// click the Grid icon and switch to grid page
public void changeToGrid()
// click the Add/Locate icon in the grid page/or in the controller, and then add investment
public void addInvestmentToGrid(final String fundName, final String ticker, boolean isGridMode)
public void addInvestment(final String fundName, final String ticker, final boolean isGridMode)
// wait for the investment exists in the grid or in the controller
public void waitForInvestmentExistInGrid(final String fundName, final boolean isGridMode)
// click the ColumnManagement icon to enter the ColumnManament popover
public void openColumnSetManagement()
// click the cancel button in the Column Management popover
public void closeColumnSetManagementByCancel()
// remove the Column item in the Column Management popover and then click Done button
public void deleteColumnSet(final String columnName)
// click the posth columnset through clicking the columnset input box in the grid view
public String openColumnset(final int pos)
// click the list input box, then select and click the last investment list in Grid or in Controller
public String openRandomInvestmentList(String testCaseId, boolean isGridMode)
// click the list input box, then select and click the target list in the Grid or in the Controller
public void openInvestmentList(String listName, boolean isGridMode)
// click the checkbox to select it in the save list/column dialog after modifying the list and column
public void selectedCheckBox(WebElement element , boolean checked)
// create new investment list; this method has a wait time after clicking Enter
public void createInvestmentList(final String newName, final boolean isGridMode) // click the Grid icon and switch to grid page
public void changeToGrid(){
WebElement gridIcon = reportPage.getICONGrid(); //get the grid icon
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, gridIcon);
SeleniumUtil.waitForElementVisible(driver, By.cssSelector("div#grid div#primary-header div.grid-header"),"Fail to switch to Grid."); // wait for the grid header to be visible
SeleniumUtil.waitForElementVisible(driver, By.cssSelector("div#grid div#grid-content div.grid-view"),"Fail to switch to Grid."); // wait for the grid content/view to be visible
} // click the Add/Locate icon in the grid page/or in the controller, and then add investment. This method will //also wait for the investment added/existing in the grid or in the controller
public void addInvestmentToGrid(final String fundName, final String ticker, boolean isGridMode) {
else {
addInvestment(fundName, ticker, isGridMode);
} public void addInvestment(final String fundName, final String ticker, final boolean isGridMode) {
WebElement inputEl = reportPage.getAddLocateInput();
final ReportPage page = reportPage;
Function<WebDriver, Boolean> waitFn = new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
try {
List<WebElement> nameList = page.getAddLocateResultNameList();
List<WebElement> tickerList = page.getAddLocateResultTickerList();
int size = nameList.size();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
WebElement nameEl = nameList.get(i);
WebElement tickerEl = tickerList.get(i);
String nameStr = nameEl.getText().trim();
if(ticker == null){
waitForInvestmentExistInGrid(nameStr, isGridMode);
return true;
else {
String tickerStr = tickerEl.getText().split("\\|")[0].trim();
if(nameStr.contains(fundName.trim()) && tickerStr.equals(ticker)){;
waitForInvestmentExistInGrid(nameStr, isGridMode);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
SeleniumUtil.createWait(driver).withMessage("Fail to add investment.").until(waitFn);
} // wait for the investment exists in the grid or in the controller
public void waitForInvestmentExistInGrid(final String fundName, final boolean isGridMode) {
final ReportPage page = reportPage;
Function<WebDriver, Boolean> waitFn = new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
try {
List<WebElement> list;
list = page.getInvestmentListInGridMode(); // get the investment list in the grid
else {
list = page.getInvestmentList(); // get the investment list in the controller
for(WebElement el : list){
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
SeleniumUtil.createWait(driver).withMessage(fundName + " is not in Grid.").until(waitFn);
} // click the ColumnManagement icon to enter the ColumnManament popover
public void openColumnSetManagement(){
WebElement iconColumnManagement = reportPage.getICONColumnManagement();
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, iconColumnManagement);
} // click the cancel button in the Column Management popover
public void closeColumnSetManagementByCancel(){
WebElement cancleBtn = reportPage.getCancleBtn();
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, cancleBtn);
} // remove the Column item in the Column Management popover and then click Done button
