Subject: Archive log restore using RMAN for Logminer
Author: Edwin Weele van der, Netherlands
Date: Nov 29, 2006, 2407 days ago
Os info: Windows 2003
Oracle info:
Message: Hi,

I restored a backup of the production database on another system and did a point-in-time recovery using resetlogs. This was needed to recover data from 1 project in 1700 tables that was accidentilly deleted. 
I am using RMAN for the database backup. 
I am using Logminer to determine what actually happened (who did it?, which session?, at what time?) however I want to restore the archives containing the information after the resetlogs command. There are 2 archives that contain this information: 10624 + 10625:

This are the actions I did:

RMAN> list backup of archivelog all;

BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time 
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- 
83 1G DISK 00:01:06 22-11-06 
BP Key: 274 Status: AVAILABLE Tag: TAG20061122T200438 

List of Archived Logs in backup set 83 
Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time 
---- ------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- 
1 10615 341940365 21-11-06 341964759 21-11-06 
1 10616 341964759 21-11-06 341991938 22-11-06 
1 10617 341991938 22-11-06 342005213 22-11-06 
1 10618 342005213 22-11-06 342008728 22-11-06 
1 10619 342008728 22-11-06 342026611 22-11-06 
1 10620 342026611 22-11-06 342035113 22-11-06 
1 10621 342035113 22-11-06 342042869 22-11-06 
1 10622 342042869 22-11-06 342052098 22-11-06 
1 10623 342052098 22-11-06 342077875 22-11-06 
1 10624 342077875 22-11-06 342100900 22-11-06 
1 10625 342100900 22-11-06 342113047 22-11-06

RMAN> restore archivelog from logseq=10624 until logseq=10625 thread=1;

Starting restore at 29-11-06

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 
channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=18 devtype=DISK 
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== 
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== 
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== 
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 11/29/2006 09:11:46 
RMAN-20242: specification does not match any archive log in the recovery catalog

Is there a way so I can restore the archives on this system?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards.

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Subject: Re: Archive log restore using RMAN for Logminer
Author: LKBrwn DBA>, United States
Date: Nov 29, 2006, 2406 days ago
Message: a) You may need to restore these archive logs to the production server.

-- or try:

b) Restore the logs on the other system BEFORE you restore the database:

1) Restore controlfile. 
2) Restore archive logs. 
3) restore database.

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Subject: Re: Archive log restore using RMAN for Logminer
Author: Edwin Weele van der, Netherlands
Date: Nov 30, 2006, 2406 days ago
Message: Hi,

I got an answer from Oracle. 
This is the method that was supplied by Oracle:

Run the following pl/sql procedure:

v_dev varchar2(50); 
v_done boolean:=false; 
type t_fileTable is table of varchar2(255) index by binary_integer; 
v_fileTable t_fileTable; 
v_maxPieces number:=1; 
FOR i IN 1..v_maxPieces LOOP 
IF v_done THEN 
GOTO all_done; 

The following values have to be adjusted to restore your archives:

v_fileTable(1):='E:\BACKUP\CAPE\CAPE_DLYBCK_2JI32DMM_1_1'; (name of backupset) 
sys.dbms_backup_restore.restoreSetArchivedLog(destination=>'E:\arch_'); (archive log location) 
sys.dbms_backup_restore.restoreArchivedLog(thread=>1,sequence=>10624); (name of archivelog) 
sys.dbms_backup_restore.restoreArchivedLog(thread=>1,sequence=>10625); (name of archivelog)

Kind regards

Edwin van der Weele

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