrlDecode(string encodedValue);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts an encoded byte array that has been encoded for transmission in a URL
- // into a decoded byte array.
- //
- // 参数:
- // encodedValue:
- // A URL-encoded System.Byte array to decode.
- //
- // offset:
- // The offset, in bytes, from the start of the System.Byte array to decode.
- //
- // count:
- // The count, in bytes, to decode from the System.Byte array.
- //
- // 返回结果:
- // Returns System.Byte. A decoded System.Byte array.
- public static byte[] UrlDecodeToBytes(byte[] encodedValue, int offset, int count);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a text string into a URL-encoded string.
- //
- // 参数:
- // value:
- // The text to URL-encode.
- //
- // 返回结果:
- // Returns System.String. A URL-encoded string.
- public static string UrlEncode(string value);
- //
- // 摘要:
- // Converts a byte array into a URL-encoded byte array.
- //
- // 参数:
- // value:
- // The System.Byte array to URL-encode.
- //
- // offset:
- // The offset, in bytes, from the start of the System.Byte array to encode.
- //
- // count:
- // The count, in bytes, to encode from the System.Byte array.
- //
- // 返回结果:
- // Returns System.Byte. An encoded System.Byte array.
- public static byte[] UrlEncodeToBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int count);
- }
- }
现在我们新建一个.NET Core控制台项目,来演示WebUtility类的简单用法,代码如下:
- using System;
- using System.Net;
- namespace WebUtilDemo
- {
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- string rawUri = "http://localhost:8989/home/index";
- Console.WriteLine($"原始Uri地址是:{rawUri}");
- string encodedUri = WebUtility.UrlEncode(rawUri);
- Console.WriteLine($"编码后Uri地址是:{encodedUri}");//http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8989%2Fhome%2Findex
- string decodedUri = WebUtility.UrlDecode(encodedUri);
- Console.WriteLine($"解码后Uri地址是:{decodedUri}");//http://localhost:8989/home/index
- Console.WriteLine("按任意键退出...");
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
- }
所以我们看到在.NET Core中使用WebUtility类,可以很方便地对Url进行编码和解码。
目前.NET Core中WebUtility.UrlEncode方法会将空格" "转换为加号"+",然而空格" "的Url编码应该是"%20",不知道这是不是目前.NET Core的一个Bug,因为这个问题实际上在WebUtility.UrlEncode和HttpUtility.UrlEncode两个方法中都存在。
但是也有说法,在Url编码中空格" ",既可以用加号"+"表示,也可以用"%20"表示,所以这也不一定是个Bug。
如果要将空格" "编码为"%20",可以使用Uri.EscapeDataString方法:
- using System;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Web;
- namespace WebUtilDemo
- {
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- string rawUri = "http://ABC EFG";
- Console.WriteLine($"原始Uri地址是:{rawUri}");
- string encodedUri1 = WebUtility.UrlEncode(rawUri);
- string encodedUri2 = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(rawUri);
- Console.WriteLine($"encodedUri1 是 {encodedUri1}");//http%3A%2F%2FABC+EFG
- Console.WriteLine($"encodedUri2 是 {encodedUri2}");//http%3a%2f%2fABC+EFG
- string decodedUri1 = WebUtility.UrlDecode(encodedUri1);
- string decodedUri2 = WebUtility.UrlDecode(encodedUri2);
- Console.WriteLine($"decodedUri1 是 {decodedUri1}");//http://ABC EFG
- Console.WriteLine($"decodedUri2 是 {decodedUri2}");//http://ABC EFG
- string encodedUri3 = Uri.EscapeDataString(rawUri);
- Console.WriteLine($"encodedUri3 是 {encodedUri3}");//http%3A%2F%2FABC%20EFG
- string decodedUri3 = WebUtility.UrlDecode(encodedUri3);
- Console.WriteLine($"decodedUri3 是 {decodedUri3}");//http://ABC EFG
- Console.WriteLine("按任意键退出...");
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
- }
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