public void deleteColumnSet(final String columnName) {
openColumnSetManagement(); // enter into ColumnManament popover
List<WebElement> itemList = reportPage.getColumnManagementItemList();
for(WebElement el : itemList){
WebElement nameEl = el.findElement(By.cssSelector(""));
Function<WebDriver, Boolean> waitFn = new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
List<String> list = getColumnNamesFromColumnset();
return !list.contains(columnName);
catch(Exception e){
return false;
SeleniumUtil.createWait(driver).withMessage("can't delete column:" + columnName).until(waitFn);
} // click the posth columnset through clicking the columnset input box in the grid view
public String openColumnset(final int pos) {
WebElement columnsetEl = reportPage.getTXTColumnset();;
Function<WebDriver, List<WebElement>> waitFn = new Function<WebDriver, List<WebElement>>() {
public List<WebElement> apply(WebDriver driver) {
try {
List<WebElement> columnsetList = reportPage.getDLGColumnsetList();
if (columnsetList.size() > pos) {
return columnsetList;
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
List<WebElement> list = SeleniumUtil.createWait(driver).until(waitFn);
String columnsetName = list.get(pos).getText();
return columnsetName;
} // click the list input box, then select and click the last investment list in Grid or in Controller
public String openRandomInvestmentList(String testCaseId, boolean isGridMode) {"start:openRandomInvestmentList"); WebElement nameInputEl;
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameDisplayInGridMode();
else {
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameDisplay();
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, nameInputEl); List<WebElement> list = SeleniumUtil.waitForAllElementsVisible(driver, By.cssSelector("div.popover-list div.entity-row"));
WebElement targetEl = list.get(list.size() -1); //select the last investment list
SeleniumUtil.scrollIntoView(driver, targetEl);
String curListName = targetEl.getAttribute("name");
SeleniumUtil.scrollIntoView(driver, targetEl);
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, targetEl);
return curListName;
} // click the list input box, then select and click the target list in the Grid or in the Controller,
// you should pass the list name as the target
public void openInvestmentList(String listName, boolean isGridMode){
WebElement nameInputEl;
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameInputInGridMode();
else {
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameInput();
} SeleniumUtil.sleep(3);
if(!SeleniumUtil.isElementVisible(driver, By.cssSelector("div[name='" + listName + "']"))){
JavascriptExecutor js = ((JavascriptExecutor) driver);
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, nameInputEl);
WebElement targetEl = SeleniumUtil.waitForElementVisible(driver, By.cssSelector("div[name='" + listName + "']"));;
} // click the checkbox to select it in the save list/column dialog after modifying the list and column
public void selectedCheckBox(WebElement element , boolean checked){
String classValue = element.getAttribute("class");
if(classValue.contains("selected") && checked){
} // create new investment list; this method has a wait time after clicking Enter
public void createInvestmentList(final String newName, final boolean isGridMode) {
WebElement saveEl = reportPage.getBTNSave();
SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, saveEl);
WebElement nameInputEl;
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameInputInGridMode();
else {
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameInput();
} nameInputEl.clear();
nameInputEl.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); Function<WebDriver, Boolean> waitFn = new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {
try {
WebElement nameInputEl;
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameInputInGridMode();
else {
nameInputEl = reportPage.getListNameInput();
return newName.equals(nameInputEl.getAttribute("value"));
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
// wait for the list is added successfully
SeleniumUtil.createWait(driver).withMessage("Fail to input name.").until(waitFn);
// wait for the message displayed
SeleniumUtil.waitForElementNotVisible(driver, By.cssSelector("span.message-content"));
} ------------------------------------------------
ReportPage // the input box in the top-left of the grid view
public WebElement getListNameInputInGridMode(); // the list name showing in the input box in the top-left of the grid view
public WebElement getListNameDisplayInGridMode() // the differences between getListNameInputInGridMode and getListNameDisplayInGridMode are:
// getListNameInputInGridMode().value == getListNameDisplayInGridMode()

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