


Full Handshake

Initially, client and server "agree upon" null encryption with no MAC and null compression. This means that the record they will first send will be sent as cleartext and unprotected.

First message of a handshake is a ClientHello. It is the message by which the client states its intention to do some SSL. Note that "client" is a symbolic role; it means "the party which speaks first". It so happens that in the HTTPS context, which is HTTP-within-SSL-within-TCP, all three layers have a notion of "client" and "server", and they all agree (the TCP client is also the SSL client and the HTTP client), but that's kind of a coincidence.

The ClientHello message contains:

  • the maximum protocol version that the client wishes to support;
  • the "client random" (32 bytes, out of which 28 are suppose to be generated with a cryptographically strong number generator);
  • the "session ID" (in case the client wants to resume a session in an abbreviated handshake, see below);
  • the list of "cipher suites" that the client knows of, ordered by client preference;
  • the list of compression algorithms that the client knows of, ordered by client preference;
  • some optional extensions.

cipher suite is a 16-bit symbolic identifier for a set of cryptographic algorithms. For instance, the TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher suite has value 0x002F, and means "records use HMAC/SHA-1 and AES encryption with a 128-bit key, and the key exchange is done by encrypting a random key with the server's RSA public key".

The server responds to the ClientHello with a ServerHello which contains:

  • the protocol version that the client and server will use;
  • the "server random" (32 bytes, with 28 random bytes);
  • the session ID for this connection;
  • the cipher suite that will be used;
  • the compression algorithm that will be used;
  • optionally, some extensions.

The full handshake looks like this:

  Client                                               Server

  ClientHello                  -------->
<-------- ServerHelloDone
Finished -------->
<-------- Finished
Application Data <-------> Application Data

(This schema has been shamelessly copied from the RFC.)

We see the ClientHello and ServerHello. Then, the server sends a few other messages, which depend on the cipher suite and some other parameters:

  • Certificate: the server's certificate, which contains its public key. More on that below. This message is almost always sent, except if the cipher suite mandates a handshake without a certificate.
  • ServerKeyExchange: some extra values for the key exchange, if what is in the certificate is not sufficient. In particular, the "DHE" cipher suites use an ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange, which requires that message.
  • CertificateRequest: a message requesting that the client also identifies itself with a certificate of its own. This message contains the list of names of trust anchors (aka "root certificates") that the server will use to validate the client certificate.
  • ServerHelloDone: a marker message (of length zero) which says that the server is finished, and the client should now talk.

The client must then respond with:

  • Certificate: the client certificate, if the server requested one. There are subtle variations between versions (with SSLv3, the client must omit this message if it does not have a certificate; with TLS 1.0+, in the same situation, it must send a Certificate message with an empty list of certificates).
  • ClientKeyExchange: the client part of the actual key exchange (e.g. some random value encrypted with the server RSA key).
  • CertificateVerify: a digital signature computed by the client over all previous handshake messages. This message is sent when the server requested a client certificate, and the client complied. This is how the client proves to the server that it really "owns" the public key which is encoded in the certificate it sent.

Then the client sends a ChangeCipherSpec message, which is not a handshake message: it has its own record type, so it will be sent in a record of its own. Its contents are purely symbolic (a single byte of value 1). This message marks the point at which the client switches to the newly negotiated cipher suite and keys. The subsequent records from the client will then be encrypted.

The Finished message is a cryptographic checksum computed over all previous handshake messages (from both the client and server). Since it is emitted after the ChangeCipherSpec, it is also covered by the integrity check and the encryption. When the server receives that message and verifies its contents, it obtains a proof that it has indeed talked to the same client all along. This message protects the handshake from alterations (the attacker cannot modify the handshake messages and still get the Finished message right).

The server finally responds with its own ChangeCipherSpec then Finished. At that point, the handshake is finished, and the client and server may exchange application data (in encrypted records tagged as such).

To remember: the client suggests but the server chooses. The cipher suite is in the hands of the server. Courteous servers are supposed to follow the preferences of the client (if possible), but they can do otherwise and some actually do (e.g. as part of protection against BEAST).

Abbreviated Handshake

In the full handshake, the server sends a "session ID" (i.e. a bunch of up to 32 bytes) to the client. Later on, the client can come back and send the same session ID as part of his ClientHello. This means that the client still remembers the cipher suite and keys from the previous handshake and would like to reuse these parameters. If the server also remembers the cipher suite and keys, then it copies that specific session ID in its ServerHello, and then follows the abbreviated handshake:

  Client                                                Server

  ClientHello                   -------->
<-------- Finished
Finished -------->
Application Data <-------> Application Data

The abbreviated handshake is shorter: less messages, no asymmetric cryptography business, and, most importantly, reduced latency. Web browsers and servers do that a lot. A typical Web browser will open a SSL connection with a full handshake, then do abbreviated handshakes for all other connections to the same server: the other connections it opens in parallel, and also the subsequent connections to the same server. Indeed, typical Web servers will close connections after 15 seconds of inactivity, but they will remember sessions (the cipher suite and keys) for a lot longer (possibly for hours or even days).

