



  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <cmath>
  3. #include <algorithm>
  4. using namespace std;
  5. typedef long long LL;
  6. const int MAXN = ;
  8. struct node {
  9. LL n;
  10. LL m;
  11. };
  13. node ans[MAXN];
  15. bool cmp(node a, node b)
  16. {
  17. return a.n < b.n;
  18. }
  20. int main()
  21. {
  22. LL x;
  23. while (cin >> x) {
  24. int k = ;
  25. LL t = ;
  26. LL p = (LL)sqrt(x);
  27. while (true) {
  28. if (t > || t > p) break;
  29. LL a = *x - t + t*t*t;
  30. LL b = *t*(t+);
  31. if (a%b == && t<=a/b) {
  32. ans[k].n = t;
  33. ans[k++].m = a/b;
  34. }
  35. ++t;
  36. }
  37. int L = k;
  38. for (int i = k-; i >= ; --i) {
  39. if (ans[i].m == ans[i].n) continue;
  40. ans[L].n = ans[i].m;
  41. ans[L++].m = ans[i].n;
  42. }
  43. sort(ans, ans + L, cmp);
  44. cout << L << endl;
  45. for (int i = ; i < L; ++i) {
  46. cout << ans[i].n << " " << ans[i].m << endl;
  47. }
  48. }
  49. return ;
  50. }

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