

类似UVa 297, 模拟四分树四分的过程, 就是记录一个左上角, 记录宽度wideth, 然后每次w/2这样递归下去。 注意全黑是输出0, 不是输出1234。

 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// 1 2
// 3 4
const int base5[] = {,,,,,,,};
int n;
string G[];
vector<int> code;
int dfs(int r, int c, int w,int num,int dep){
int lt[][] = {{},{r,c},{r,c+w/},{r+w/,c},{r+w/, c+w/}}; for(int i = ; i <= ; i++){
int all_black = , have_black = ; for(int j = lt[i][]; j < lt[i][] + w/; j++){
for(int k = lt[i][]; k < lt[i][] + w/; k++){
if(G[j][k] == ''){
all_black = ;
else {
have_black = ;
if(all_black == ){ if(w == ){//宽度为2四分,只有一个格子, 只能为白
dfs(lt[i][], lt[i][], w/, num + base5[dep]*i, dep + );
code.push_back(num + base5[dep] * i);
void print(int r, int c, int w, int dep,int decode, int dec){
int lt[][] = {{},{r,c},{r,c+w/},{r+w/,c},{r+w/, c+w/}};
if(decode == ){
for(int i = r; i < r + w; i++){
for(int j = c; j < c + w; j++ ){
G[i][j] = '';
} dec = decode % ;
decode /= ; for(int i = ; i <= ; i++){
if(dec == i){
print(lt[i][], lt[i][], w/ , dep + ,decode, dec);
else continue;
int main(){
int kase = ;
while(cin >> n && n){ if(kase > ) cout <<'\n';
cout << "Image "<<kase ++ << '\n'; if(n > ){
int flag = ;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++){
cin >> G[i];
for(int j = ; j < G[i].size(); j++){
if(G[i][j] == '') flag = ;
cout << "0\n";
cout << "Total number of black nodes = 1"<< "\n";
continue; } if(n == ){//特判n = 1 全白。
cout << "Total number of black nodes = 0" << "\n";
} dfs(,,n,,);
sort(code.begin(), code.end());
for(int i = ; i < code.size(); i++){
cout << code[i];
if((i + ) % == || i == code.size() - )
cout <<'\n';
else cout << ' ';
} cout << "Total number of black nodes = "<< code.size() << '\n';
} else {
n = -n;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++){
G[i] = "";
G[i]. resize(n +);//string要更改size才能下标访问
int decode;
while(cin >> decode && decode != -){
print(,,n,,decode, );
for(int i = ; i < n; i++){
for(int j = ; j < n; j++){
if(G[i][j] == ''){
cout << '*';
else cout << '.';
cout << '\n';
} return ;

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