

The run destination XXX的 iPhone is not valid for Running the scheme 'Day7通讯录Demo'.的更多相关文章

  1. 编译错误“The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme '***',解决办法

    1. iOS APP Project or  Mac APP Project编译错误提示:
“The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Ru ...

  2. 编译错误“The run destination My Mac is not valid for Running the scheme '***',解决办法

    [转载]   http://blog.csdn.net/duanyipeng/article/details/8007684   编译错误"The run destination My Ma ...

  3. The run destination "设备名称" is not valid for Running the scheme '项目名称'.

    之前运行好好的,怎么会突然出现这个呢?开始百度发现都解决不了. 最后发现,这是XCode的一个bug.遇到这种情况只要Command+Q,退去XCode,然后再重新登入即可.

  4. 小胖说事31------iOS 真机编译错误"“XXX”的 iPod" and run "XXX" again, or if "XXX" is still running

    在真机上測试时用一会就出现例如以下信息,且应用挂掉. Restore the connection to ""XXX"的 iPod" and run " ...

  5. IDEA 安装完码云插件,运行报“Cannot run program "xxx":CreateProcess error=2,系统找不到指定的文件”

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  6. Android -Cannot run program "XXX/sdk/tools/emulator": error=2, No such file or directory

    I have installed android SDK and eclipse successfully on ubuntu 14.04. However,now it's not running. ...

  7. Xcode 打开playground文件的时候提示-Unable to find execution service for selected run destination

    解决办法: step 1: 关闭Xcode (快捷键cmd + q) step 2:在terminal里面运行如下语句 rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator ...

  8. Could not locate device support files.《This iPhone 5 (Model A1429) is running iOS 7.0.4 (11B554a), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.》-b

    原因:Xcode8 不支持 iOS7 解决方法: 在“/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/De ...

  9. MapReduce处理HBase出错:XXX.jar is not a valid DFS filename

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