hihocoder offer收割编程练习赛11 C 岛屿3
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdio>
- using namespace std;
- bool a[][];
- int n, x, y;
- int par[];
- int ran[];
- int dx[] = { , , -, };
- int dy[] = { , , , - };
- void init(int n)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- ran[i] = ;
- par[i] = i;
- }
- }
- int find(int x)
- {
- if (par[x] == x)
- return x;
- return par[x] = find(par[x]);
- }
- void unite(int x, int y)
- {
- x = find(x);
- y = find(y);
- if (x == y)
- return;
- if (ran[x] < ran[y])
- par[x] = y;
- else
- {
- par[y] = x;
- if (ran[x] == ran[y])
- ran[x]++;
- }
- }
- bool same(int x, int y)
- {
- return find(x) == find(y);
- }
- int trans(int x, int y)
- {
- return x * + y;
- }
- int main()
- {
- init();
- cin >> n;
- int now = , c = ;
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- now++;
- c += ;
- cin >> x >> y;
- a[x][y] = true;
- int tmp = trans(x, y);
- for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
- {
- int nx = x + dx[j];
- int ny = y + dy[j];
- if (nx >= && nx < && ny >= && ny < && a[nx][ny])
- {
- int t = trans(nx, ny);
- if (!same(tmp, t))
- {
- unite(tmp, t);
- now--;
- }
- c -= ;
- }
- }
- cout << now << " " << i + << " " << c << endl;
- }
- return ;
- }
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