How Many Sets II

Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB

Given a set S = {1, 2, ..., n}, number m and p, your job is to count how many set T satisfies the following condition:

  • T is a subset of S
  • |T| = m
  • T does not contain continuous numbers, that is to say x and x+1 can not both in T


There are multiple cases, each contains 3 integers n ( 1 <= n <= 109 ), m ( 0 <= m <= 104m <= n ) and p ( p is prime, 1 <= p <= 109 ) in one line seperated by a single space, proceed to the end of file.


Output the total number mod p.

Sample Input

5 1 11
5 2 11

Sample Output


给一个集合,一共n个元素,从中选取m个元素,满足选出的元素中没有相邻的元素,一共有多少种选法(结果对p取模1 <= p <= 10^9) 
但是求乘法逆元的已经行不通了,因为这里我们不确定他给出的p是否为素数,这样我们就只能用卢卡斯定理了卢卡斯定理不会的转:不要预处理了,因为我们这里p不知道,而且如果要处理的话就要开10^9*long long空间。代码:
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
ll t,n,m,p,ans;
ll read()
    ll x=,f=; char ch=getchar();
    ; ch=getchar();}
    +ch-'; ch=getchar();}
    return x*f;
ll qpow(ll n,ll k,ll q)
    ll res=;
        ) res=res*n%p;
        n=n*n%p; k>>=;
    }return res;
ll c(ll n,ll m,ll p)
    ll n1=,m1=;
ll lus(ll n,ll m,ll p)
    ) ;
    return c(n%p,m%p,p)*lus(n/p,m/p,p)%p;
int main()


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