c++ primer plus 习题答案(8)
class Cd{
char *performers;
char *label;
int selections;
double playtime;
Cd(char *s1, char *s2, int n, double x);
Cd(const Cd & st);
virtual ~Cd();
virtual void Report()const;
Cd & operator = (const Cd & st);
}; class Classic : public Cd
char *production;
Classic(char *s1 = "nullbody1", char *s2 = "nullbody2", char *s3 = "nullbody3", int n = , double x = );
Classic(const Classic & st);
virtual void Report()const;
virtual ~Classic();
Classic & operator=(const Classic & st);
}; //方法:
#include"classic.h" using std::cout;
using std::endl; Cd::Cd(char *s1, char *s2, int n, double x){
performers = new char[strlen(s1) + ];
strcpy(performers, s1);
label = new char[strlen(s2) + ];
strcpy(label, s2);
selections = n;
playtime = x;
} Cd::Cd(const Cd & st){
performers = new char[strlen(st.performers) + ];
strcpy(performers, st.performers);
label = new char[strlen(st.performers) + ];
strcpy(label, st.label);
selections = st.selections;
playtime = st.playtime;
} Cd::Cd(){
performers = NULL;
label = NULL;
selections = ;
playtime = ;
} void Cd::Report()const{
cout << "performers: " << performers << endl
<< "label: " << label << endl
<< "selections: " << selections << endl
<< "playtime: " << playtime << endl;
} Cd & Cd::operator = (const Cd & st){
if (this == &st)
return *this;
performers = new char[strlen(st.performers) + ];
strcpy(performers, st.performers);
label = new char[strlen(st.performers) + ];
strcpy(label, st.label);
selections = st.selections;
playtime = st.playtime;
return *this;
} Classic::Classic(char *s1, char *s2, char *s3, int n, double x): Cd(s2, s3, n, x){
production = new char[strlen(s1) + ];
strcpy(production, s1);
} Classic::Classic(const Classic & st): Cd(st){
production = new char[strlen(st.production) + ];
strcpy(production, st.production);
} Cd::~Cd(){
} Classic::~Classic(){
} void Classic::Report()const{
cout << "production: " << production << endl;
} Classic & Classic::operator=(const Classic & st){
if (this == &st)
return *this;
production = new char[strlen(st.production) + ];
strcpy(production, st.production);
return *this;
} //驱动:
using namespace std;
void Bravo(const Cd & disk); int main(){
Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", , 35.5);
Classic c2 = Classic("piano sonata in B flat", "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", , 57.17);
Cd *pcd = &c1; cout << "using object directly\n";
c2.Report(); cout << "using type cd *pointer to objects:\n";
pcd = &c2;
pcd->Report(); cout << "calling a function with a Cd reference argument:\n";
cout << "testing assignment: ";
Classic copy;
copy = c2;
copy.Report(); system("pause");
return ;
} void Bravo(const Cd & disk){
#include<iostream> #ifndef BASE_H_
#define BASE_H_
class baseABC
char *label;
int rating;
baseABC(const char *s1="null", int r = );
baseABC(const baseABC &st);
virtual ~baseABC() = ;
baseABC & operator=(const baseABC &rs);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const baseABC & rs);
}; class baseDMA : public baseABC
baseDMA(const char *s1="null", int r = );
baseDMA(const baseDMA &st);
baseDMA & operator=(const baseDMA &rs);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const baseDMA & rs);
}; class lacksDMA : public baseABC
char color[COL_LEN];
lacksDMA(const char *pt = "blank", const char *ct = "null", int r = );
lacksDMA(const char *pt, const baseABC & st);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const lacksDMA & st);
}; class hasDMA : public baseABC
char *style;
hasDMA(const char *pt = "none", const char *ct = "null", int r = );
hasDMA(const char *ct, const baseABC &st);
hasDMA(const hasDMA &st);
virtual ~hasDMA();
hasDMA & operator=(const hasDMA & st);
friend std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &os, const hasDMA &st);
}; #endif //方法:
#include"classic.h" using std::endl; baseABC::baseABC(const char *s1, int r){
label = new char[strlen(s1) + ];
strcpy(label, s1);
rating = r;
} baseABC::baseABC(const baseABC &st){
label = new char[strlen(st.label) + ];
strcpy(label, st.label);
rating = st.rating;
} baseABC::~baseABC(){
} baseABC & baseABC::operator=(const baseABC &rs){
if (this == &rs)
return *this;
label = new char[strlen(rs.label) + ];
strcpy(label, rs.label);
rating = rs.rating;
return *this;
} std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const baseABC & rs){
os << "label: " << rs.label << endl
<< "rating: " << rs.rating << endl;
return os;
} baseDMA::baseDMA(const char *s1, int r): baseABC(s1, r){
} baseDMA::baseDMA(const baseDMA &st): baseABC(st){
} baseDMA & baseDMA::operator=(const baseDMA &rs){
if (this == &rs)
return *this;
return *this;
} std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const baseDMA & rs){
os << (const baseABC &)rs;
return os;
} lacksDMA::lacksDMA(const char *pt, const char *ct, int r): baseABC(ct, r){
strncpy(color, pt, COL_LEN);
color[COL_LEN - ] = '\0';
} lacksDMA::lacksDMA(const char *pt, const baseABC & st): baseABC(st){
strncpy(color, pt, COL_LEN);
color[COL_LEN - ] = '\0';
} std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const lacksDMA & st){
os << (const baseABC &)st<<endl
<<"color: "<<st.color;
return os;
} hasDMA::hasDMA(const char *pt, const char *ct, int r): baseABC(ct, r){
style = new char[strlen(pt) + ];
strcpy(style, pt);
} hasDMA::hasDMA(const char *ct, const baseABC &st): baseABC(st){
style = new char[strlen(ct) + ];
strcpy(style, ct);
} hasDMA::hasDMA(const hasDMA &st): baseABC(st){
style = new char[strlen(st.style) + ];
strcpy(style, st.style);
} hasDMA::~hasDMA(){
} hasDMA & hasDMA::operator=(const hasDMA & st){
if (this == &st)
return *this;
style = new char[strlen(st.style) + ];
strcpy(style, st.style);
return *this;
} std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &os, const hasDMA &st){
os << (const baseABC &)st<<endl
<<"style: "<< st.style << endl;
return os;
} //驱动:
#include"classic.h" const int CLIENTS = ;
const int LEN = ; int main(){
using namespace std;
int i;
baseABC *pt[CLIENTS]; for (i = ; i < CLIENTS; i++){
char temp[LEN];
cout << "enter the label\n";
cin.get(temp, LEN).get();
int r;
cout << "enter the rating\n";
cin >> r;
while (cin.get() != '\n')
char kind;
cout << "enter 1/2/3 to choice a model to fit baseDMA/lacksDMA/hasDMA\n";
cin >> kind;
while (cin.get() != '\n')
if (kind == '')
pt[i] = new baseDMA(temp, r);
else if (kind == ''){
char ar[];
cout << "enter a color\n";
cin.get(ar, ).get();
baseDMA test1(temp, r);
pt[i] = new lacksDMA(ar, test1);
else if (kind == ''){
char ptr[];
cout << "enter a style\n";
cin.get(ptr, ).get();
pt[i] = new hasDMA(ptr, temp, r);
for (i = ; i < CLIENTS; i++)
cout << *pt[i] << endl; system("pause");
return ;
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