Key Exchange

There are several key exchange algorithms which SSL can use. This is specified by the cipher suite; each key exchange algorithm works with some kinds of server public key. The most common key exchange algorithms are:

  • RSA: the server's key is of type RSA. The client generates a random value (the "pre-master secret" of 48 bytes, out of which 46 are random) and encrypts it with the server's public key. There is no ServerKeyExchange.
  • DHE_RSA: the server's key is of type RSA, but used only for signature. The actual key exchange uses Diffie-Hellman. The server sends a ServerKeyExchange message containing the DH parameters (modulus, generator) and a newly-generated DH public key; moreover, the server signs this message. The client will respond with a ClientKeyExchange message which also contains a newly-generated DH public key. The DH yields the "pre-master secret".
  • DHE_DSS: like DHE_RSA, but the server has a DSS key ("DSS" is also known as "DSA"). DSS is a signature-only algorithm.

Less commonly used key exchange algorithms include:

  • DH: the server's key is of type Diffie-Hellman (we are talking of a certificate which contains a DH key). This used to be "popular" in an administrative way (US federal government mandated its use) when the RSA patent was still active (this was during the previous century). Despite the bureaucratic push, it was never as widely deployed as RSA.
  • DH_anon: like the DHE suites, but without the signature from the server. This is a certificate-less cipher suite. By construction, it is vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle attacks, thus very rarely enabled at all.
  • PSKpre-shared key cipher suites. The symmetric-only key exchange, building on a pre-established shared secret.
  • SRP: application of the SRP protocol which is a Password Authenticated Key Exchangeprotocol. Client and server authenticate each other with regards to a shared secret, which can be a low-entropy password (whereas PSK requires a high-entropy shared secret). Very nifty. Not widely supported yet.
  • An ephemeral RSA key: like DHE but with a newly-generated RSA key pair. Since generating RSA keys is expensive, this is not a popular option, and was specified only as part of "export" cipher suites which complied to the pre-2000 US export regulations on cryptography (i.e. RSA keys of at most 512 bits). Nobody does that nowadays.
  • Variants of the DH* algorithms with elliptic curves. Very fashionable. Should become common in the future.

Certificates and Authentication

Digital certificates are vessels for asymmetric keys. They are intended to solve key distribution. Namely, the client wants to use the server's public key. The attacker will try to make the client use the attacker's public key. So the client must have a way to make sure that it is using the right key.

SSL is supposed to use X.509. This is a standard for certificates. Each certificate is signed by a Certification Authority. The idea is that the client inherently knows the public keys of a handful of CA (these are the "trust anchors" or "root certificates"). With these keys, the client can verify the signature computed by a CA over a certificate which has been issued to the server. This process can be extended recursively: a CA can issue a certificate for another CA (i.e. sign the certificate structure which contains the other CA name and key). A chain of certificates beginning with a root CA and ending with the server's certificate, with intermediate CA certificates in between, each certificate being signed relatively to the public key which is encoded in the previous certificate, is called, unimaginatively, a certificate chain.

So the client is supposed to do the following:

  • Get a certificate chain ending with the server's certificate. The Certificate message from the server is supposed to contain, precisely, such a chain.
  • Validate the chain, i.e. verifying all the signatures and names and the various X.509 bits. Also, the client should check revocation status of all the certificates in the chain, which is complex and heavy (Web browsers now do it, more or less, but it is a recent development).
  • Verify that the intended server name is indeed written in the server's certificate. Because the client does not only want to use a validated public key, it also wants to use the public key of a specific server. See RFC 2818 for details on how this is done in a HTTPS context.

The certification model with X.509 certificates has often been criticized, not really on technical grounds, but rather for politico-economic reasons. It concentrates validation power into the hands of a few players, who are not necessarily well-intentioned, or at least not always competent. Now and again, proposals for other systems are published (e.g. Convergence or DNSSEC) but none has gained wide acceptance (yet).

For certificate-based client authentication, it is entirely up to the server to decide what to do with a client certificate (and also what to do with a client who declined to send a certificate). In the Windows/IIS/Active Directory world, a client certificate should contain an account name as a "User Principal Name" (encoded in a Subject Alt Name extension of the certificate); the server looks it up in its Active Directory server.


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