
struct device {




  struct device *parent;

  struct device_private *p;

  struct kobject kobj;
  const char *init_name; /* initial name of the device */
  const struct device_type *type;

  struct mutex mutex; /* mutex to synchronize calls to  its driver.*/

  struct bus_type *bus; /* type of bus device is on */
  struct device_driver *driver; /* which driver has allocated this device */
  void *platform_data; /* Platform specific data, device core doesn't touch it */
   struct dev_pm_info power;
  struct dev_pm_domain *pm_domain;

  int numa_node; /* NUMA node this device is close to */
  u64 *dma_mask; /* dma mask (if dma'able device) */
  u64 coherent_dma_mask;/* Like dma_mask, but for alloc_coherent mappings as not all hardware supports
64 bit addresses for consistent  allocations such descriptors. */

  struct device_dma_parameters *dma_parms;

  struct list_head dma_pools; /* dma pools (if dma'ble) */

  struct dma_coherent_mem *dma_mem; /* internal for coherent mem override */
/* arch specific additions */
  struct dev_archdata archdata;

  struct device_node *of_node; /* associated device tree node */

  dev_t devt; /* dev_t, creates the sysfs "dev" */
  u32 id; /* device instance */

  spinlock_t devres_lock;
  struct list_head devres_head;

  struct klist_node knode_class;
  struct class *class;
  const struct attribute_group **groups; /* optional groups */

  void (*release)(struct device *dev);

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