import Image
from ctypes import c_ubyte, cast, POINTER buf = (c_ubyte * 400)()
pbuf = cast(buf, POINTER(c_ubyte))
pbuf2 = cast(pbuf, POINTER(c_ubyte*400))
buf is an ubyte array, pbuf is a pointer to ubyte, pbuf2 is a pointer to ubyte[400]. img1 is created from buf directly, img2 is created from pubf2.contents.
一 传简单的指针:
1. 新建mathBuf.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include "subBuf.h" extern "C"
int addBuf(char* data, int num, char* outData); subBuf* subBuf_new(){ return new subBuf(); }
int subBuf_sub(subBuf* subfuf, char* data, int num, char* outData){ subfuf->cursubBuf(data, num, outData); }
} int addBuf(char* data, int num, char* outData)
for (int i = ; i < num; ++i)
outData[i] = data[i] + ;
return num;
2. 新建subBuf.h:
#include <iostream> class subBuf{
int cursubBuf(char* data, int num, char* outData)
for (int i = ; i < num; ++i)
outData[i] = data[i] - ;
return num;
3. 终端中输入如下命令,生成libmathBuf.so:
g++ -std=c++ -shared -fPIC -o libmathBuf.so mathBuf.cpp
4. 新建test.py:
from ctypes import * # cdll, c_int
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('libmathBuf.so') class callsubBuf(object):
def __init__(self):
self.obj = lib.subBuf_new() def callcursubBuf(self, data, num, outData):
lib.subBuf_sub(self.obj, data, num, outData) callAddBuf = lib.addBuf num = 4
numbytes = c_int(num) data_in = (c_byte * num)()
for i in range(num):
data_in[i] = i print("initial input data buf:")
for i in range(num):
print(data_in[i]) #pdata_in = cast(data_in, POINTER(c_ubyte))
#pdata_in2 = cast(pdata_in, POINTER(c_ubyte*num)) data_out = (c_byte * num)() ret = callAddBuf(data_in, numbytes, data_out) print("after call addBuf with C, output buf:")
for i in range(num):
print(data_out[i]) f = callsubBuf()
f.callcursubBuf(data_in, numbytes, data_out) print("after call cursubBuf with C++ class, output buf:")
for i in range(num):
5. 运行test.py,输出如下:
1) test.py如果使用c_byte,则对应C中的unsigned char。
2) 程序使用了2个文件,subBuf.h和mathBuf.cpp。实际上可以使用一个文件,但是class要在extern "C"的上面,否则即便声明了class subBuf,也会提示invalid use of incomplete type ‘class subBuf’:
3) addSub函数的实现要在extern "C"的下面,否则会提示error: conflicting declaration of XXX with ‘C’ linkage:
4) ctypes中对应的c和python类型如下(具体参见ctypes的官方文档):
ctypes type |
C type |
Python type |
c_bool |
_Bool |
bool (*) |
c_char |
char |
1-character string |
c_wchar |
wchar_t |
1-character unicode string |
c_byte |
char |
int/long |
c_ubyte |
unsigned char |
int/long |
c_short |
short |
int/long |
c_ushort |
unsigned short |
int/long |
c_int |
int |
int/long |
c_uint |
unsigned int |
int/long |
c_long |
long |
int/long |
c_ulong |
unsigned long |
int/long |
c_longlong |
__int64 or long long |
int/long |
c_ulonglong |
unsigned __int64 or unsigned long long |
int/long |
c_float |
float |
float |
c_double |
double |
float |
c_longdouble |
long double |
float |
c_char_p |
char * (NUL terminated) |
string or None |
c_wchar_p |
wchar_t * (NUL terminated) |
unicode or None |
c_void_p |
void * |
int/long or None |
*. The constructor accepts any object with a truth value.
5) 除此之外:
二 传结构体
1. 新建structPoint.cpp:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> struct structImg
int width;
int height;
int channels;
char* buf;
}; extern "C"
void showStructureInfo(structImg p);
} void showStructureInfo(structImg p)
printf("%d %d %d\n", p.width, p.height, p.channels);
for(int i=;i< p.width*p.height*p.channels; ++i)
printf("%d: %d\n", i, p.buf[i]);
2. 终端中将该文件编译成.so库:
g++ -std=c++ -shared -fPIC -o libstructPoint.so structPoint.cpp
3. 新建test.py:
from ctypes import *
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('libstructPoint.so') class structImgTest(Structure):
_fields_ =[('width', c_int),
('height', c_int),
('channels', c_int),
('buf', POINTER(c_ubyte))] def getstructImg(width, height, channels):
#cwidth = c_int(width)
#cheight = c_int(height)
#cchannels = c_int(channels)
num = width * height * channels
data_buf = (c_byte * num)()
for i in range(num):
data_buf[i] = i pbuf = cast(data_buf, POINTER(c_ubyte)) st = structImgTest(width, height, channels, pbuf)
return st width = 4
height = 3
channels = 2
st = getstructImg(width, height, channels) callTest = lib.showStructureInfo
callTest(st) print st.width
print st.height # if declaration of test is test(structImg* p), then use the following line
pst = pointer(st) # not sure if "POINTER" points to ctypes type, while "pointer" points to a variable print pst.contents.width
print pst.contents.height
4. 终端中运行test.py,结果如下:
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