Parker Gear Pump    introduction Gear pump lip seal is mainly used in reciprocating dynamic seals. Compared with extruded seals such as 0-shaped seals, reciprocating seals use lip seals for better overall performance and longer service life. The sealing performance of the sealing ring compared to the O-ring is described below:


The sealing pressure of the lip seal changes with the change of the medium pressure. It always adapts to the change of the medium pressure during the work, which can ensure sufficient sealing pressure and not produce the rod rubbing force. The extrusion type seal is mainly generated by the pre-compression force. The contact pressure of the seal ring is pre-determined, and the work cannot be changed according to the change of the medium pressure. If it is required to seal a pressure, the pre-pressure must also be large, and the large The pre-stress will make the sealing ring contact with the sealing surface; the force of the vow and the winter contact area will increase, resulting in a large frictional resistance. Excessive friction can cause damage to the seal, causing difficulty in starting or creeping at low pressure. The lip seal can compensate for the small amount of wear through the lip expansion deformation, ensuring the sealing plow to collect the thin 3 seal life; and the 0 ring directly affects the sealing performance with the reduction of the friction margin.


In addition, in the reciprocating seal, the O-ring is prone to rollover, torsion, etc., and the rolling and torsion of the lip seal is less noticeable. With 0 1Q true n, two sealing rings, this will increase the sealing length; the groove design is difficult, and trapped oil will be generated between the two sealing rings, causing back pressure damage; and the cross-sectional shape of the pre-pressing sealing ring Symmetrical, it can be used as a two-way seal, with a small volume and easy groove design.

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