为什么地址空间分配粒度为64K?Why is address space allocation granularity 64K?
你有Alpha AXP处理器,感谢你。
在Alpha AXP上,没有“加载32位整数”指令。要加载32位
Alpha AXP实际上将两个带符号的 16位整数组合在一起形成一个32位
将使用LDA指令添加签名值-0x5433。(因为0x5433 = 0x10000
- 0xABCD。)结果是所需的值0x1234ABCD。
- LDAH t1,0x1235(零)// t1 = 0x12350000
- LDA t1,-0x5433(t1)// t1 = t1 - 0x5433 = 0x1234ABCD
和“上半部分” 之间移动,则必须进行额外的修复以确保
计算值0x7FFFABCD 的方法:由于低16位在
- LDAH t1,0x8000(零)// t1 = 0x80000000,对吗?
- LDA t1,-0x5433(t1)// t1 = t1 - 0x5433 = 0x7FFFABCD,对吗?
除了这不起作用。Alpha AXP是一个64位处理器,0x8000不
- LDAH t1,-0x8000(零)// t1 = 0xFFFFFFFF`80000000
- LDA t1,-0x5433(t1)// t1 = t1 - 0x5433 = 0xFFFFFFFF`7FFFABCD
- ADDL t1,零,t1 // t1 = t1 + 0,带L后缀
- // L后缀表示符号扩展结果从32位到64位
- // t1 = 0x00000000`7FFFABCD
You may have wondered why VirtualAlloc allocates memory at 64K boundaries even though
page granularity is 4K.
You have the Alpha AXP processor to thank for that.
On the Alpha AXP, there is no “load 32-bit integer” instruction. To load a 32-bit
integer, you actually load two 16-bit integers and combine them.
So if allocation granularity were finer than 64K, a DLL that got relocated in memory
would require two fixups per relocatable address: one to the upper 16 bits and one
to the lower 16 bits. And things get worse if this changes a carry or borrow between
the two halves. (For example, moving an address 4K from 0x1234F000 to 0x12350000,
this forces both the low and high parts of the address to change. Even though the
amount of motion was far less than 64K, it still had an impact on the high part due
to the carry.)
But wait, there’s more.
The Alpha AXP actually combines two signed 16-bit integers to form a 32-bit
integer. For example, to load the value 0x1234ABCD, you would first use the LDAH instruction
to load the value 0x1235 into the high word of the destination register. Then you
would use the LDA instruction to add the signed value -0x5433. (Since 0x5433 = 0x10000
– 0xABCD.) The result is then the desired value of 0x1234ABCD.
- LDAH t1, 0x1235(zero) // t1 = 0x12350000
- LDA t1, -0x5433(t1) // t1 = t1 - 0x5433 = 0x1234ABCD
So if a relocation caused an address to move between the “lower half” of a 64K block
and the “upper half”, additional fixing-up would have to be done to ensure that the
arithmetic for the top half of the address was adjusted properly. Since compilers
like to reorder instructions, that LDAH instruction could be far, far away, so the
relocation record for the bottom half would have to have some way of finding the matching
top half.
What’s more, the compiler is clever and if it needs to compute addresses for two variables
that are in the same 64K region, it shares the LDAH instruction between them. If it
were possible to relocate by a value that wasn’t a multiple of 64K, then the compiler
would no longer be able to do this optimization since it’s possible that after the
relocation, the two variables no longer belonged to the same 64K block.
Forcing memory allocations at 64K granularity solves all these problems.
If you have been paying really close attention, you’d have seen that this also explains
why there is a 64K “no man’s land” near the 2GB boundary. Consider the method for
computing the value 0x7FFFABCD: Since the lower 16 bits are in the upper half of the
64K range, the value needs to be computed by subtraction rather than addition. The
naïve solution would be to use
- LDAH t1, 0x8000(zero) // t1 = 0x80000000, right?
- LDA t1, -0x5433(t1) // t1 = t1 - 0x5433 = 0x7FFFABCD, right?
Except that this doesn’t work. The Alpha AXP is a 64-bit processor, and 0x8000 does
not fit in a 16-bit signed integer, so you have to use -0x8000, a negative number.
What actually happens is
- LDAH t1, -0x8000(zero) // t1 = 0xFFFFFFFF`80000000
- LDA t1, -0x5433(t1) // t1 = t1 - 0x5433 = 0xFFFFFFFF`7FFFABCD
You need to add a third instruction to clear the high 32 bits. The clever trick for
this is to add zero and tell the processor to treat the result as a 32-bit integer
and sign-extend it to 64 bits.
- ADDL t1, zero, t1 // t1 = t1 + 0, with L suffix
- // L suffix means sign extend result from 32 bits to 64
- // t1 = 0x00000000`7FFFABCD
If addresses within 64K of the 2GB boundary were permitted, then every memory address
computation would have to insert that third ADDL instruction just in case the address
got relocated to the “danger zone” near the 2GB boundary.
This was an awfully high price to pay to get access to that last 64K of address space
(a 50% performance penalty for all address computations to protect against a case
that in practice would never happen), so roping off that area as permanently invalid
was a more prudent choice.
为什么地址空间分配粒度为64K?Why is address space allocation granularity 64K?的更多相关文章
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